The players on a support team are willing to do anything to keep their team ahead, even if it means sacrificing everything they have. Accepting you’ll never get honored is just a part of being a support main.

The main point of this article is that ADC mistakes are getting people flamed, and it’s important to be aware of them so that you can avoid making the same mistakes.

The best way to climb as a support is to keep the team in check and have them respect your work.

There are a few ways to gain an LP. One way is to complete a task or goal that the game provides. Another way is to earn rewards from playing the game. ..

Playing a tank support is a great way to help your team win games. You can use your skills to control the battlefield and protect your allies.

The tank top laner is always farming, and their sustain makes up for any team’s weaknesses.

A tank support’s CC can be a game-changer in teamfights. By having cc, they can easily take down enemies and protect their allies.

5. Malphite

Malphite is a tank support that will rock your world and turn your enemies into debris.

Malphite is a powerful and unbreakable being.

He is a tanky champion that can withstand most damage and dish out AoE damage and poke with his seismic shard. ..

His level 6 ultimate is also groundbreaking, as it is the first ultimate in the game that allows players to control an enemy’s movement.

He charges straight for the enemy, slamming them into the ground and shattering their health bar into pieces.

The only reason Malphite is not higher up on this list is because he does not have a significant impact on the game as a whole.

Although he is a total beast once he hits level 6, his early game is painfully weak. ..

The ADC can’t engage with him, easily gets outpoked, and won’t be of much help to the team.

4. Braum

Freljord is a vast and rugged region located in the north of the continent. It’s home to the Freljord Mountains, a range that runs for over 1,000 miles. The region is also home to many different animal species, including bears, wolves, and deer. The climate in Freljord is harsh and unpredictable, with temperatures ranging from -25 degrees Celsius to +50 degrees Celsius on average.

Braum is a large, muscular man with a big heart. He has an impressive amount of shielding, which helps him protect himself from harm. ..

He can block incoming damage from projectiles and grant armor and magic resist to his allies.

His kit has a lot of CC, which can knock up enemies and stun them if they land 4 consecutive blows. He can even slow enemies with his Q.

Unfortunately, Braum’s a tank with plenty of CC but little engage ability before level 6.

3. Alistar

Alistar is a tank support that is not afraid to charge headfirst into battle. He is a skilled fighter who can take on any enemy with ease.

Despite his passive, he shouldn’t be afraid to fight; his passive allows him to heal back any health he loses, and his ultimate cleanses crowd control effects and reduces incoming damage.

The tank support class is one of the most versatile in the game, and this bull is no exception. His kit allows him to easily engage and disengage, which makes him a great asset for any team.

He can easily catch low-health opponents and set up teamfights, and protect the ADC from the enemy’s frontline.

Alistar is a versatile champion who can fill many roles in the game. He is strong in teamfights and can easily take down enemies. ..

2. Nautilus

Nautilus is a tank support with a lot of health, shielding and hard CC. He’s the perfect support for laning phase, as he can keep your team safe and help them take down their opponents.

The Hook is a powerful ability that allows the user to pull their enemies in close and slow them down, before stunning them for eternity. ..

Nautilus is able to disengage easily from tank supports. ..

He can use his hook to pull himself away, or his ultimate to knock up anyone who dares to chase after him (or his ADC). He is a powerful and elusive champion who can easily escape danger or take down enemies. ..

The CC ultimate is an easy to land ability that has a long range. ..

The frosting on the cupcake is a delicious mix of frosting and cream.

The man in the tank is even spitting like a tank!

1. Leona

Nautilus, the tanky titan, could not be topped. ..

A warrior who is literally infused with the fire of the sun.

Leona is a tank support who has been playing for seasons and is without a doubt the best player in the game. She is able to control the battlefield with her powerful abilities and her ability to heal her allies.

The reason for it is that her tank support has everything a player might need in order to be successful. ..

She has great sustain, a lot of cc, and is very easy to engage with thanks to her gap closer ability. She’s also a reliable champion no matter the game stage.

The CC ultimate of Hillary Clinton is particularly worthy of the no.1 spot, as it is one of the most powerful Ultimate moves in the game.

She can stun several champions at once with ease, making it easy for her to take down enemies. This allows her to make a huge impact in teamfights, and can easily turn any fight in her favor.

She has a simple kit that makes her easy to pick up and use.

Leona is a tank support who can provide sustained damage and teamfighting capabilities. She is also accessible to players, making her a valuable asset to any team.

She’s the queen of tank supports, and her ability to dish out damage with ease is unrivaled. Her support abilities are versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to help her allies succeed.

Riot Games is currently facing a lawsuit from a former employee. The plaintiff, who worked at Riot Games for over six years, alleges that the company failed to provide a safe and healthy work environment. According to the lawsuit, Riot Games failed to provide adequate health and safety measures, including not providing enough breaks and not providing enough light during working hours. The plaintiff also alleges that Riot Games retaliated against her when she raised concerns about the safety of her workplace. This lawsuit comes as a surprise to many people within Riot Games, as the company has always been known for its progressive approach to employee rights and benefits. We will continue to monitor this situation and update you as we learn more. ..