The White Magic-wielding dragon is a formidable foe, with a great deal of hit points and strength. It can also use polearms and the brawler augment to make fighting unarmed an actual threat.

Monk is not typically one that players look to for diversity. But the Ivalice edition of this job really knows how to do more than expected.

When you add another license board into the mix, you get a job that feels like a wonderful bonus, like finding an Excalibur for ten gil in a pawn shop. How could you resist?

Monk is a great character to buddy up with, but there are a few options that are better than the rest. ..

3. Monk + Black Mage

Your Monk character is a powerful and versatile fighter, but his affinity towards magic makes him even more powerful. His magic resistance and ability to use magic easily make him an effective healer, as well as a powerful attacker.

The White-Gold Mage is a powerful magical creature that can use a few beneficial white magic spells and Holy, which is typically only reserved for true blood mages.

This dip into the mystical arts can be capitalized by adding in the Black Mage license board.

Your Monk can now wear magical armor that includes the White Robes that boost holy damage and by extension, the power of the Staff of the Magi. This allows your Monk to become even more powerful when fighting against enemies with strong magic abilities.

This weapon is not great for Black Mages, but great when used by a Monk who is using a holy-powered weapon.

Adding Black Mage to your Monk gives you all the black magic.

Monk and Black Mage are great tools for exploiting weaknesses in enemies. They also give Monk a bit more speed and magic boost than usual.

Monks are known for their powerful physical abilities, but they can also cast spells that deal damage and knockback enemies. This combination allows the Monk to dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time, while also providing protection from enemy attacks.

2. Monk + Time Battlemage

The Time Battlemage is a powerful class that allows for the use of crossbows. This gives them an advantage in battle, as they can shoot faster and more accurately than other classes. ..

Crossbows are a weapon that allows you to hit flying enemies as well as take advantage of all the ammunition that can cause status ailments.

You can intimidate enemies with your elevated status, whether you’re flying or not. ..

The time battlemage has a unique form of magic that allows it to control time.

Disable is a useful tool that can help you quickly disable devices. Hastega is a helpful tool that can help you quickly fix devices.

Your Monk benefits from the Time Battlemage’s boost to magic and speed, as well as reduced MP costs. Additionally, the technics provide an extra layer of protection against damage.

Combining Shear and Addle can reduce physical and magical defense respectively, making them perfect complements to the status-inflicting powers you get with this job combo. ..

When you mix everything together and take the Time Battlemage with the Monk’s large amount of HP and strength, you get a magic user that is truly ready for battle. This magic user is able to take on any enemy with ease, as they have a great deal of HP and strength.

Just don’t think too much about how strange it sounds for a job called “monk” to be using crossbows and heavy armor. It’s just cool, alright?

1. Monk + Knight

A large HP pool can be great paired with a great HP regeneration ability.

A large defense stat! This will help your character survive in combat.

Monks can only wear light armor because it is the only way to protect them from harm.

Knight and I have put together a team that can help you with your Monk. With our help, you can become a walking tank!

Monks are not fans of shields, but they make do with polearms. This is a minor complaint. ..

Knight also rounds out the Monk’s white magic, adding Curaga and Regen, as well as the single-target Esuna.

There are several Knighttechnics and Monktechnics available that can be very powerful. The Knight technics include Souleater, which increases the user’s HP by a lot, and the Monk’s naturally high HP makes it easy to use frequently.

The most appealing part of this job combo is that Knight also lets you equip Genji equipment, meaning you can slip on the Genji gloves and go to town with your spears, getting plenty of multi-hit combos.

Your damage output can be really high here.

I’m not sure what you expected, but I’m definitely pleased with the results.