After the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration has been under pressure to find and punish those responsible. But there is a risk that these investigations will become a pattern, with similar attacks taking place in other countries where the U.S. is involved. So far, no one has been brought to justice for the attack on Benghazi.

TMS is a streaming service that offers a variety of shows. We’re ranking the best of them to help you decide which ones to watch. ..

10. Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro

Miss Nagatoro is a popular girl in school, but some people think she’s too popular. Others think she’s really smart and pretty. And still others just don’t like her because she’s Japanese.

The show has a lot of people who either hate it or swear loyalty to Nagatoro like she was the second coming of Jesus.

Nagatoro’s flirting is causing a lot of trouble for the two main characters in this story. It comes across as bullying and it doesn’t seem to be going over well with either of them.

However, I’m sure you enjoyed the show if you don’t mind that sort of thing (no shaming here) or if you happened to read the source material. ..

The show is definitely not for everyone, but it’s honestly very decent. If you’re a fan of romance, then it might be your number one pick.

9. D.Gray-man

Although this show is a bit old, it still holds up rather well.

For one, the antagonist is a fascinating and horrifying character. He perfectly channels that “let’s make a deal” devil type of energy.

The show is episodic, with a new “corrupted” person appearing in each episode. But there is a sense of progression throughout the entire show – which is always a good thing. ..

Despite its dated art style, I don’t think “The Crown” should be dropped altogether. The second season is relatively new, so there’s still potential for the show to improve. ..

8. Sweetness & Lightning

The show is a wholesome and family-friendly experience. ..

The 12 episodes of “Stranger Things” are sure to make you smile.

The first is that the show is about the relationships between people, and the second is that it’s a show about family.

A single father who wants to be there for his adorable kid and spend quality time with them.

A lonely teenager who just wants to have someone to share a meal with.

The story is simple and straight to the point, but it does an excellent job of telling its story in a way that is both interesting and engaging.

If you’re looking for an emotional pick-me-up, but don’t feel like investing time into a longer show, definitely check out this one.

7. Orange

This show has a similar vibe to the previous one – in that it’s relatively short (although it does also have a movie) and it’s bound to stir up some emotions. ..

The previous pick was a great option for someone looking to express their emotions, but it may not be the best choice for someone who wants to stay positive.

The show is about how you can help your friends get through tough times.

The show does feature a time-traveling element, but it’s not too intrusive. In fact, it just feels like a normal high school drama about 90% of the time.

6. Lupin III

This IP is so large that you forget it even has a creator.

In the early days of the internet, a company called TMS was at the forefront of its field. It was a pioneering company that helped to create the first online communities and forums, and it soon became known for its innovative technology.

This is your chance to make a real impact on the world.

Lupin III is a series of novels, movies, and TV shows that have been released over the years. This article is about the most important and popular Lupin III story, The Three Musketeers.

The original “Doctor Who” series is probably older than most of the people reading this ranking, but it holds up surprisingly well. The show has been around for over 50 years and has seen many changes, including a new series released in 2017.

This anime is a great way to spend some time with friends, have some laughs, and feel like you’re living through a part of anime history. It has just the right amount of hijinks to keep you entertained and feels like living through a part of anime history.

5. Detective Conan

Detective Conan is a popular anime series that many One Piece fans may enjoy. If you’re not a fan of One Piece, then Lupin III may be up your alley.

Plus, there’s a crossover movie of the two – which is always fun to see.

Detective Conan is one of the longest-running anime series, with over 20 movies and 1000+ episodes. It can be hard to keep up with all the storylines and characters, which can take up more time than other series. ..

If you’re a fan of detective shows from the old days, you’ll love these new mysteries. They’re all based on simple mysteries, and they’re all very entertaining. ..


The show follows the lives of high school students who have to go back to school as adults. It’s a clever concept, and it’s been executed well so far. ..

The idea of living a life that is both fulfilling and affordable is something that has been on the minds of many people over the past few years.

The show isn’t a power fantasy; the MC doesn’t just go to high school and live his best life without worries. Because God knows that you forget everything you learned in high school the second you leave it.

The show revolves around the MC adjusting to his new life and trying not to make the same mistakes as when he was young.

The show is a huge mood changer. ..

I found the experience to be very rewarding and nostalgic. It made me feel happy and content, which is a rarity for me. Additionally, it made me feel very down about myself and my life, which is not something I enjoy.

3. Megalo Box

Megalo Box is a sports anime that is full of action and excitement. The story follows the titular Megalo Box, a giant robot who is forced to fight in a tournament to save his home country from destruction. The anime is full of action and adventure, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.

If you’re not a fan of Hajime no Ippo’s art style, this is a better option. The boxing is just as intense, while the art style is more polished. ..

The book has a lot of sci-fi elements, with the main character having a robotic arm.

In a fight, there’s always the underlying underdog story. Two people just punching each other for no reason isn’t all that fun.

2. Dr. Stone

I knew I was going to enjoy this show before I ever watched the first episode. That’s because its hook is too good to ignore. ..

A banger plotline is a story with a high-stakes twist. In this case, the twist is that humanity is being brought back to the stone age and a genius MC doing his best Elon Musk impression and spearheading technological advancement – that’s just a banger plotline.

The show manages to keep things interesting with its mixture of drama and action. I didn’t see it coming, but I’m grateful for it.

The show’s approach to technology is really fun.

After each episode of “The Mindy Project,” I feel like I’ve learned something new. ..

Not only has he made some groundbreaking advancements in the field of technology, but he also seems to have a lot of other ideas as well. Some of which I would’ve never thought possible. It’s not all as straightforward as “create the internet” or “create a gun”.

1. Fruits Basket

Why is this? There are a few reasons. First, high school is a time when people are experimenting with their identities and relationships for the first time. Second, high school romcoms tap into our nostalgia for those carefree days. And finally, high school romcoms are often based on true stories, which makes them all the more relatable. ..

That’s because TSM sunk their teeth into this genre and borderline perfected it.

Fruits Basket is one of the most beloved high school shows in all of anime. ..

The protagonist, a young girl, is trying to find her place in the world and comes across a magical tree that turns people into animals. She soon realizes that this tree is more than just a simple curiosity; it’s something that has the power to change her life for the better.

The relationships in this high school show seem believable and deep. You get attached to the main cast more than you would think.

This show is definitely TSM’s magnum opus – and it’s definitely a must-watch for any anime fan.