To customize a weapon with Distill Mana, you’ll need a weapon with a blank ability slot and 2 Mana Spheres. The weapon’s name may change after adding the ability to it.

Where To Get Mana Spheres

Mana Spheres are plentiful at the beginning of the game, but they may not be as plentiful later on when you start customizing your equipment and abilities. ..

There are many monsters in Spira that drop Mana Spheres.

-Zombies -Demonic creatures -Vampires -Mages

Mana spheres can be dropped by enemies outside of the listed enemies, such as the mages and bandits. These enemies may use Mana distillers or abilities like Bribe and Extract Mana to extract mana from the sphere.

Using Distill Mana

To use the Distill Mana ability, you simply need to equip the weapon that has it and hit an enemy with a basic attack or skill. Once you do this, that enemy will be tagged with the Distill Mana status. ..

The Distill Mana ability will have the same effect as using Mana Distillers and the Extract Mana skill. The effects from these sources will not stack with each other.