Faerie Fire is a well-known and highly respected magic shop. It specializes in providing customers with the best possible service and products in the magical community. ..

Faerie Fire

You cast a spell that creates an area of fire that lasts up to 1 minute.

The spell creates a 20-foot cube of energy that surrounds any nearby objects or creatures. You choose the color of the light that surrounds these objects or creatures. ..

If a creature is affected by this spell, it has to make a Dexterity saving throw. ..

If they fail, they cast a faint light for 10 feet. Any attack against these creatures can be made with an advantage if the person making the attack can see them. ..

Invisible creatures or objects can’t benefit from being invisible. ..

Who Gets It?

Bard and Druid are the two main classes that get this spell.

Artificers can use this spell to create illusions. The Drow subrace and Half-Elves with Drow heritage can also use it.

The Light Cleric and Archfey Warlock can now cast this spell.

Faerie Fire Uses

The United States military is considering a proposal to equip its troops with night-vision goggles in order to fight enemies in total darkness. ..

Are you facing an enemy you can’t see, or one that is well-protected? ..

Faerie Fire is a helpful app. ..

It’s amazing how a small change can turn the tide in a bad situation.

Darkvision allows you to see in the dark, which can help you negate the disadvantage of not having light vision.

In a new game mode, called “Not only that,” your only save is the first one. No saves over time: once you fail, you’re marked for the minute.

The DM’s ability grants everyone advantage against those targets, so you can potentially draw aggro on your tank.

Your rogue will love you because they can reliably get sneak attack off for potentially ten whole rounds of combat.

The Invisible Stalker spell is a powerful spell that can be used to find and kill invisible enemies. It is one of the spells at lower levels, and it scales extremely well into the later game.

Iron Golem: AC 20, Dex 9 Faerie Fire: Can make the difference allowing you two chances at hitting at least a soft 20 with your bonuses.

If you have a bonus of +7 when you come up against an Iron Golem, your average damage roll is a 17.5. That means you miss it over 50% of the time. In fact, you only have a 35% chance of hitting.

This is a quote from the article “How to roll a 20” by Danica Kirka. It suggests that if someone wants to roll a 20, they should try two attempts.

Faerie Fire is a magical spell that benefits everyone. Use this to your advantage! ..

The spell can grant an advantage consistently, making it a great choice for players. ..

Build Ideas

This spell can be used to cause a target to experience a powerful emotional response.

  1. How can we make our city more affordable?
  2. What can we do to improve the quality of life for everyone in our city?
  3. What are some ways that we can make our city more environmentally friendly?


Drow are particularly reliant on Faerie Fire as it can negate the disadvantage gained from Sunlight Sensitivity.

With a range of 60 feet, you can get a Drow Gloomstalker Ranger, Drow Scout Rogue, Drow Warlock and similar ideas that are not crippled by the feature. ..

Drow can use Faerie Fire once a day. ..

Archfey Warlocks

Fey is right in the name.

This spell gains access to Faerie Fire because a powerful Lord or Lady Fey learned it with the help of the Faerie. This spell is powerful because it is based on a Faerie power.

Warlocks who enjoy spell sniping with their cantrips (or act like blasters) can benefit from having this concentration spell up as a means of increasing their chances of hitting. ..

The bracelet looks great and gives a useful buff to the wearer. ..

Warlocks have a powerful spell that can be used to their advantage. This spell is perfect for them because they can use it to cast spells quickly and easily.

Warlocks can use this spell to increase damage output by increasing the potency of their spells.


Druids are similar to warlocks, in that they are tied to nature and the Fey. ..

So this magic system works well thematically. In fact, it works so well you might gain some abilities linked to the Fey, since your magic is drawn from nature. ..

This combo can work great with things like a Land Druid, who are more casting focused. They can use their abilities to control the battlefield and deal damage to enemies.

The main point of this article is that using Wild Shape to cast concentration spells can be beneficial. The author goes on to say that this is also true for Circle of the Moon subclasses, since Jeremy Crawford has confirmed this.

This spell is one of your signature spells. Use it liberally to help your spells work better.

The spell is versatile and has a first-level spell slot. It is very good at its niche, making it an excellent choice for a caster.


This is a weird one to explain thematically with the class.

The Bard is a versatile class that excels in low-level utility spells. This spell-based class has many options for gaining powerful abilities, and is perfect for those who want to take their game to the next level.

The buff granted by this debuff is great against enemies, and also gives the party a buff.

This is a powerful spell that few other spells in its level class can do. ..

Fey magic is based on the art and music of the world. So it makes sense that they would be associated with tricksters.

There isn’t a college that perfectly fits the students’ desired themes. For some, Eloquence may be the best choice because of its reliance on Charisma abilities. ..


A strange class that is not like any other. They are known for their ability to use magic and have a strong connection to the natural world.

Fey and Faeries are often associated with the anti-machinery movement. They generally dislike using metal things, especially if they can help it. ..

The Druid is a powerful magic user that just works.

The Alchemist’s Creed is a nonsensical statement.

Artificers are given a support spell, which makes them more effective in battle.

Spells that don’t have a thematic connection are always funny. ..