These Servants excel at dealing damage to a single target, and this is what makes them so dangerous. Focusing all of your power on one enemy will only make them stronger, and that’s what these Servants are good at. ..

Looking for a powerful and durable ST nuker? Look no further than our selection of ST nukers. Whether you need an effective weapon to take down your enemies in one go, or a long-term damage dealer who can stay in the fight and inflict consistent damage, we have you covered.

5. Vlad III

Vlad is a spook who most players would be fairly upset to see ruining their rolls.

Berserkers are skilled fighters, but their damage is pales in comparison to other Berserkers. Their skills do not make up for this, and they are very vulnerable to damage.

Castoria can be a powerful NP spammer, who can spam multiple NPs in a single battle.

4. Sakata Kintoki

Kintoki is a character that is very simple to use, but his skills work well with how you should be playing him. ..

I am a self-proclaimed beat-stick, and I’m here to take on the world!

Kintoki can buff his attack and charge his NP by 50%, while also increasing his own debuff resistance for three turns. This increases the chance of dodging enemy attacks and reducing their damage.

The NP deals massive damage to a single enemy that ignores defense buffs and can stun on overcharge.

3. Heracles

To start up FGO for the first time, you’ll be instructed to perform a tutorial summon.

While you can summon SSRs during this multi-roll, Lord knows how long this will take! ..

What you may want to consider is resetting your guaranteed four-star character and picking up Herc.

Servant Herc is such a strong Servant because of his defensive skills and massive damage.

He becomes even stronger when you use him with his bond CE – which means that you want to start playing with him as early as possible!

2. Cú Chulainn Alter

Cú is a powerful Berserker and definitely a Servant worth adding into this ranking – mostly thanks to his triple Buster deck and Buster NP.

A support Cú Alter can help a player through the early game by providing buffs and healing.

Before fights become more difficult, Cú absolutely steamrolls everything that stands in his way.

He is incredibly strong and difficult to take down, with his massive damage and defensive abilities including an Evade and a Guts that make him incredibly strong.

1. Mysterious Heroine X Alter

MHXA provides better base damage than Cú Alter in almost every regard, but something Cú can’t do that MHXA can.

In the double Skadi system, MHXA becomes a boss-killing nuke that can fire off multiple NPS in a fight.

With Plus MHXA, you can get decent star generation and a star bomb as well, making her fully-charged critical Quick cards helpful to recharge her depleted NP in no time.