In 2004, field spells were cards that would give monsters of a particular type a boost. However, this is not the case in real life. In reality, field spells now change the battlefield into an awesome battleground. ..

In the latest Yu-Gi-Oh game, drawing the right field spells can mean the difference between winning and losing. Cards that search for them, such as Terraforming, are now limited, illustrating just how powerful field spells can be. ..

  1. Spellbinding Ritual
  2. Forbidden Lance
  3. Dimensional Prison
  4. Book of Moon
  5. Starving Soul

15. Clear World

The spell Clear World is a strange one that can be used to clear away obstacles in your way.

The Clear World card game has different effects depending on which type of monsters each player controls. For example, if a player controls a monster that can only be killed by other monsters, the Clear World card game will have a different effect than if the player controls a monster that can be killed by any other monster.

If you’re playing with dark monsters, then you can only control 2 monsters at a time.

If your opponent is playing with dark monsters, then you can’t see their entire hand, and always have the advantage. Depending what deck your opponent is playing, this can shut them down in so many different ways.

The only downside to this is that it also applies to you.

This card is best in a deck that plays little-to-no monsters, so that you have all the advantages without hindering your plays. ..

14. Summon Breaker

This game is perfect for taking down your opponent and ensuring they don’t get too far ahead.

This card makes it so that if any player summons more than 3 times, then they must either end their turn or take damage.

This card is great at stopping your opponent from getting those big monsters out.

This card is great in decks that don’t rely too heavily on combos. There are lots of decks that can do this without losing power, such as a Dark Magician or a Monarch deck.

13. Secret Village of the Spellcasters

The card is often included in any deck that relies on spells to win, as it provides a steady stream of damage. ..

If your opponent controls a spellcaster and you control a spell, they can’t cast any spells for the rest of the game.

This card is a powerful card that stops combos in their tracks.

Be careful of your opponent’s board wipe. ..

If your opponent can get rid of your spellcasters, then you’ll be unable to cast spells! Play this field spell with some protective spells, such as My Body as a Shield, and you’ll have a guaranteed lockdown on your opponent! ..

12. Sky Iris

Sky Iris, a Pendulum Deck card, protected decks from being overwhelmed by powerful cards like Black Luster Soldier and Stardust Dragon. This gave Pendulum decks the ability to search for big boss cards more easily.

Searching Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from your field spell can give you a powerful 2500 attack monster to help you in your battles. ..

To activate this spell, you’ll need to destroy one of your cards. Which sounds pretty awful until you realize that loads of pendulum monsters have insane abilities when they’re destroyed.

If you pop a Purple Poison Magician, you’ll get to destroy a card on your opponents’ field and grab a card from your deck.

11. Trickstar Light Stage

Trickstars are a powerful deck, and this card helps them stay strong. ..

The card forces your opponent to use their spells or traps, even if they don’t want to.

The key to winning Yu-Gi-Oh! is playing the right spells and traps at the right time. If you don’t, your opponent will be able to win the game easily.

There is no good in the graveyard, so activating Trickstar Light Stage won’t do anything to help your opponent. However, by forcing them to use some cards instead, it can make the game more interesting.

10. Cynet Storm

The Link era has brought about a new spell that can help you take on any challenge.

Cyberse decks are great for using Cynet Storm as their main card.

The card is a Field Spell that allows you to get a free Link monster from the extra deck.

Cyberse can easily turn the tables on your opponent with its powerful monsters. With this card, you can quickly grab an extra deck monster to help your strategy.

This will definitely make your opponent think twice before attacking, and it will give you an advantage in the battle.

9. Dragon Ravine

The card is a powerful monster that can easily take out your opponent’s monsters.

Dragon Ravine lets you send a dragon monster from the deck to the graveyard every single turn; it’s an effect that can be used to bury your opponent’s cards.

When a dragon monster is sent to the graveyard, it can activate its effects. For example, sending The White Stone of Legend will add the powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your deck to your hand. ..

Dragon Ravine is a great spot for a revival spell like Monster Reborn, as you can quickly bring out your big boss dragons.

8. Necrovalley

Gravekeepers have been a powerful anti-meta deck ever since they came out, and they continue to be one of the most popular decks in the game. ..

Necrovalley is one of the many reasons why. ..

Necrovalley prevents cards from being moved from the graveyard, which means that Grave Keepers are effectively useless. ..

Deck builders are always looking for ways to get the most out of their graveyard. By putting important cards in the grave, they can access them later when they need them most. ..

This field spell ensures that cards will stay put in the deck, preventing many meta decks from being played. This is why Gravekeepers still see competitive play to this day.

The Gravekeepers have a bunch of revival spells/traps that aren’t affected by Necrovalley, so don’t worry, this card won’t put you at a disadvantage.

7. Lair of Darkness

The Field Spell known as “Field of Ruin” is one of the most powerful cards in the game, and it has a Structure Deck named after it! ..

With Lair of Darkness, all of your opponent’s monsters become DARK. And you can tribute them for effects as if you control them! ..

This card pairs well with Crush Card Virus, which can destroy all of your opponent’s powerful monsters in their hand, field and next 3 draws. This will make it very difficult for them to play any cards and stop your rampage.

6. Magical Meltdown

The Invoked archetype is a powerful and unique summoning archetype that has quickly become one of the most popular in the game. This archetype allows players to summon powerful creatures with ease, and can even be used to create powerful combos.

Aleister the Invoker summons giant elemental creatures to fight for him.

Aleister the Invoker is a powerful magician who can help you start summoning fusion monsters left, right and center. But his magical Meltdown spell also provides incredibly powerful protection for your fusion monsters. ..

This card prevents your opponent from negating your fusion summons and makes sure that they can’t do anything in response to them being summoned.

Invoked cards are often used in other fusion decks, such as Shaddolls, to make Magical Meltdown a great field spell.

5. Mausoleum of the Emperor

Monarch decks are already spooky enough, but adding a Mausoleum of the Emperor to the mix just makes them downright terrifying. This new addition to the Monarch deck series is sure to send shivers down your spine. ..

This card lets you tribute summon using your life points as tributes. When you tribute summon with life points, the card will give you a buff that increases your summoning speed and power.

This means you can summon incredibly powerful monsters without having to expend your own powerful monsters. ..

Earthbound Immortals is a great deck to use in this field spell. ..

These are the “evil” cards of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds, who are all level 10 monsters that can attack directly.

The Mausoleum of the Emperor can be used to bring literal gods for practically nothing, and finish your opponent in a matter of seconds.

4. Fusion Gate

I’m not sure if you’re aware of the fusion mechanic, but it’s a really cool feature in the game. But there’s something frustrating about just waiting for a copy of Polymerization to crop up.

Fusion Gate lets you fusion summon as if you had Polymerization every single turn, which makes it a powerful tool for controlling the battlefield.

This means that you can get your powerful extra deck monsters out extremely quickly, and in multiples if you have enough materials.

The only major downside to this toy is that you have to banish the materials. But with cards like Escape from the Dark Dimension, you may be able to bring some of them back. ..

3. Boot Sector Launch

Dragon Link is a deck that has been around since Rokket’s were first introduced. It seems like it will only be going up in popularity, as it is a very versatile deck that can easily adapt to any situation.

Boot Sector Launch is a great spell for the deck. It’s helpful going first or second, which is surprisingly rare in Yu-Gi-Oh! ..

If you go first, you can summon up to 2 Rokkets from your hand, giving you a lot of material to start your link plays. ..

If you’re going second, this card gets even stronger and can summon Rokkets from your graveyard up to the difference in monsters between you and your opponent!

In order to level the playing field for all businesses, the government is proposing a new tax plan. This plan would lower taxes for small businesses and make it easier for them to compete with larger companies. This would help to evening the playing field and make it easier for all businesses to succeed. ..

Striker Dragon is a powerful monster that can only be summoned with 1 material. ..

2. Domain of the True Monarchs

The card that changed the course of the Monarchs.

This field can lock your opponent out of the extra deck entirely, as long only you control a tribute summoned monster.

With Field Spell, you can use your extra deck to bring out the biggest monsters possible. This card completely changes the game, turning it on its head. ..

Your opponent is likely unprepared for this spell, and will be defeated right then and there if they don’t know how to use it.

You can use this card to make your level 8 monarchs (the mega Monarchs, or Ether the Heavenly Monarch) easier to summon. By going from two summon tributes down to just one, you will be able to summon them much more easily.

Monarchs are a powerful deck archetype that can take advantage of field spells like Emperor of Darkness. This field spell is a powerful tool that can help your Monarchs take down your opponent’s cards and strategies. ..

1. Mystic Mine

Mystic Mine is a field spell that can easily be the best in the game. It allows players to quickly and easily summon powerful creatures, making it a great choice for any player looking to make an early impact in the game.

This card has been banned in the past, but it is still popular. Many people think it will be banned again in the next ban list, but it seems to be staying around for now.

Your opponent cannot activate any monster effects, or declare attacks, as long as they have more monsters than you.

Deck builders often choose to run a field spell like Fireball at 3 in their decks, in place of more traditional monster cards. This is because the deck is designed to be filled with cards that deal direct damage, such as Just Desserts and Cauldron of the Old Man. ..

This card is incredibly versatile, as it can easily be used to disrupt your opponent’s deck or even win the game if played correctly.

You need to let them go first and wait for the right opportunity. Sorry, your board has 8 negate effects and 4 big boss monsters? That’s neat, but with Mystic Mine up they’re effectively useless.

Your opponent can only get around this by drawing a spell/trap card that allows them to destroy your field spell, like Mystical Space Typhoon.

Mystic Mine is a powerful field spell that should be high on your list of options for playing in the current format. ..