1. Use a spell with a material component that is specific to the spellcaster’s type. This can be a staff, ring, or other item that the caster owns or has access to.
  2. Use an arcane focus, which is a special item that the caster finds and uses to cast spells with a material component. Arcane focus can be found in many places, such as magic shops and temples.
  3. Use an infusion, which is a potion or other drink that the caster takes and casts the spell with. Ingesting an infusion will require some time and concentration, so it is not recommended for first-time spellcasters.

Spellcasting can be done with the use of spell components, a component pouch, or a spellcasting focus. ..

Pouch: Spellcasting can be made easier by using a pouch. This is a small bag that can be worn around the neck. When needed, the user can pull out the spell components and cast the spell. Focus: Spellcasting can also be made easier by using a focus. This is a small object that is used to help focus the user’s thoughts on casting a spell. ..

A spellcasting focus or component pouch is a tool that makes the game easier, removing the need for any spell components except components that have a specific cost (usually in gold or silver pieces). This can be helpful if you want to play a game where you only have access to expensive spells, or if you want to make playing the game more challenging.

A focus can come in different forms, depending on the caster’s class. For example, a caster with the magic of healing could use their focus to heal others, or a caster with the magic of destruction could use their focus to destroy things.

Classes & Focus Rules

Arcane focus can be something like a crystal, orb, rod, staff or wand. A druidic focus is something like a sprig of mistletoe, totem, staff or yew wand. Clerics and paladins can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus, like an amulet, reliquary or emblem.

Prices for these focuses can be found in the Equipment section of the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 5. ..

Some classes and subclasses have special rules when it comes to using a spellcasting focus. For example, the wizard can use a focus that is specific to their magic, or a focus that is specific to their subclass.

Bards can use a musical instrument as a focus, while College of Swords bards can use their weapon as a focus. Artificers can use a tool set as a focus. ..

Spellcasting can be a very powerful tool, but it requires concentration. When using a spellcasting focus or component pouch, always remember to keep one hand free in order to cast your spells. You are allowed to wield a two-handed weapon and still access your component pouch or focus, as long as you keep one hand free. ..

A cleric or paladin can wear their holy symbol on their body or have it on their shield, which means they do not need a free hand to cast spells with a material component. If the material component has an associated cost, the cleric or paladin must pay that cost with gold or other valuable currency.

Spells with somatic components (S) require a free hand. However, this can be the same hand that’s used to access the component pouch or spellcasting focus.

Clerics and paladins can cast spells with both (M) and (S) components with their shield hand, but casting a spell that only has (S) components requires another free hand. ..

This is a confusing or annoying rule.

Talk to your DM to see if you can simplify the rules of casting and free hands if you want. Alternatively, the War Caster feat is popular among some players because it allows players to perform somatic components even with a shield or weapons in both hands. ..

Most DMs don’t want to track characters’ spellcasting focus, and so they’ll usually be pretty flexible and let players track their own spellcasting. They’ll also often allow items to act as a focus that aren’t listed in the PHB equipment list.

If you’re playing with a DM who is extremely particular or difficult about the rules of spell components, you can direct them to the PHB Chapter 10 for rules on spell components and Chapter 5 for information on the different types of focuses.

There are also magic items that can act as a spellcasting focus, including the Ruby of the War Mage. This item costs an attunement slot to use, and allows any character to use a weapon as a spellcasting focus.