DS3 has a variety of big, powerful weapons that are perfect for taking down your enemies. ..

Today we’re going to take a look at the best sharp sticks available! These sticks can be used for a variety of purposes, from hunting to fishing to self-defense. They come in all shapes and sizes, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.

15. Soldering Iron

The soldering iron is a great choice for people who want to solder things, but it’s not the best choice for people who want to solder things quickly.

The school has a great potential, but it’s not being used to its fullest potential. ..

The soldering iron is a unique weapon that has two effects: first, it reduces the estus healing of the target by a significant amount, and second, it increases the player’s equip load. These effects are both very unique and cool, making the soldering iron an interesting weapon to use in combat. ..

The weapon is near-useless because it cannot be buffed/infused, and the damage scaling is poor.

Some players off-hand it whilst invading, but never use this as their main weapon.

How to get out of Irithyll jail:

  1. Talk to the jailors and ask for help getting out.
  2. Use the escape plan that they gave you.

14. Yorshka’s Spear

This weapon is another interesting addition to the arsenal, and not quite as bad as the soldering iron. It has a hammer head on one end and a spearhead on the other, which makes it perfect for piercing through targets.

The weapon has high base damage and decent scaling with C/C/C stats. It can be used effectively on faith builds, as it has good damage andFaith scaling.

The new weapon has a unique skill that applies a buff that deletes enemy FP on hit. This is an important ability because it can help reduce the amount of damage that enemies can do to you. ..

The good news is that the downsides are limited. ..

The skill doesn’t give you the FP you drain, which would be nice, and ashen estus is both quick to drink and not disabled in duels. This makes the effect pretty negligible.

To get the Irithyllian Chalice, you must first find the dark room in the Irithyll. ..

13. Gargoyle Flame Spear

The flame spear is a good weapon, but it is outclassed by later entries. ..

The new weapon for hybrids is great! It has a +5 scaling across all stats, with okay base physical damage and a nice chunk of fire damage. ..

The weapon skill – ‘kindled charge’ – allows you to charge into your foes and then transition into a heavily damaging strong attack.

In PvP, it stuns humanoid targets and locks them into your attack, however in PvE it’s so easy to parry.

How to get: A dropped gargoyle wielding the item in the profaned capital and grand archives.

12. Tailbone Spear

Despite its humble appearance, this weapon has a large following. ..

The weapon skill is a powerful tool that can be used to take down enemies with ease.

The cone of force created by the ‘unleash dragon’ ability is very long-ranged and can last for a while. It does a lot of damage and sends enemies flying.

This allows for a wide variety of environmental kills and is especially fun for invasions! ..

The Irithyll dungeon is a place where drops very rarely occur.

11. Golden Ritual Spear

The ritual spear is a strange weapon that can be used to perform amazing feats of strength and accuracy. It is also a very strange weapon to use in a religious ceremony.

The spear/catalyst hybrid is a casting tool that uses sorceries instead of a heavy attack. The sorceries scale with faith, meaning that they deal more damage with each cast.

It’s a spell buff that hits a nice amount of spell power.

The weapon has no intelligence scaling, so investing in the stats required to cast said spells can feel a bit wasteful. ..

Faith’s scaling with attack damage and innate magic damage make it a powerful tool for hybrids. ..

Dropped by a mimic just above Pontiff Sulyvahn’s boss arena, you can find the boss arena key. ..

10. Pike

The pike may come across as a bit unappetizing, but it’s still a deadly weapon.

It’s a bit bland, I think.

The best weapon in the game is the bow. It has a good base damage, scaling, and can be buffed and infused. It can also be acquired really early in the game and has low stat requirements!

It’s a great baseline for pokey sticks and is very solid for an early-game spear user.

How to get: To the crucifixion woods, you will need to drop by hollows in order to find your way.

9. Lothric Knight Long Spear

The Lothric spear is a weapon that is plain but with a bit of spice. It is a great choice for those who are looking for a weapon that can be used in battle, as it has a lot of power and can take down even the strongest opponents.

The rapier is a weapon that can be acquired even earlier than the pike, and has a passive that grants the wielder +15 poise. ..

This won’t let you tank attacks like a brick wall, but will let you trade easily into some heavier weapons, or allow you to not be stun-locked where you would before!

Dropped by Lothric knights wielding it (early-game), or sold by Greirat after his trip to the Irithyll (later-game). To get the Estus Flask, you will need to either be dropped by Lothric knights wielding it early in the game, or sold by Greirat after his trip to the Irithyll. ..

8. Greatlance

The once laughed-at greatlance now sits comfortably near the middle of our top spears list because it is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks.

DS3 was a truly awful weapon when it first launched.

Since then, the move has received numerous buffs, improving its slow moveset and lack of poise.

The new weapon is great! It has a lot of combos with its charge skill and can be swung quickly when 2-handed.

The Heavy Attack range is impressive, and the hitbox of its attacks can catch some people off guard! ..

To get the Estus Flask, you must first find it in Lothric castle. It is located just up the stairs and to the left of the dragon barracks bonfire. ..

7. Arstor’s Spear

After using the gun, I have a newfound respect for it.

The build has a really solid base damage, B-scaling in dex at +5, great weapon skill, innate poison damage, and a passive effect that grants you hp whenever an enemy dies!

This isn’t ‘when you kill an enemy’ either, it’s simply when it dies. From any cause.

This weapon single-handedly carried my no-healing challenge run, and I found myself keeping it on my back even when moving on to a new weapon!

It’s really cool and a great long-range option. I can’t recommend it more.

How to get the greatwood boss soul:

  1. Find a greatwood boss soul in a rotting greatwood.
  2. Transpose the soul into your body.

6. Dragonslayer Spear

Ornstein is the most infamous boss fight in all of video gaming. He is a powerful and skilled swordsman, and his spear is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. His fight against you will be a test of your skills and strength, as he uses his spear to attack you from close range. Be prepared for him to use his spear as a weapon, and use your dodging skills to avoid his attacks.

The dragonslayer spear boasts great damage split between physical and lightning, making it most effective on a build with a pure Dex stat. Thanks to its B-scaling, this weapon will deal extra damage against high-Dex enemies. ..

The ability ‘lightning charge’ causes you to thrust a bolt of lightning towards your foes after a short charge, which deals a fantastic bit of damage and stun-locks – shredding through most foes!

The gargoyle flame spear has the same weakness as the flame spear – it’s weapon skill is very easy to parry, and can often do more harm than good in PvP.

The best way to get to the dragon-kin mausoleum bonfire is up the stairs from the gate.

5. Drang Twinspears

The twinspears were one of the first weapons I really fell in love with. They were so unique and fun to use, and I loved how they could be used to take down enemies.

The moveset of the Combo-Heavy Pokémon is great for PvP and invasions. It has a lot of powerful moves that can take down your opponents quickly.

The damage is great, the scaling is good, they can be buffed and infused, and a lot of the attacks are multi-hit! ..

The Dragonkin are fearsome opponents, able to quickly delete the HP of foes and pursue them with ease. They are a force to be reckoned with. ..

How to get the Dropped by the Drang Knight wielding them: The Dropped by the Drang Knight wielding them can be found after defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn in the boss arena.

4. Winged Spear

The Dark Souls series is one of my all-time favourites, and returning to the original game is a real treat. The new graphics and controls are perfect for those who love playing the game on a controller, and the addition of new enemies and bosses is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

The winged spear is a basic weapon that deals damage in a straight line. It has no fancy moveset or passive, and is just as effective as any other basic weapon.

The effectiveness of the new policy is being questioned by some. The policy is seen as boring by some and ineffective by others. ..

The spear is a great choice for anyone looking to use a weapon that scales with them. It hits S scaling in basically anything it’s infused with, making it an ideal choice for any spear user.

To get Patches to sell you items, you must first recruit him from Firelink’s tower. ..

3. Ringed Knight Spear

This weapon was number 1 until I tested it.

The weapon skill is easily parried, which makes it a less than ideal choice for a weapon. ..

This spear is still a great weapon, even though it has been used for so many years.

The build is more favourable for a dex/strength build because its intelligence and faith are both high.

The skill is a buff that increases the damage of all attacks by 90%.

Don’t use cheats against other players in order to gain an advantage. ..

In the ringed city DLC, find the corpse behind the ringed knight and down the steps from it.

2. Dragonslayer Swordspear

The dragon-spear is a truly fantastic option for miracle/dex hybrids.

The character has a very fluid moveset with fast attacks that prove difficult to predict and dodge.

The ability to use a weapon effectively is one of the most important skills a person can have. It allows them to take down their enemies with ease, and it can even save their life in some cases.

The skill – ‘falling bolt’, is a long-range lightning stake that strikes right on top of your lock-on target, dealing huge damage and applying a buff to the weapon that increases the damage dealt by the weapon by 25%.

This is one of the best weapons in the game, and I absolutely love it. ..

How to get the soul of the nameless king: Transposition with the power of the unknown.

1. Lothric War Banner

The spear is the most important weapon in a warrior’s arsenal. It can pierce through armor and flesh, and can be used to kill or incapacitate an opponent. ..

It’s a staff.

This is a quote from the author, which is a summarization of their point of view.

The weapon skill is a top-tier skill that allows the player to fire a powerful shot that deals high damage. The weapon can be buffed with an infusion, which increases its damage and accuracy.

The skill – ‘Lothric war banner’ buffs all damage for yourself and nearby allies by 15% for 2 minutes! ..

The Lothric War Banner is a powerful support-styled weapon that excels at everything it sets out to do. It takes our top spot on our list of the best weapons in the game. ..

In a secret area of the ringed city DLC – instead of taking the long drop behind the Harald knight after the chapel, drop to the right instead!