Vaan and his team of machinists use a variety of firearms, but the Machinist is the only job that can use them effectively. This weapon is incredibly versatile and efficient, making it a valuable asset for any combatant.
Gun-wielding mages are a very versatile addition to any team. They can use their guns to take down enemies, or use their magic to help them survive in dangerous situations. ..
Final Fantasy XII is a game that allows players to customize their characters by choosing another job, which can then be used to power up their main job. In this case, we assume that the player’s main job is Machinist. ..
There are many great secondary job choices for machinists, and the best way to make sure your career is as successful as possible is to choose the right one. Here are some of the best options:
- Pursue a degree in engineering or technology. This will give you a strong foundation in the mechanics and principles of machines, which will help you become a better machinist.
- Learn how to use computer-aided design (CAD) software. This can help you create accurate drawings of parts and machines, which can improve your accuracy and efficiency when working on projects.
- Get experience working with metals and alloys. This will give you an understanding of how different materials behave under various conditions, which can help you troubleshoot problems more effectively when working with them.
- Take on apprenticeships or traineeships in related fields. This will give you the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the field, and it can also lead to a career in machining later on down the line. ..
3. Machinist + Uhlan
Uhlan lets you use spears to hit flying enemies alongside guns.
The late game damage modifier for spears is strength. This helps to compensate for guns’ comparatively low power in the early game.
Where firearms make up for this though is through ammunition.
Machinists and Uhlan cavalry can equip special bullets that have elemental damage or status effects, giving them a variety of options for attacking enemies. ..
When the Machinist and Uhlan are combined, they can put on heavy armor. This makes them much more resistant to damage and allows them to save hit points and defend against attacks.
This combination of technics proves that the Wither and Expose technics, can lower an enemy’s strength and defense, making them a perfect target to get beaten up.
The Machinist/Uhlan combo can easily wear down enemies, making them more susceptible to taking extra damage from fellow party members. ..
2. Machinist + White Mage
This is a very unorthodox combination.
Machinist/White Mage is a powerful healer and damage dealer. Over time, they become more effective and can even use Hastega. ..
Machinists are a vital part of any party, providing hit points and speed to keep them on their feet.
The potion lore panels give machinists an edge when it comes to using potions. ..
In Final Fantasy XII, guns have an unusual damage formula that is different from most games.
The player’s only statistic is their attack power.
The new rule means that guns will eventually have a limit on the amount of damage they can do, but this damage can still be done even if the enemy has strong defenses. ..
A Machinist/White Mage can do good damage despite not having too much strength, because they have a lot of magic power.
As a fun bonus, it’s great to imagine a Machinist who can blast a hole in ya, and then patch it right back up.
1. Machinist + Time Battlemage
The guns on the island of Ivalo use an unusual damage formula that makes them more powerful than other guns. ..
This means that eventually your party members will outdamage the enemies they’re fighting, while the enemies will be behind them in terms of damage.
Many times, this can be a benefit. But in just as many cases, it can be a hindrance. ..
With Time Battlemage joining the job, your Machinist now has access to the world of crossbows – which scale to strength. This makes for a more powerful and versatile weapon, perfect for taking on tougher enemies.
Both jobs have their own unique challenges and rewards.
The Time Battlemage is a powerful spell caster that helps secure the Machinist’s damage. It also brings along its signature spells.
Machinists can learn Hastega on its own, but with a secondary job as a Time Battlemage, it also gets the single-target version (Haste) and good stuff like Bubble (to double hit points) and Float (to avoid earth-based attacks).
The Time Battlemage’s heavy armor is a nice bonus. Just like the abilities Shear and Addle.
The Time Battlemage is the best friend a Machinist could ever have. It has all the features that they need and more, making it an ideal tool for their work. ..