Vordt’s Great Hammer is a powerful Frost weapon that can break enemy defenses, while the Great Club is a versatile Strength weapon with a wide range of play styles. ..

The Great Club is generally regarded as the better choice for most builds.

Which weapon is best for you?

Vordt’s Great Hammer Details

The Titanite Scales are an upgrade material for the Strength stat. They increase the Strength requirement by 30, and give a 320 attack rating.

The Great Hammer is the first weapon of its class that you can find in Dark Souls 3. It becomes available after defeating the third boss. ..

The Hammer is a powerful weapon at the early stages of the game. Vordt’s Great Hammer deals massive Frost and Physical damage. ..

The main obstacle to using the Vordt’s Great Hammer is its Strength requirement of 30.

While 30 is an easily attainable number for any dedicated Strength build, it’s high enough that you may struggle to wield it early on unless you neglect your other stats to boost Strength.

Warrior class: If you want to use the Hammer without completely forgoing Vigor and Endurance, you can choose the Warrior class and level your Strength up to 20. ..

With 20 Strength, you can two-hand any weapon with a Strength requirement of 30 or less, allowing you to wield the Vordt’s Great Hammer at the cost of losing your shield.

The high damage output of the Vordt’s Great Hammer makes it a powerful weapon in the early game, but it falls behind other weapons in the same class as the end-game.

The Soul Edge is a powerful weapon that was transposed from the soul of a boss. ..

Boss Soul weapons can’t be infused, which means they don’t get extra bonuses like stronger scaling, higher base damage, or elemental damage boosts. ..

Vordt’s Great Hammer is a powerful weapon that makes up for its weak Strength scaling, however it struggles to keep up against stronger enemies.

The Hammer’s lack of infusion options makes it feel very limiting in the late game, as it is only good for dealing heavy Frost damage. ..

How To Get Vordt’s Great Hammer (Quick Guide)

Great Club Details

Attack rating: 280 before scaling Strength scaling: A (with Heavy infusion) Strength requirement: 28 Upgrade material: Titanite Shards Attack rating: 280 before scaling Strength scaling: A (with Heavy infusion) Strength requirement: 28 Upgrade material: Titanite Shards

The Great Club is a powerful weapon that is easy to use. ..

The Great Hammer is a versatile weapon that can be used for a variety of purposes. Its huge size and ability to crush objects makes it an attractive option for the Hammer class.

The weapon’s attack rating is also very high, outputting well over 600 damage per swing at +10 and with a Heavy infusion.

The Great Club is a powerful weapon that doesn’t have a slow attack speed. ..

The Great Hammer is one of the fastest weapons in the game, and it can easily take down the fastest enemies and bosses.

The Great Hammer is the lightest of the Hammers, making it easy to use.

The Great Club is a powerful PvP weapon that features excellent weapon art, Warcry. ..

Warcry increases your damage by 8% for 30 seconds.

An 8% buff is incredibly powerful, and can often be the difference between life and death in tough online duels. ..

How To Get The Great Club (Quick Guide)

Which Great Hammer is Best?

If you’re looking for a powerful Frost damage-dealing weapon, Vordt’s Great Hammer is one of the best in the game. ..

If you’re not in the club, the Great Club is better than anything.

The Great Club is a versatile and fast weapon that can easily fill any role you need it to. It can easily fit in any build, regardless of equipment load or armor type.

The Great Club is the most popular club in the city.

The weapon of choice for a powerful fighter is a weapon that deals massive damage.