Some people love the action and challenge of the combat, while others find it a little clunky. ..

No matter how you feel about the older combat style, I think something both sides can agree on is that some bosses can be incredibly difficult. ..

The boss you least expect is waiting for you.

Kingdom Hearts is a popular video game franchise with many bosses. This list includes the hardest bosses from Kingdom Hearts (including KH 1.5 Remix). ..

10. Anti-Sora

Next on our list is you.

The anti-Sora can be a confusing and unpredictable opponent to fight in his small pirate chamber.

Sora is a skilled fighter who uses quick strikes to take down his opponents. He does this by using combos that are similar to those used by Sora, but he doesn’t give much indication that he’s going to do any of these moves in the future. So be careful about what you say or do in order to avoid being hit by one of his quick strikes.

It is hard to keep track of him when he summons several copies of himself all while sinking into the floorboards.

If you like using reflect moves, be warned: Anti-Sora doesn’t stagger from any guard attacks you do. So be ready to fight after a proper shielding.

This attack is his most dangerous because it can be unpredictable and cause pain.

Be on the lookout for the real shadow and be prepared to guard against any possible floorboards. ..

9. Cloud and Leon

Be prepared for anything and everything that may come your way. Double down on your preparations to make sure you’re as ready as possible for whatever challenges come your way. ..

Cloud and Leon have arrived and are ready to pummel a child into the ground. Luckily, Donald and Goofy are here to balance the odds.

In a battle of might, two large swords clash against each other. Their combos and overall attacks hit hard, so be prepared to dodge rolling.

Both can be a bit slow, though. So don’t be afraid to get up close and personal.

When it comes to choosing a character to focus on in a fight, it can be hard to keep track of everything that’s going on. However, it’s best to just focus on one character and go all in. Cloud has the lower health pool, so he might be your best bet first. ..

If you can, try to focus on Leon and the other two enemies at the same time. If you can, you should be golden. Keep an eye out for their second phase attacks as well.

8. Cerberus

Cerberus is a dog that is not here to play fetch.

The difficulty of his fight can depend on when you decide to fight him.

He can be challenging early on, making him quite formidable compared to what you’ve faced before. Or if you save Olympus for last, well, he’s definitely easier then. ..

Not only is this guy huge, but his fireballs are really powerful. You’ll want to be careful when he starts shooting them, or you’ll be in for a lot of trouble.

The chomping action of the zombie is quick, so be prepared to stun it with your weapon. ..

After his bites, you’ll find dark geysers all over the ground. dodging them is easy – but then the big pup decides to also shoot fireballs at you, making your life even harder.

If you can’t get past him, you could always come back later on when you’re a few levels higher.

7. Dark Riku

It’s time to talk some sense into your friend who is obsessed with darkness. ..

Donald and Goofy won’t be providing backup for your fight in Hollow Bastion, so make sure you’re prepared for a one-on-one battle. ..

Riku is predictable with his moves, so it can be difficult to fight him if you’re not prepared. ..

When he starts to get too aggressive, use well-timed deflections to put him in his place. ..

The best way to deal with Darkseid is to watch out for his slashes and shocks of darkness.

While his ultimate attack looks flashy and terrifying, you just have to glide above the poor kid. Without you reflects and glides, this boss could take a while. With them, Riku is sure to understand why the Keyblade chose you instead.

6. Dragon Maleficent

If you thought Maleficent was an intimidating and imposing threat before, then you’re not prepared for her massive dragon form. Her dragon form is so large, she can barely move around in it. ..

Your only way to survive is to stay airborne and use air combos.

Air combos can be a little hard to pull off, but they can also lead to some great opportunities later on. You have to be careful where you leap in order to make the most of your opportunities.

Maleficent torches the area with a searing green fire that I would not recommend getting too close to. ..

Her fireballs are slowly and indecisively moving around you. This makes it difficult to time reflections or predict dodges. ..

There is no need to rush in and try to take down the evil fairy. It is best to wait and prepare for the battle. Make sure you have all of your potions and combos ready so you can extinguish the fairy’s flame quickly. ..

5. Kurt Zisa

According to a recent study, people who are more creative are also more successful.

Zisa, Kurt (n.d.) Kurt Zisa is a formidable foe, as he is the winner of a contest in New York. ..

Kurt Zisa starts off the battle by completely blocking your magic. Fun. ..

If you want your spells back, then try your best to destroy the orbs he’s carrying.

After getting your magic back, Kurt forces you to use it – as he creates a physical attack proof shield. At this point, you’ll want to focus on casting spells against his shield, while avoiding the sand tornadoes and the various other projectiles he decides to throw at you.

The two phases of grit your teeth through are the repeated ones that will bury Kurt in a sandy tomb.

4. Ice Titan

The Colosseum is home to an absolutely massive titan. If you’re even thinking of trying to fight it, you’ll need to get out of the way. ..

Ice attacks are the main way that this brute damages opponents. By deflecting and reflecting his ice attacks back at him, most of the damage is done. ..

Some of his attacks can’t be reflected. ..

There are a variety of attacks that can be used, and a variety of attacks that should be avoided. It is important to study and learn which ones are the best to use and which ones are the best to avoid.

As the Ice Titan becomes smarter, it becomes more and more difficult for the humans to fight it.

Sora’s new moves have given him an edge in the battle against his enemies. He has combined old moves to create a new strategy that has worked well for him in the past. He is constantly barraging Sora into a corner with ice, until he meets a chilling death.

The Trump campaign has been trying to turn the tide of this battle by airing ads that attack Clinton. But the Clinton campaign has been airing ads that attack Trump. This is making it difficult for the Trump campaign to turn the tide.

3. The Phantom

I was recently on a peaceful glide through the skies of London when I saw a soulless floating ghost trailing behind me. It was eerie and unsettling all at the same time.

You’re out on the town, feeling alive and in good spirits, when all of a sudden you feel this pain in your chest. You can’t breathe. It feels like someone has punched you in the chest.

The wizarding world is in trouble.

Your team starts their clash by cursing the clocktower and putting a ticking time bomb on one of their teammates.

This ability knocks out your allies for the remainder of the fight, making it difficult for them to fight back.

If you don’t want your friend to die, then you should cast Stop spells on the clock frequently throughout the battle.

This means you need to track both the Phantom and the time.

The Phantom has a colored orb within his cloak that indicates the spell you need to use to actually hurt him.

Quick spells are a must-have in any caster’s arsenal, because they will be needed to take down enemies quickly.

This fight is going to take a long time to win, as there are a lot of things you need to keep track of and remember.

2. Unknown

Kingdom Hearts 2 style boss fights are a new addition to the game that give players their first taste into the game’s new style of boss fights.

This boss fight is a nightmare. It’s overwhelming, flashy, and all around powerful.

Donald and Goofy are quickly rendered powerless by the evil king’s powerful attacks.

He is relentless with his attacks and teleporting movements, making it difficult to hit him. ..

He has a giant shield wall that can block most attacks. Be careful not to hit it too often, or you’ll fly at him and strike him.

In his second phase, he is increasing his speed and strength in order to better survive. ..

The key to Dodging and Timing is to have a good rhythm and keep your timing consistent.

If you manage to get his third phase, things can get really dire. ..

You’re in a fight, and your only hope is to avoid being hit by the saber. Rolling and reflecting will be your best friends here. Or maybe watch a few YouTube tutorials to get the knack for this.

We hope that we will never have to meet this man again. ..

1. Sephiroth

The Hades Cup is a competition that is supposed to be all fun and games, but the Latin choir ruins everything. ..

Sephiroth is one of the most difficult bosses in the game. ..

If you want to fight him, you’ll have to be prepared for a few casualties in the process.

You’ll need all the best strength and magic enhancing equipment to live long enough to stand a chance.

He has a quick slash that can be timed easily, but his teleporting and flames can be hard to figure out.

Sin Harvest is a move that one of his more powerful moves. It instant kills you and drains all of your magic. It’s not what he says - but regardless of what he’s saying, it’s a powerful move that can easily kill you.

Even if you survive an attack with the Second Chance ability, you will still need elixirs. A lot of them. ..

When fighting your opponent, make sure to stay close and not get too greedy. ..

The more time passes in this fight, the more difficult it becomes to control it.

Sephiroth will use powerful magic that looks cool but can kill you in a heartbeat.

Just remember to dodge, reflect, and heal in order to win against the famed One-Winged Angel. ..