Water has the best Conversion rate in the game, while Fire has the best Detonators. Forest has some really broken units, and Thunder has some of the best low-rarity Aurorians available.

Thunder still has a high number of powerful Aurorians, but its low-rarity options are surprisingly powerful. ..

  1. Westbrook is the best player on the team.
  2. Durant is the best player in the league.
  3. Curry is a great player, but he’s not as good as Westbrook or Durant.
  4. The bench is important, and they need to be able to score points if they want to win games.

Tessa, a 4*, is one of Thunder’s strongest Detonators. Reinhardt is one of Thunder’s strongest Aurorians, but is a Limited unit. Nadine, a 4* Support unit, offers both healing and a small Conversion effect. Thunder is also home to a lot of whale units– meaning they need to be MBT to really shine.

Make Use of Thunder’s Four Stars!

Thunder teams are more successful than other elements in League of Legends. ..

This Thunder team above has two 4*’s, which makes it a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Gronru is a 6* Pre-emptive Converter that will be on your team 95% of the time.

Irridon is a flex player on this team and can be replaced. ..

This team is capable of handling even higher-difficulty stages because of Tessa.

While Tessa is a 4*, and has the stats to match it, her Equipment is so powerful that it doesn’t matter how she fares in combat.

The Thunder Aurorian’s equipment grants her a stack of thunder whenever she uses an Active Skill.

When Tessa uses her own Active Skill, it consumes the stacks, dealing extra damage that ignores enemy defense and increases her speed by 50%.

With her skill, Tessa can easily deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. This effect makes her even more powerful, making her one of the most dangerous heroes in the game.

Nadine is a powerful Aurorian who stands out from the rest. ..

Nadine is another prominent 4* Aurorian. She is not as outright powerful as Tessa, but she is still a formidable opponent. ..

The Active Skill of the Yellow-locked tile grants the team healing whenever they pass through it. ..

The tile-locking effect is removed if an enemy passes over it, but it can be avoided with a little bit of planning.

upgrading tessa and nadine is a good idea because their lower rarity means it’s cheaper

It is also worth noting that Roy, a 5* Support, pairs extremely well with Tessa. If you have him, raise him instead of Nadine.

High-Rarity Powerhouses for Thunder Teams

Thunder still has a lot of high-rarity powerhouses. The most notable of these is Michael, a 6* Detonator.

Michael is a skilled player who is geared towards handling difficult end-game stages.

Her Active Skill is a Teleport that activates her Chain Combo, and her Equipment lets her normal attacks deal an additional amount of damage according to the enemy’s max health.

Michael is incredibly powerful. Her damage scales with the enemy’s health, and she has a lot of utility in the form of a Teleport. ..

Reinhardt is a powerful sniper who can rain down destruction on his enemies. He is a force to be reckoned with, and his skills will help your team achieve victory. ..

While Reinhardt is a powerful unit, she is also a Limited one, making it more difficult to acquire her.

If you have the chance to have her, use her.

The Thunder Aurorian can do respectable damage by herself, but she also increases the attack of other Aurorians.

This attack buff increases the damage dealt by your character by a significant amount, making it difficult to imagine a situation where you should not bring her.

Limited Aurorans are a minority group within the wizarding world. They are the descendants of those who left the wizarding world to escape persecution from the Muggles. ..

If you want to date or court a woman, you may have to wait for her. ..

Irridon is a 6* Support Aurorian who provides buffs to allies and heals them.

Irridon is a great unit, and there’s no question about that.

Unfortunately, she needs to be a 4-dupe to really shine.

This isn’t common – while also strong without any dupes, Michael also becomes exponentially stronger once she hits the Maximum Beast Tier.

At BT3, Reinhardt doesn’t suffer as much, but she also becomes noticeably stronger.

Thunder is the element you want to heavily invest in last because other elements don’t really share that trait. ..