The game was finally released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms in 2019, but it still remains one of the most requested games on those platforms.

In 2019, the game was remastered and made easily available to a whole new generation. ..

This means that a lot of people will be playing the game for the first time. And it’s always helpful to have some help when starting something new.

  1. Make sure you have the right equipment - from weapons and armor to accessories, make sure you have everything you need to take on the challenges ahead.
  2. Plan your route - before starting your adventure, make a map of all the areas you’ll be visiting and figure out where the best places to rest and stock up on supplies are.
  3. Be prepared for tough battles - don’t expect to breeze through Final Fantasy VIII without taking some risks and facing off against some tough enemies.
  4. Save often - even if you’re not in any danger of losing your game, it’s always a good idea to save your progress regularly in case something goes wrong.
  5. Take advantage of the game’s features - there are plenty of ways to help yourself out during your adventure, from using magic spells to summoning allies to helping out with puzzles or combat challenges. ..

10. Learn Mug As Soon As Possible

Shortly before departing on the first major stage of your adventure, Squall’s party will be given a Magical Lamp. ..

If you choose to eat from the Guardian Force Diabolos’ menu, you’ll be pitted against it in a battle. ..

The defeat of the Dark Lord Sauron puts him into your GF arsenal, and he teaches a very useful ability: being able to control people.

In Final Fantasy VIII, mug is a normal attack that also steals. It can be used to steal items from enemies or to escape from danger.

In most RPGs, items are very important and serve multiple purposes. Enemies always carry something valuable, which can be used to progress the game or even defeat enemies.

If you learn Mug as soon as possible, you’ll have more items than usual during a playthrough. ..

Spells and abilities are in surplus, meaning there are more of them than there are people who can use them. ..

9. Keep Multiple Saves

This new remastered edition of the game offers a lot more save slots than the original version did. ..

You should use them.

Yes, the game autosaves occasionally. ..

If you want to keep multiple saves, it can be helpful to do so. This way, if you forget to draw something from a boss or want to rewatch a scene, you can easily do so. Additionally, if you just want to play a part of the game again, keeping multiple saves can help.

There are so many things to see in life that it can be hard to focus on just one. Unfortunately, there are also so many things to miss.

Multiple saves will eventually save you a lot of time and hassle.

8. Weapons Can Be Made Without the Magazine

The game features a monthly magazine that is filled with new and interesting weapons.

This publication provides insights on the latest and greatest weapons of the world. It is hoped that you will find it useful in your quest to protect your people from harm.

They tell you what items you’ll need to create said weapons, so you can then gather the goods.

If you want to win the game, you have to be careful.

You don’t need the magazine to read.

They’re great for knowing, sure. But if you don’t have all the required items, the weapon will not show up in the weapon shop menu.

Squall’s ultimate gunblade can be obtained very early in the game by using this exploit. ..

7. Learn Refine Abilities First

When you get a new girlfriend, it can be daunting to look at the long list of abilities to learn – especially the ones that cost a lot of AP. ..

However, if you’re looking to take down your opponent quickly and efficiently, I recommend going for the abilities that will help you do so. These abilities can help you out in a variety of ways, and will give your team an advantage in the fight.

Utilitarianism is the most important ability to learn first. ..

There’s no need to rush. ..

Refine abilities allow you to turn things into other things. This can be helpful in many ways, including turning your weaknesses into strengths, making new friends, and even becoming more powerful.

The ability to make magic more powerful can be done by using items that turn into other items. For example, a gun can turn into ammo, or a restorative can help a person heal.

The most important thing to know about “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is that items can turn into magic. This means all the junk you collect throughout your adventure can be turned around into spells that give you an edge in battle. ..

Every Guardian Force has a refinement ability that can be used to improve their abilities.

It’s always worth it to learn new things. ..

6. Don’t Forget about SeeD Tests!

Gil in Final Fantasy VIII is a much more limited resource than its contemporaries. ..

Enemies no longer drop any items, and selling goods doesn’t really become a decent source of the stuff until much later in the game when you have a lot of refinement and shop-price altering abilities.

In order to make ends meet, many SeeDs work odd jobs or take on supplemental income through freelance writing or tutoring. ..

The soldiers of the Republic of Korea are receiving a pay check in the form of SeeD paychecks.

If you take a certain number of steps each day, you’ll be paid in small payments as you travel. ..

Your SeeD rank affects your pay.

The most reliable way to raise your grades is through written exams.

The TEST option is a hidden menu in the Tutorial section of the game. It allows you to test out new features before they are released to the public.

You are given a quiz on the game mechanics after you have been admitted to the game. ..

Every time you take a test, you move up a rank and earn more money. ..

The game only mentions this test once and never again, so it’s important to remember it and pass a few whenever you have the time. ..

5. Different Magic Junction Differently

In Final Fantasy VIII, magic has different stat boosts when junctioning. This can be important to know, as it can help players customize their characters to their specific playstyle. ..

This is a common problem early in the game, when you have to make choices about where to put your magic.

This mindset persists even when you have plenty of the things.

The main point of this article is that curative magics are always better for HP junctioning, and status-affecting magics are always better for things like Speed and Spirit.

It is important to keep these preferences in mind as you adventure, and to periodically take the time to adjust your junctions accordingly – or to even take some time to make magic that would be a better fit.

4. Cards Can Get Just About Everything

After learning the Card ability with the GF Quetzalcoatl, the Card Mod ability becomes available. This allows players to modify cards in their hand to better suit their strategy. ..

This ability is one of the most important in the game. It allows you to quickly and easily improve your stats, making you more powerful and efficient.

Triple Trial cards can be turned into items and magic using the Card Mod. Many of these items and magic are rare and valuable. ..

It’s always worth checking what your excess cards can get you – or even going out to play for rare cards to get the stuff you need.

If you want to break the game, Card Mod can help you out!

It is possible to get over 5000 HP before even heading for Timber.

If you want to get Squall’s ultimate weapon or spells, it’s easy as pie if you take advantage of your cards and what they can be modded into. There are a lot of guides online if you’re looking for something specific. ..

3. Remember the Point of No Return

In the game’s climax, the world changes and many locations, items, and side quests become unavailable.

In 1999, the end of disc 3 made it easier to discern the main point of disc 4. ..

This is a statement that is true in the modern age, but it’s not always the case. In the past, there was a way to switch discs when you wanted to. You would take your old disc and put it in a new player and then you would watch the movie on the new disc. This was called “disc switching.”

So you have to be careful not to cross the “point of no return” until you’re ready. ..

The Lunatic Pandora is a dangerous and powerful item that can be used to activate powerful magic. If not properly used, it can cause great harm to those who handle it.

If you don’t understand what I’m saying, that’s okay. I want to talk about something that really bothers me.

When you’re planning your next travel destination, remember to take into account the fact that you may want to stop your story progress and explore the world as much as possible. ..

It’s disheartening to realize that you crossed the threshold without knowing it, and now you’re locked out of everything. ..

2. Always Have Draw

The Draw command is a fundamental ability in the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne game.

The ability to use magic from enemies in battle allows the user to draw power and abilities from them, which can be helpful in various situations.

It is important to keep this command on at least one party member so you can’t ever miss out on new and potentially powerful magic.

Keeping Draw on the party member with the highest magic stat is important for defeating powerful enemies. ..

That way, you get the most out of every draw.

A lot of bosses have Guardian Forces in their draw lists, and it’s a big bummer to miss out on those just because nobody in the team can get access to it.

1. The Difficulty is Up to You

Many gamers consider Final Fantasy VIII to be one of the easiest games in the series. ..

The junction system is a mechanic in the game that allows players to connect two different areas of the map. This can be used to create new areas or to escape from danger.

The game can be made to be a trivial ‘press X to win’ experience within the first few hours by using a few simple tricks.

Magic and weapons keep the game at a low level of frustration by providing a variety of options and strategies for players to use.

The junction system in the game can make it easy to get lost or confused, but it can also be difficult to find your way around.

Difficulty is subjective. You decide how difficult an experience you want. ..

You want to get the most out of your Curagas early? Get Lionheart early and get 100 Curagas for your HP.

Avoid junctioning at all costs if you want to get your ride hard. ..

Your experience is very much in your hands.