I believe that the quickest, most reliable, and definitely the most fun way to win a duel is to run your opponent down with insanely strong monsters.

Your opponent has a large number of monsters that can block your spells and traps.

With direct attack monsters, this isn’t a worry at all!

Your opponent can’t stop you from attacking them, no matter what they have on their field.

If you’re looking for a few recommendations of direct-attack monsters to spice up your strategy, here are some of the best to pick from. ..

12. Orgoth the Relentless

In the running for the most impressive performance of the night was ____. Despite struggling at times, ____ managed to put on a show that was both entertaining and impressive. ..

Orgoth, the Relentless is a powerful monster that can easily devastate any deck. His effects make him a difficult opponent to beat, no matter what strategy you use. ..

Orgoth lets you roll a dice three times, and gain attack equal to the sum of the dice rolls x100. This means that, on average, you will gain about 1000 attack from using Orgoth. This makes it a powerful tool for attacking your opponents! ..

If you have two out of three roles that are rated as 5 or 6, this card can attack directly. And 3500 attack directly to the face is definitely something to laugh at.

Orgoth is a decent card, but it could be better if it allowed you to attack directly. ..

11. Unifrog

Since the release of the 6D, frogs have been largely replaced by other decks as the most popular choice for competitive play. ..

With Substitoad, Frogs were great for spamming the field. For example, they could summon a fifth monster to help out with tribute summons, synchro summons, or whatever shenanigans required a field of 5 monsters.

There has been a lot of recent discussion about frogs, and whether or not they are still relevant in the modern world. Some people feel that frogs are outdated, while others believe that they are still an important part of the ecosystem. ..

With the new support cards Toadally Awesome, you can summon whatever frog you want, when you want. ..

Unifrog is a powerful damage-dealing pet that can be easily buffed up with some equip spells. By sinking damage into your opponent, Unifrog can easily take down any foe.

10. Black Tyranno

This card is a great value for a 2-tribute 2600 attack monster. The effect bumps this card up to an incredible level.

If your opponent has all of their monsters in defense position, you can attack directly for 2600 attack! ..

This card is great in two situations: either your opponent has walled up and is trying to save their life points, or you can use a card like Swords of Concealing Light to force your opponent’s monsters into defense position.

Either way, a great tribute monster option for pretty much any deck. ..

9. Submarineroid

In Yu-Gi-Oh, you have to choose whether you want to play offensively or defensively.

Do you prefer to play a big monster in attack position to intimidate your opponent, or play it safe with a defense position monster, to protect those life points?

Submarineroid lets you do both! It is a versatile app that can be used for a variety of tasks, including writing, drawing, and listening to music. ..

This card can be used to deal 800 damage to your opponent. However, due to its effect, you won’t be able to boost this damage any higher. However, every bit of damage makes your opponent weaker and weaker.

This will finish your opponent off single-handedly if you keep it up for 10 turns.

Once you’re done attacking, Submarineroid puts itself back in defense position, meaning you won’t have to risk taking damage from attacks.

When it comes to shopping, we love a two-for-one bargain. Whether we’re looking for clothes, electronics, or anything in between, we’re always on the lookout for deals that will save us some money. And who can blame us? It’s hard to resist a good deal. ..

8. Infernity Archer

This effect sounds hard to pull off, until you realize that Infernity decks are all about having no cards in your hand.

Infernity decks are known for their discard effects and ability-boosting monsters. Once your hand is empty, they can take advantage of that. ..

Archer is a 2000 attack monster that gains the ability to attack directly. This costs 1 tribute, which is great value for a card that only takes 4 attacks to wipe out your opponent!

If you’re looking to play this card in a non-Infernity deck, it can be great in spell/trap decks. All you need to do is set all your spells and traps, then boom – you’ve got a monster that can smack your opponent directly.

7. Dinomist Spinos

These robot dinosaurs are one of the most unique pendulum picks out there. They are perfect for anyone who loves the excitement and mystery of the unknown. ..

Spinos, a level 5 monster, costs 1 tribute to summon. However, with pendulum decks, as long as you have scales between 4 and 6 you can just summon Spinos for free. ..

This card is an impressive 2500 attack, making it a powerful card for decks that focus on Summoning Skulls.

A monster tribute can either attack twice or attack directly. ..

The downside to pendulum decks is that when they’re destroyed or tributed, they get set face-up to the extra deck – where they can be summoned all over again.

Dinomist Spinos practically guarantees free triggers. Who could say no to that? ..

6. Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu

The Earthbound Immortals were the Aztec counterparts to the Signer Dragons. They were a group of villains who sought to take over the world by using powerful magic. ..

All Earthbound Immortals have an attack stat of 3000, making them quick to take down. ..

If you choose to attack an opponent’s monster, you’ll deal damage equal to that monster’s attack as burn damage. ..

This means that you’re effectively attacking no matter how you do it, and that your opponent will have no choice but to react.

I would recommend summoning this guy with the Mausoleum of the Emperor, where instead of tributing monsters, you can pay 2000 life points to normal summon it for free.

The field spell on the board prevents it from destroying itself. ..

5. Harpies’ Pet Phantasmal Dragon

I’m glad to see that Harpies have been getting support recently.

The Yu-Gi-Oh! archetype has been around since the beginning of the show. Mai Valentine is a signature monster of the archetype, and her cards are often used to summon this type of monster.

Harpies, once a forgotten monster type, are making a comeback with the release of XYZ monster. This monster has an ability that protects your Harpies monsters and lets you attack directly for three turns. This could be a major advantage in battle, especially against opponents who rely on defensive cards to protect their monsters. ..

This guy is definitely worth summoning, as he can deal 6000 damage to your opponent.

Harpies are great at summoning more and more copies of themselves, so you’ll likely have all your materials back in no time. ..

4. Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme

The Mekk-Knights are a deck that has made many people say “wait, what’s a column again?”. The deck is a combination of cards that can be used to help you win games of Magic.

The first deck to really focus on cards being in the same column as them, getting bonuses or disadvantages depending on what was on the field.

The only monster in its column is Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme, which can attack directly. ..

This card has an effect that can remove cards in the same column as it, and it’s virtually indestructible. ..

The Mekk-Knights have a lot of cards that can be used to get rid of cards in particular columns, making this 3000-damage direct attack super easy to pull off.

3. Earthbound Immortal Cusillu

2 Earthbound Immortals are two of the best players in the game, and both deserve a mention.

Earthbound Immortal Cusillu is a powerful direct attack spell caster that relies heavily on field spells.

When this card is played in battle, you can tribute another monster you control instead. Then, your opponent’s life points are halved.

That’s a maximum of 4000 damage, which will leave your opponent practically defeated then and there.

This is a direct attacker with a fantastic backup plan. Even in non-Earthbound Immortal decks, this guy is worth running as long as you have a field spell.

2. Number 82: Heartlandraco

This guy is the most accessible direct attacker in Yu-Gi-Oh! because he doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge to exploit security vulnerabilities. He can simply use common sense and common sense alone to exploit vulnerabilities in your software or system.

For two level-4 monsters, you get a 2000 attack dragon that can attack directly and is indestructible as long as you control a spell.

This is a win because field spells are so common in Yu-Gi-Oh, giving you an invincible direct attacker every turn.

Level 4 monsters are a big part of Yu-Gi-Oh, and Heartlandraco can fit into many different strategies. ..

XYZ monsters are some of the most powerful cards in the game, and with this card you can make sure that they always have an impact on the battlefield. Whether you need to take down a powerful opponent or just need to secure a victory, this card is a great way to do it. ..

1. Toon Ancient Gear Golem

Toons are a deck that can easily take down other decks by attacking directly.

Toons is a great deck for dealing a lot of damage quickly.

Toon World allows you to control a large number of powerful monsters that can attack directly. This gives you an entire deck of monsters that are tough to stop.

There are so many great Toon monsters that we could include them all right in this list.

The new Toon Monsters TCG is packed with all your favorite classic monsters, like Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician. I can’t wait to see what decks people build with all this nostalgia! ..

Ancient Gear Golem is one of the strongest Toon cards in the game. It has the same effect as the original Ancient Gear Golem, having piercing attack and leaving your opponent unable to activate spells and traps until this guy has done its damage.

The Trump administration’s new travel ban is a direct attack on the rights of Muslims.

The Toons are a powerful direct attackers in their own right, and work great with other decks that can easily take advantage of their abilities. This makes them one of the most versatile direct attackers in all of Yu-Gi-Oh!