This will involve conquering the centers of trade in order to increase our economy.

The faster you can kill your competition, the more money you will earn.

In order to make money off of trade, you must first spend money on improvements and investments.

You’ll need capital to start a business. You can quickly get that with the financial options mentioned below. ..

Sell Crown Land

In the Estates tab, clicking the “Sale of Titles” button will give you a significant sum of gold coins.

The estate tax is a tax on the value of estates, which are the property of people who have died. The amount depends on your yearly income, the current age, and the total land owned by the estates. ..

You’ll lose 10% of your crown land after the sale, but you can immediately regain 5% by pressing the “Seize Land” button. ..

button to turn off the war or rebels in your country

Annexing provinces can give you crown land, depending on the estate’s influence. Lower-influence provinces will give you more crown land than higher-influence provinces. ..

The government is imposing a number of penalties on landowners who go below 30% crown land ownership. These include a reduction in the amount of royalty payments they receive, and a possible loss of access to government programs. ..

Liberty desire can be mitigated by granting the “Strong Duchies” privilege to the Noble estate. This is only a problem for countries like Denmark or the Timurids, who start the game with large, disloyal subjects. ..

If you want to win the early game, you need to keep your provinces with high autonomy. This will decrease production, trade value, and trade power.

Crown land is important for the environment and economy. Maintaining at least 20% of crown land is recommended to ensure the sustainability of our natural resources and economy. ..

The Age of Absolutism is coming, and with it, the bonuses for having at least 50% crown land. This new norm will make life much easier for those who can afford it, as they will now be able to get the bonuses without having to spend a lot of time and effort getting there.


You can take out a loan via the Economy tab or the Estates tab.

The amount you get is based on this equation: The amount you get is based on this formula: This equation states that the more you give, the more you will receive.

  1. A loan for a purchase of a home
  2. A loan for a car A loan for a car is different than a loan for a home purchase. A car loan is usually smaller in size and has shorter terms than a home loan.

-Both loans are interest-bearing -The interest rates are different, but both loans have a fixed term -The terms of the loans are also different

Each loan taken increases inflation by 0.1 each time it is taken, and the total increase is 1.0%. The loans have a 5-year period, and if they are not repaid, they add an additional 0.1% to inflation each year.

Debase Currency

The “Debase Currency” button gives you ducats equal to one loan, but will increase your corruption by 2. ..

You can debase currency as long as your corruption is less than 90%

  1. The public is less likely to trust government officials, and
  2. Corruption can lead to economic decline.

The mana cost of all spells and abilities is increased by 0.5% for each point of autonomy the player has.

These will scale with your corruption value and the number of bad events that occur. On top of those, you’ll also receive more often negative events, such as riots and civil unrest.

If you are a Muslim nation, you can use piety to offset the corruption increase.

The “Enforce Faithful Adherence” button reduces your corruption by 2, effectively negating the increase from debasing your currency. This also has a five-year cooldown.

Piety is a new attribute that will be available in the upcoming expansion. ..

If you need more piety to fight non-Muslims, you can gain 25 piety each time you declare war on them.

War Profiteering

The army in an enemy province will loot the province each month, based on the size and composition of the army.

The fleets of the empire will loot coastal provinces that they have blockadeaded.

In “Loot” mode, you can see how much money each enemy province has left. Highly developed provinces will typically hold more loot. ..

This income will be labeled as “Spoils of War” in your Economy tab.

The button in the bottom-left corner of the War Taxes tab reduces your army maintenance costs by 15% in exchange for 2 military mana per month.

Peace Deals

After accumulating enough war score, you can negotiate a peace treaty with your enemies.

The Selecting “War Reparations” option will give you 10% of an enemy’s income for over 10 years.

If you have trade power with another player, you can transfer that power to them by either talking to them or by writing a letter. This will give you 50% of their trade power in all trade nodes where you both have trade power. This remains in effect until the end of your truce.

If you are unsatisfied with the service, you can demand for an immediate payment of ducats. The amount can be equal to 5 loans that they’re able to take. ..

Since these terms are relative to their economy, that means that the bigger your enemy, the more money they can potentially fleece off of you.

Proposing peace with a war leader can be difficult, but it’s important to do so before you make any concessions to them. This will help you get the most profit from each peace deal you make.

Raiding Coasts

Pirate republics can raid coastal provinces, providing them with an ability to gain resources and power.

The Knights of Morocco, Tunisia, Somalia and all Berber minor nations are formable. They can be released by England. ..

All of them except Normandy start with this ability. Normandy will get it with their national ambition.

The pirate republics of Normandy and Somalia can raid anyone they please, as long as they have the right weapons and supplies.

The others can only raid countries that are not following the raider’s state religion if they are members of the raider’s state religion.

The “Raid Coast” button is a button on the naval unit interface that will let you raid coastal provinces if your navy is at sea and adjacent to a lootable province.

The United States is at war with the Taliban.

Each raided province will need 10 years to recover before it can be raided again.