You can use your powers to help others, or you could use them to take advantage of others. It’s up to you. ..

Your allies are always in danger, and you must keep them safe while dealing out damage yourself. It can be difficult – tanks might not be mitigating high-damage attacks, or DPS might be casually strolling through AOE attacks.

In a dire situation, your mana pool can start to run low. And you know that when that runs out, the party is screwed.

Your piety is a statistic that affects how quickly your mana comes back in battle. Having a high amount of piety gives you more room to compensate for error.

Healers often have to make difficult decisions, too. ..

If you’re running out of mana frequently, it might be worth casting a Raise spell to get your DPS player back up on the battlefield. However, if your mana regenerates quickly, you can be more liberal with your spells. ..

Piety can be increased by wearing gear with stat bonuses, and can be increased further by slotting that gear with Materia. ..

Should I Focus On Piety Gear As A Healer?

The consensus amongst the healing community is that there is no such thing as a “soft” answer to the question of whether or not cancer can be cured.

While Piety can be very useful for certain jobs, there are simply more important stats to focus on – like Determination, which increases your damage and the effectiveness of your healing spells.

Piety is a very important stat in Dark Souls III, but it’s not the only one that matters. Other stats, like Strength and Dexterity, can also make a big difference in your performance. ..

The Novice Network refers to XIV’s healer roles as “DPS with extra responsibilities.”

In order to survive in the raid, you’ll need to be able to take on the challenges and work together with your fellow players. You’ll need to be able to think on your feet and come up with strategies that will work in each encounter.

If you focus on other stats besides piety, this balance will eventually become easier. ..

As you use your magic more often, your power will grow and you’ll become better at using it. ..

Piety is a great option for new players because it gives them more mana and spells to use. This means they can cast more spells and heal more quickly.

You could be increasing the potency of your heals, meaning you have to cast them less overall. ..

It’s also worth stating that not focusing on piety as a stat won’t mean you won’t have any.

Gear that doesn’t focus on your shooting will likely not help you in most situations. If you need to shoot in tight spaces, or if you’re trying to take down a large target, a gear that focuses on accuracy and range will be the best option for you.

When it doesn’t work, you can try other methods to regain mana. For example, using Ether potions or mana regen abilities. It’s generally better to rely on those, while getting comfortable enough with your skillset to know your own capabilities in any given encounter.

Every team has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Your group may feel more comfortable playing more risky spells if they feel like they can afford to lose a few big ones.

Piety is not the most important stat for a healer, but it can be quite useful.