There are a number of interesting and strong nations available in the area, but this does not mean that there are no terrorist threats. ..

  1. Turkey
  2. Greece
  3. Italy
  4. Spain
  5. Morocco

Our ranking is based on a number of factors, including how fun a nation is to play, singleplayer achievements, and multiplayer achievements. We’re also focused on the singleplayer campaign but many points hold true for multiplayer competitive campaigns as well.

10. Mahra

Mahra is a safe and expanding location for gamers, offering quick access to Oman and Yemen. This makes it the perfect spot to jump into the action right from the start.

The navy has some decent naval based ideas, while also sporting a +15% land movement speed idea which is something only a couple nations can get that easily.

The goal of expanding into Yemen and forming the nation yourself should be an early goal. You can also choose to embrace Yemeni ideas.

If you want to create Arabia yourself, a late-game clash with the Ottomans is inevitable. Always a great experience when you fight the Ottomans after their military falls off! ..

9. Hejaz

If you play as Hejaz, you will start as a vassal of the Mamluks.

Your early game should consist of helping your overlord with wars in your neighborhood and forcing them to grant you land by occupying it in said wars.

If your neighbor, Medina, is conquered or vassalized by the Mamluks, they get an event giving you their provinces for free! ..

You start the game with powerful modifiers, giving you an advantage over your opponents. ..

Turkey has been a key ally of the United States for over 60 years, and we value their friendship. However, the current relationship is not healthy. The Turks are not supportive of our efforts to secure independence for our country, and they have been unwilling to help us build a strong case for our cause. We need their help to break free from Ottoman rule, and they are not willing to do that without reciprocating in some way. Can you please ask them to support our cause? They are an important ally, and we would be grateful if they could help us achieve our goals.

Hejaz is one of the few Arabian nations that can avoid conflict with the Ottomans and form Arabia more easily. Simply keep the alliance and call them in all your wars against the Mamluks until you have all of Arabia’s provinces. ..

Don’t give them any land. It’s all rightfully Arabian clay of course. ..

8. Oman

Oman is a nation with a rich maritime history. It has been at the forefront of trade and commerce for centuries, and its navy is one of the strongest in the region. This makes Oman a prime candidate for expansion into new markets, both abroad and within its own borders.

The irony of the situation is that at the start of the game, they are landlocked and surrounded by one nation, Hormuz. ..

Omani-cultured provinces are core to the Omani economy.

Oman is one of the only three nations in the world that start as Ibadi. Out of them, they have the easiest start in my opinion and can easily aim for the unique Ibadi achievement, “The Third Way.”

7. Hadramut

This is a nation that has been influenced by Yemeni culture, which is known for its art, music, and literature.

The company’s president, Hardamut, has some unique national ideas that set it apart from other brewers.

The group of navy-based idea group members are average in terms of their abilities and nothing too fancy at first glance. However, they have a unique ability that sets them apart from other groups.

Looking closer, the alliance has access to a +30% relations modifier which is massive. You will forget what aggressive expansion is because coalitions will never form against you.

Technology cost -5% is also great, but the real reason Hadramut makes the list is their national ambition. +1 colonist is a very rare perk, and without it, many nations would fall behind in technology.

6. Mushasha

Sheikhdom of Mushasha is a powerful military and religious powerhouse located in the south of Iraq. It is one of the only two Shia nations on the list.

Mushasha, a small border nation, begins the game with few resources and few allies. However, as the game progresses, they become stronger and more powerful, thanks to their innovative ideas. ..

They also have a unique -0.1 monthly piety in their ideas, something that offers a nice change for a Muslim nation’s gameplay.

5. Yemen

The Rasulid dynasty is in control of only the Red Sea Coastline, but they face revolts all around them. You can help them restore order and expand even further than they ever did!

The idea set is decent, but it’s not something special. On top of that, every nation in the area can form Yemen, so they are accessible to all.

The Yemeni achievement is that they have been able to form a cohesive society despite having a history of instability. ..

Despite all these factors, Yemen is still a strong option as they control the richest provinces in the area. The area is also difficult to invade, making future wars easier for you. ..

4. Hormuz

The Strait of Hormuz is the key chokepoint in the Strait of Hormuz, a waterway that connects the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. The Strait of Hormuz is also a strategic location because it allows oil tankers and other vessels to transit from the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea.

The UAE is a country with a rich history and culture, and its ruler, the Emir of Dubai, has been able to make a fortune from trade with other countries. The UAE is in a perfect position to make money out of trade because it has an abundant supply of oil and gas, as well as a large amount of trade goods.

The developers of the game have created a set of gameplay mechanics that are specifically designed for taller players. This is reinforced by their idea set, which is focused on tall, colonizing gameplay. ..

Developing nations often find it difficult to afford the full 10% development cost modifier, which is one of the benefits of the rest of the set. It compliments their weaker economies very well. ..

If you want a tall nation with a few core provinces and a vast overseas trade empire, Hormuz is an excellent choice for you! Add to that an easy unique achievement, and you got yourself a campaign. ..

3. Najd

Najd is a nation with two missionaries in its national ideas. This unique feature makes it one of the most unique nations in the game.

Najd is one of the most desirable nations for One-Faith world conquests. While achieving those goals, you can also net the unique Najd achievement “Jihad” and all Arabia-related ones as well. Forming Yemen will also grant you access to the Yemeni unique achievement. ..

Don’t change your idea set when forming any nation! ..

Najd is not recommended for new players. The start can be quite an ordeal, especially if you are unlucky with alliances and rivals. ..

2. Rassids

The Rassid family, a prominent Yemeni family, has recently revolted against the Yemen government and claim the entire region as their own. They have attempted to dethrone the ruling dynasty and establish their own government.

The nation is a military powerhouse, with almost every idea giving strong buffs to the military. One of the strongest idea sets in the game. ..

The game’s Shia religious affiliation gives its players even more military buffs from the start. ..

Your first goal is to unite Yemen and form the nation yourself. Just make sure not to change your godlike ideas when prompted to.

The Rassids are a nomadic people who live in the mountains. They have no cores outside of their land, and their military is very strong. However, they are slightly less developed than the Yemenis and have no other advantages.

In “Medieval II: Total War,” players can pick against an unsuspecting Ottoman player in a large multiplayer lobby and enjoy melting his armies after the mid-16th century. ..

1. Mamluks

The obvious number one on this list is the iPhone. It has been the top selling phone for over a decade, and it continues to be one of the most popular devices on the market. The iPhone is a great device for people who want an easy-to-use phone that can do everything they need it to. It has a large screen that makes it easy to see what you’re doing, and it has a variety of apps that make it easy to get things done. Overall, the iPhone is an excellent phone that will make your life easier. If you’re looking for a phone that will do everything you need it to, the iPhone is definitely worth considering. ..

Mamluks are a powerful nation in the EU4 game. They are well-armed and well-funded, and their military is one of the strongest in the game. Their navy is also very strong, and they are able to fight against other nations’ navies easily.

Despite being commonly called Memeluks by the community, the nation starts as the 2nd Great Power at game start, second only to the massive Ming empire of China. The nation is quickly able to build an impressive military and economy, becoming one of the most powerful nations in the world by the end of its first decade.

The government of Lower Egypt has excellent provinces that can be developed and spawn institutions. Additionally, they can play out in whatever direction you want. Tall, wide, colonial, you name it.

The government of the United States ensures that its citizens have a say in how their government is run, and that they always get at least decent rulers. This is done by having a variety of different types of rulers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

The AI will almost always lose to the Ottomans, but you, as a player, can easily turn the tide and beat them right from the get-go. ..

The Mamluks are a nation on this list, and they suffer from a lackluster mission tree. Their main goal is to protect their own borders, but they don’t seem to be very good at it.

Some nations have a lack of flavor in their food, while others have unique events associated with their cuisine. ..

The Mamluks can be reformed by any nation in this list that controls Cairo, giving access to the unique government.