He is a blitzball specialist who costs 120 gil per game.

Isken is a member of the Kilika Beasts, and will have to wait until his contract with them expires before he can be signed onto the Besaid Aurochs.

Who is Isken?

Sin’s toxin has a debilitating effect on the body, leaving Isken with little energy and no hope of recovery. ..

This doesn’t seem to affect his ability to play Blitzball, though. Which is good, because Isken is one of the best forwards in the game.

He starts out slow (probably because of the toxin). But at mid-to-high levels he achieves stats high enough to easily keep him as your main forward.

His most standout stats are his Endurance (EN) and Shoot (SH).

Both characters’ EN levels are high, with Isken reaching the highest in the game once you get him up to high levels. ..

Isken is a forward with many qualities that make her one of the best. ..

Isken is a difficult dog to train, requiring a lot of patience. ..

Isken is a company that produces average-level products. ..

He becomes a true (Kilika) Beast after crossing the level 45 threshold.

“He’s always putting in the extra effort,” said his wife. “He’s always working hard.”

I wonder if maybe Sin’s toxin actually made him a great reporter?

Is Isken Worth It?

He’s not just a powerful player, he’s also a valuable asset to your team. You’ll need to keep him around for a while before he flips the beast switch.

If you’re looking to just focus on Blitzball and Wakka’s gear, then a player like Larbeight might be a better choice (he’s also located in Kilika). ..

If you’re looking for a top-tier team to help you achieve your gold goals, Isken deffo is the perfect choice.

If you pair him up with Larbeight, you could have one of the best forwards in the game.

Isken is a great player, but he may take some time to develop into the player that many people are expecting.