There are a variety of caster options for players who want to play the way they want to play. From niche specialists who specialize in one type of casting or damage dealing, to all-around supports who can help with everything from healing to buffing, there is a caster out there that will fit your playstyle.

However, over time, the developers have been able to improve on the Caster Ball and make it more effective. Now, it’s a powerful tool that can take down enemies with ease.

Despite this, the problem is slowly being remedied. And casters continue to be the best source of NP batteries, heals, and debuff removal in FGO. ..

  1. Saber Alter Saber Alter is a 5-star Caster class servant that has high attack and defense stats, making her a formidable opponent. Her Noble Phantasm, Excalibur, can deal massive damage to enemies, making her an ideal choice for boss fights. ..

5. Tamamo-no-mae

Castoria is a powerful card, but Tamamo can still be helpful if you use her as a backup for your Castoria farming team. ..

Whenever Tamamo is on the field, her bond CE increases the Arts effectiveness of your party. ..

This means that with a single plug suit, you can swap Tamamo in to deal even more damage with your Space Ishtar or Summer Musashi.

Not only does Tamamo’s NP reduce cooldowns on Castoria’s buffs, it also increases her potential to fire off another round of buffs for a pesky raid boss.

Castoria is undeniably better than Tamamo, but don’t be discouraged if you don’t get her.

When you wake up in the morning, you may find yourself with an angry Mikon lying next to you. This is not a good thing.

4. Scáthach-Skadi

Many people would argue that Skadi doesn’t belong in the top 5 ranking at all. ..

But the truth is, she’s one of the most versatile members of our team. She can be a valuable asset in content that focuses on challenge quests and raids, or in content that focuses on story-telling and storytelling elements.

We have to say that FGO is 99% farming because that is the only way to get the best rewards.

If you want to achieve the coveted CE drop, you may as well streamline the process by repeating the same three turns over and over again.

Skadi is a new app that is designed to help people connect with others in their area. ..

3. Merlin

Merlin probably falls just short of greatness because he is not very powerful.

First, he’s a lot more versatile. Skadi is great at dealing damage and crowd control, but she can’t do as much else. He can heal and support allies, making him a better choice for teamfights. Second, he has a lot more mobility. Skadi can only move around on the ground, while Heimdall can fly. This means that he can get to places faster and help allies in trouble. Finally, Heimdall is a lot harder to kill. Skadi is vulnerable to attacks from all sides and can be killed very easily if she’s not careful. Heimdall, on the other hand, has some of the best defense in the game so even if someone does manage to kill him he’ll usually come back very quickly. ..

Skadi is the queen of quick looping, but other than farming, she has very little use anywhere else other than to supply a 50% battery.

Merlin is a magical being with many skills that are not easily duplicated. He is able to use his magic to do things that others cannot, and even some that people are not supposed to be able to do.

With a massive Buster steroid, an HP up, an attack up, 20% charge, and an NP that gives healing and NP charge over time, Merlin’s kit is overflowing with potential.

However, where this really gets ridiculous is with his second skill, which grants party-wide invincibility for one turn.

Merlin and Tamamo can reduce the cooldown on skills, making it so that they can’t be taken down by enemy attacks and can function without taking damage. This effectively ends Merlin’s participation in the game. ..

2. Caster Artoria

Caster Artoria will be taking the number two spot in the rankings due to her incredible looping abilities. ..

Castoria is a new meta-game mechanic that has been introduced in the latest update for Fortnite. This mechanic allows players to build structures and items outside of the game’s normal boundaries, which has led to some interesting new strategies and gameplay mechanics being developed. The introduction of Castoria has had a significant impact on the meta-game, as it has allowed for more creative and innovative gameplay. ..

But what about the rest of the deck? What about the cards that Skadi left behind?

Skadi system servants required multiple NP levels, batteries from other sources, and/or Master skills – and Kaleidoscopes as well.

Castoria is a unique product that does not require any of the common ingredients found in other supplements.

Select servants can even loop with a Black Grail CE! This allows for more strategic play and allows for more variety in your servant lineup. ..

Castoria has a lot more versatility in her kit, and an NP that can increase the power of your team even further while using it.

This caster is coming to NA, so make sure you pick her up. No exceptions!

1. Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)

Waver Velvet is a pseudo-servant who is often referred to as such. She is your go-to support caster in any situation.

But his buffs do offer some general buffs that are helpful for all classes.

In the Buster and Quick team, Waver can only reach his full potential in a specific spot. In other words, he is best used in teams that focus on offense or defense.

Waver’s NP can be a powerful tool in pushing your farming team over the edge. With a 50% charge spread over his three skills, Waver can quickly push your team to victory. ..

Waver is one of the original casters for “League of Legends,” and his expertise in support play has not gone unnoticed. His insights and commentary are still as relevant now as they were when the game first started. ..

Waver is a more accessible caster than his limited support peers, and can spook any rolls from the general pool.

Everyone in NA will have their chance to acquire Waver for free with the free SSR selection ticket!

Waver is the best Caster in FGO and is a must-have for any player.