Thunderbolt is a mainstay in the franchise for its iconic designs, relatively high stats, and ability to synergize well with other characters. ..

The Johto remakes have a great lineup of Electric-types to pick from. And to make things a little easier on you, we’ve curated some of the best ones to add to your team (plus details on where to get each one!)

5. Jolteon

A thunderbolt is fired from the user’s hand, which creates a powerful electric field that shocks any nearby opponents. A wave of wind follows the bolt, pushing any opponents it hits back. Finally, the user switches to their substitute form and uses its speed and agility to outmaneuver their opponents. ..

Electric-type Pokémon are some of the most versatile in the game, and Jolteon is no exception. It can take on most opponents with ease, and its fast moveset makes it a great choice for taking down foes quickly. ..

Unfortunately, this is all that’s good.

Jolteon struggled in the second half of the game, as its base stats were very low and its movepool was very shallow. However, we can still build it to be a strong member of the team though, through careful use of some TM moves.

Thunderbolt is Jolteon’s only strong STAB move, so pick it up from the Goldenrod Game Corner as soon as you can.

Jolteon’s poor HP and defense stats can be mitigated with Thunder Wave, an Electric-type move in Jolteon’s toolkit. ..

Jolteon’s moveset should be based around keeping it alive, with Double Team and Substitute taking top priority in the TM roundup. You can find them in the Celadon and Goldenrod Game Corners, respectively. ..

After visiting the Ecruteak City Pokémon Center for the first time, head to Bill’s house in West Goldenrod. Talk to Bill and he’ll give you an Eevee. Win 1st place in the Bug Catching Contest and use the Thunderstone prize on Eevee to evolve it into Jolteon.

4. Raichu

A thunderbolt is fired from the user’s hand, which creates a powerful electric field that shocks any nearby foes. A wave of electricity then travels through the field and hits any other foes in its path. Finally, a light screen blocks any further attacks for a few seconds. ..

Raichu is an Electric-type that has less-than-ideal stats.

Pikachu’s move pool is excellent, as it learns Thunderbolt and Light Screen at level up. This makes it a powerful choice for battles. ..

As for the rest of the moveset, it’s the same story as Jolteon – Thunder Wave and Double Team will keep Raichu alive as it dishes out STAB Thunderbolts.

With the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon, Light Screen has been buffed to make evasion tactics much stronger. This will help keep Raichu alive, rather than solely relying on Double Team shenanigans. ..

With six Double Teams set up, Raichu will easily tear through any Water or Flying team you put in front of it. ..

To catch a Pikachu in Ilex Forest, you’ll need to use it in battle. When its happiness is high enough, it’ll evolve into Pikachu. Train Pikachu until it learns Light Screen at level 42, then evolve it to Raichu by using a Thunderstone.

3. Zapdos

The ancient power of Thunderbolt Aerial Ace allows the user to fly through the air and attack with great speed.

Zapdos is one of my favorite pokemon. But I can’t put it any higher on this list because it’s so unique.

I appear at the Power Plant on Zapdos’s first trip to the Pokémon League, but he’s not available until after that.

If you’re willing to wait for the legendary bird, Aerial Ace and Thunderbolt will be its best moves, both learned by TM. ..

Zapdos has a huge speed stat and never-miss STAB damage. This combination makes him a powerful attacker that can easily take down most foes.

The Ancient Power of the Ice Queen makes her a force to be reckoned with, even against those with the best of intentions.

Zapdos is a powerful dragon that can only be caught as a special encounter on Route 10. Make sure to restore the power plant first to make Zapdos appear.

2. Ampharos

A powerful discharge of energy from the Power Gem sends a signal beam out in all directions, paralyzing any nearby enemies. A thunder wave follows soon after, dealing massive damage to all targets in its path. ..

Johto’s most popular party member is most likely the starters. ..

Ampharos is a powerful pokemon that can easily take down most opponents. ..

The Pokémon GO game has a lot of good stats, including a wide move pool. It’s also available before the first gym.

Although its pre-evolutions are fairly weak, they do hold their own in the early game. And they evolve quickly enough for you to have Ampharos pretty quickly! ..

For moves, Ampharos should be decked out with Discharge for STAB, and Thunder Wave for inflicting paralysis.

Just make sure to add the powergem and the signal beam for some coverage.

This moveset will give Ampharos the tools to easily fight against any member of the Pokémon League, including Champion Lance.

To catch a Mareep on Route 32, 42, or 43:

  1. Catch a Mareep on Route 32, 42, or 43.
  2. Evolve it to Flaaffy at Level 15. Flaaffy will evolve again at Level 30, giving you your Ampharos in time for Gym 6.

1. Raikou

The discharge of electricity can cause a thunderstorm. The waves of electricity cause the air to become agitated and this in turn causes rain and thunder. The calm mind allows one to focus on the present and resist distractions, which can help improve one’s chances of sensing extrasensory phenomena. ..

Electric-type Pokémon are some of the most versatile in the game. Raikou is arguably the best Electric-type in both HeartGold & SoulSilver. With its powerful attacks and ability to fly, it’s a perfect choice for any Trainer looking to take on tough opponents.

The Pokémon has a natural talent for fast special-type attacks, with a high special defense stat as well.

Discharge is a great move that can be used to stab enemies. If you’re feeling lucky, you can also try using Thunder to increase its accuracy.

Thunder Wave is a great addition, but Raikou’s high speed makes paralyzing the opponent optional.

The Psychic moves in Raikou are surprisingly large.

If you’re looking to take down a powerful foe, Calm Mind is a great way to do it. You can find this TM in the Battle Frontier market. ..

The extra move slot for Raikou could be used to give it some coverage against Koga, Janine, and Red’s Venusaur.

To catch Raikou, you must visit the Ecruteak Burned Tower during the story. The legendary beasts will be released after you do this, and Raikou will be on the map screen of your PokeGear moving between routes in Johto every time you move between areas. ..

If you’re looking to spend less time playing the game and more time catching Pokémon, stock up on Ultra Balls and bring a Pokémon with Mean Look.

When monitoring the Pokegear, keep moving over the border between a random Route and the area next to it until Raikou moves to the area you’re on. ..

To activate a repel while your lead Pokémon is below Level 40, but above the level of the wild Pokémon in the area, you must first ensure that it is below Level 40. This will guarantee that you will encounter Raikou in the grass. ..

If you’re playing Pokémon GO, be prepared for a long journey if you want to catch Raikou. The encounter with the legendary Pokémon starts with one turn, so make your move quickly. If you have a Pokémon with Mean Look, use this to trap Raikou. If not, buckle up for a long journey as you repeat these steps until you finally capture your electric legendary. ..