When you run content with other players, they will all have their level “synced” to the content’s level.

That way, everyone can experience the content with a similar level of challenge.

Running unsynced allows you to access most of the multiplayer content in the game without having to worry about connection issues.

What’s The Point Of Unsynced Content?

syncing content between devices is possible, but it makes it possible to solo content that would be impossible to do synced.

The dungeon or trial system allows you to enter the dungeon or trial with your character at full power. You can head into earlier trials with a level 90 character if you want, and absolutely walk through most earlier content with no problems.

The point in this is that there is no point.

One way to farm bosses for things like mounts and minions is to kill the first set of Primals. This can be done by repeatedly killing the Primals in a specific area.

This is only possible because of an unsynced connection.

If you’re trying to do something legitimately, it could take weeks. And that’s if you’re lucky! ..

By syncing your account with a friend’s, you can help newer players get into the game by providing them with content that is more challenging and rewarding.

The players must be careful not to get in the way of powerful creatures or they’ll be able to claim all the loot as usual.

Are There Downsides To Playing Unsynced Content?

The game has a different rewards system that is not available to players who play it normally.

In order to level up your character and earn experience, you will need to complete difficult dungeons and fight powerful enemies. ..

The other downside to this power is that it can be a bit of a power trip. New players may not get the same experience as they would if they were using a different class or role.

The dungeons in the game are designed to introduce you to the game and teach you how to manage more complicated mechanics.

If you complete all of the dungeons in one sitting, you may miss out on important early experiences. ..

A boost is a shortcut through a dungeon or trial.

I think it’s more likely that high-level players are willing to play through the content with you normally. Everyone still gets experience and rewards that way. ..

If you’re a high-level player, you may find that you want specific items that drop from lower-level dungeons. ..

Running a sync job on a large file can take hours, but you can complete it in half the time by running the job unsynced. ..

Level Requirements To Play Unsynced Content

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how much content a player should be able to complete on their character before they reach level 80. However, generally speaking, a player should be able to clear Heavensward content with a level 80 character.

I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about the level 90 content yet.

If you’re considering soloing an instance, I’d suggest either jumping in and giving it a try or doing some Google research first.

Starting at level 50, you can tackle the earlier dungeons and trials around the area. Depending on the mechanics of the dungeon, success may vary.

Ifrit’s trial can be a very difficult fight on normal difficulty.

The harder difficulties of Titan implement mechanics that are much more difficult to navigate. ..

How To Activate Unsynced In The Duty Finder

The Duty Finder is a tool that allows you to see the list of duties that are currently assigned to your account.

To find available duties in your area, click the cog icon in the top left of the window and select “Duty Finder Options.” You’ll see a list of available duties in your area, sorted by type. ..

The party you’re looking for is “Unrestricted Party.” ..

When this is toggled on, you’ll be able to enter content without being level synced. ..

If you’re the party leader, you’ll have to apply this to your entire group if you’re taking people with you.

With this new setting, you can choose what content you want to see on your newsfeed. ..

Once you’re finished with Unrestricted Party, go back to the same settings and turn it off. ..

Google changed the search interface on its website after a user query led to different results.

The option to have a smaller party is no longer available.