Wild plums are a versatile item that can be used for a variety of purposes. ..

Some wild plants may not be as valuable as other items you can forage. But they’re still worth seeking out! ..

Where To Find Wild Plums


Stardew Valley players can get their hands on wild plums by foraging in the fall. ..

Plums are a great way to find new loot in your game, so explore the map and see if you can find any. ..

Forageable goods are available almost anywhere, but they are more common in areas outside of the farm or town.

Leah’s home is a great place to find wild plums. You can also search around the train station and Linus’ tent.

You can also check around the bus stop as well, since forageables there have a 60% chance of spawning wild plums (with the other 40% chance being hazelnuts). ..

Farm Cave

Demetrius will visit your farm early in the game and offer to sell you items. ..

He offers you a deal that will benefit both himself and you.

With his help, you have the opportunity to turn the cave on your farm into either a mushroom cave, or a cave for fruit bats.

If you choose the former, you’ll find that different kinds of fruit will not appear at all.

Some fruits that are not typically in season can still be found at the grocery store. ..

This method can be a great one for obtaining all kinds of fruit across all seasons. By following this simple process, you can get plums, apples, pears, grapes, and other fruits that are typically found in late fall or winter.

Farming Wild Plums

Growing your own plums is a great way to get in touch with the natural world. You can find wild plums in the fall, winter, and spring. ..

Foraging for wild edible plants in the fall can provide you with a bounty of delicious and nutritious foods. ..

The downfall of this recipe is that you need to get wild plums in order to make it.

To get wild fall seeds, you can fill up your foraging bundle for fall, trade for the seeds with the help of the desert trader, find them in the skull cavern, or purchase them from the traveling cart. ..

Wild Plum Uses in Stardew Valley

Wild Plum Recipes

There aren’t many recipes available that use wild plums, but you can combine two wild plums with sugar and wheat flour to make plum pudding. ..

Jas loves this recipe! ..

You could either eat it yourself for the energy, or sell it for 260g. ..

Gifting Wild Plums

If you’re looking for a gift that will make someone’s day, consider picking up some wild plums. These fruit are great for giving as gifts, or just to enjoy on their own.

The main point of this article is that although wild plums aren’t on the list of “loved” items for any character, they are liked by several.

Elliott Jodi Leah Pam Sandy Demetrius Harvey Kent Linus Robin Shane is a young man who has recently moved to the city and is looking for a new place to live. He is also interested in the arts and wants to find a way to make money so he can support himself and his family.

Are Wild Plums Worth It?

Wild plums are a great addition to your foraging efforts. They may not be worth the most gold, but they’re certainly not worthless.

A kilogram of wild plums sells for 160 grams on the open market. ..

The mushrooms that are commonly found in supermarkets sell for around 80g, while blackberries sell for around 40g. However, there are often multiple berries in a single bush, so it is important to purchase only the best-quality mushrooms.

The other hand, there are some fall items that are more valuable than others. For example, hazelnuts, chanterelles, red shrooms, and purple shrooms are all worth more than other fall items.

There are a number of other fall fruits that are worth picking up if you’re looking for a bountiful harvest.