Players who have completed the Level 81 Main Scenario Quest “The Lightwardens” will be able to access the dungeon. ..

The Sin Eaters were a powerful and evil group of beings that came from the Light. They were able to use the Light to create their own world, and they used this power to oppress others. The Lightwardens are a group of people who have been fighting against the Sin Eaters for years, and they are finally successful in defeating them.

The Crystal Exarch has called upon you to help put an end to the unending war against these monsters. You will be able to use your powers to fight them and protect the people of the world.

You board the boat with a small group of others, all eager to escape the Sin Eaters’ grasp. But before you can leave, you are met with a force of Sin Eaters – led by Lightwarden Philia – waiting for you.

One way is to take a step back and think about it from a different perspective. You can ask yourself what you can do to make your life easier and make the job more enjoyable. You can also look for ways to improve your work environment, or find ways to save time.

The best way to complete this Duty is by using a Light Party, as they will be more forgiving of your mistakes. Alternatively, you can use the Trust System to help keep things organized and less frustrating. If you decide to tackle this Duty on your own, make sure you have a strong Job so that you can take on the enemies with ease!

Making Light Work Of The Lightwarden

The new dungeon, called The Great Crystal, is a bit of a departure from the typical Dungeons in an FFXIV Expansion. It’s designed for veterans and those who have delved deeply into Trials, and can be a bit unfriendly if you’re not familiar with its mechanics. ..

Hey, new player! Here’s how to take on each Boss in the game without any trouble! And your new puppy will love playing fetch with you too!

Forgiven Dissonance

The Path of Light – Moderate room-wide AOE. Heal and mitigate as needed! Pillory – A Tankbuster. Mitigate and heal, you know the drill. Brazen Bull – Four Orbs will appear in the arena, and after a delay will fire cross-shaped AOEs. These leave just a small wedge on either side of the arena safe. Thumbscrew – As Brazen Bull is resolving, the Boss will cast a line AOE towards one of the two safe spots. It’ll then dash to that edge of the arena. There’s a small space towards the corners that will always be safe, so stand there. Wooden Horse – Forgiven Dissonance will cast this wide cone AOE immediately after the dash in Thumbscrew, generally towards the center of the arena. Try to stay on its flanks to keep safe. ..

Tesleen, the Forgiven

The Tickler – Tankbuster. Scold’s Brittle – Moderate AOE damage to your Party. Fevered Flagellation – Each Player in your Party will be marked with one to four dots over their head. After a short delay, Tesleen will dash at each Player in order, doing damage to anyone in her way. Spread out in a large square to avoid overlap! Exorcise – This attack, pictured above, will require the Party to stack together inside four circular AOEs in the center of the arena. Afterwards it’ll leave behind a puddle which inflicts the “Bleed” Debuff on any Player who steps into it.

Lightwarden Philia

Scavenger’s Daughter – Moderate AOE damage to your Party. Headcrusher – Tankbuster, often following every other mechanic. Plan your personal mitigation accordingly! Chain Down – A random Party Member, other than the Tank, will be targeted with a large red marker. After a delay, the Player will become Fettered, and the rest of the Party will have to destroy the chains binding them. Aethersup – A Large cone-shaped AOE directed at the Fettered Player. Extremely high damage that inflicts stacking “Vulnerability Up” Debuffs. This’ll likely kill any Player caught in it, so hurry up. Left and Right Knout – Philia will raise one of his arms, telegraphing which side of the arena will be covered in a 180-degree Cleave. It’ll also inflict a stun and knock them directly in front of the Boss. He’ll cast this twice in succession, so go to the side where his arm is down and dodge into the other. Taphephobia – A Targeted Circular AOE on a random Player. Try to spread out to avoid clipping others. Into the Light – A Party Stack Marker in the shape of a line. Have everyone form a vertical line behind the targeted Player. Fierce Beater – Philia will center himself and then a rotating marker will appear, indicating which way he will be turning. He will swipe behind himself repeatedly with his tail while pounding the ground in front. This means you’ll need to stay on the flank opposite of the direction he is turning to avoid certain death

The Coffer is a chest that can be opened to find items that have been lost in the night. These items can be used to restore night to Lakeland, or use them to purchase new items from the merchants in the city.

With any luck, this will contain your Black Hayate Minion.

If you’re not keeping up with the grind, you’ll need to keep at it until it drops.

It is important to note that Trusts don’t roll on Loot, so it may be a good idea to choose the method that works best for you if you need the experience. However, whichever method you decide, best of luck!