The spell list of the witches in this story gives them near-unparalleled flexibility. They are able to use their spells in ways that no one else can. This makes them very powerful and able to do things that no one else can.

A blue mage’s subjobs will reflect the nature of their spell lists.

  1. Blue Mage Tank: A blue mage’s natural ability to protect allies and heal them makes them perfect for tanking roles in raids or group content.
  2. Blue Mage DPS: A blue mage’s potent magic allows them to deal high amounts of damage quickly and efficiently.
  3. Blue Mage Healer: A blue mage’s ability to restore health and mana quickly makes them an ideal healer in groups or raids. ..

5. Dancer

Dancer is a unique ability that can be used with Blue Mage to remove the pressure of needing to cast magic to restore HP.

The blue mage can use the Erase ability to remove status effects from themselves, but Healing Waltz is a more versatile option for situations where the caster needs to be silenced quickly.

Waltzes make for some great healing, whether it’s in single target or AoE form. Sambas offer some support utility to the party – most notably Haste Samba’s 5% job ability Haste.

This article is about the unique abilities of a dancer, specifically how they grant them debuffing utility.

Blue mages are not as effective at getting the skillchain bonus as other jobs because they can easily get it on their own.

This is a discrepancy in the game that can be easily resolved by playing around with the settings.

4. Rune Fencer

As a subjob for blue mage, we have a rune fencer.

It’s definitely a unique choice, but it still works well!

The item contains supportive spells like Flash and Aquaveil that can only be obtained from Carcharian Verve, an Unbridled Learning spell.

Rune Fencer is a hybrid damage dealing + defensive job that can be used with a blue mage. This job has the ability to use runes for both offense and defense, which allows it to stay safe while supporting its allies.

The support job excels at reducing magic damage, thanks to its Magic Defense bonus and Tenacity traits. ..

Blue Mage can only use naturally-occurring blue magic points to cast spells. If they want to use rune fencers, which free up their blue magic points for other spells, this would be the best option.

With a strategic use of Wards abilities, the player can completely negate incoming magic damage and status effects.

Swordplay is a great ability for both accuracy and evasion. It offers up to an extra 60 points to both, which can help eliminate accuracy issues. ..

Rune Fencer is a great addition to a blue mage that can multiattack often enough. His damage is considerable and makes it easy to take down enemies.

3. Ninja

With Blue Mage being able to cast occultation, it would make sense to opt out of this sub job.

But it excels in content that a blue mage is naturally good at: low man content! ..

Utusemi is still incredibly useful in situations where high amounts of damage are expected, even if it can’t always avoid the damage. Occultation by nature is still bling regardless of how many shadows it provides. ..

The government’s reliance on the private sector to provide many of its services can be costly and eat into MP reserves faster than the government might realize.

In low-man content, party dynamics are more restricted, so Utsusemi becomes an easy way to mitigate damage virtually cost-free. ..

It is especially helpful for players intending to tank.

Blue mages can use their blue magic points to not set blue magic that would normally grant them the Dual Wield trait, allowing them to use those blue magic points for other spells or traits instead.

2. Red Mage

The blue mage and red mage jobs are very important to each other. When one of the blue mages has a job that allows them to use some of the powerful spells that the red mages can access, the blue mage can then use those spells to help their sister.

With a red mage sub, you can greatly simplify the battle process by giving your party members access to powerful magic spells that they can use to take down enemies.

Red mage is a great choice for nuking, as RDM offers a great initial boost to the Magic Attack Bonus and Fast Cast traits.

Blue mages benefit from a variety of support spells to bolster their defenses. ..

These spells can help you take more damage from enemies, and keep you alive in the process.

You gain access to a variety of spells that help you in your two jobs. These spells include Dispel, Distract, and Frazzle. Additionally, you can find bar-spells that further enhance your abilities in these jobs.

convert is an emergency tool that can help you if your blue mage runs out of MP.

1. Warrior

This blue mage’s #1 subjob is being a offensive mage.

Your support job in the game doesn’t offer as many job traits as some of the other jobs, so you don’t need to spend as much time looking for them.

Rather, you can take your focus toward powerful job abilities, which warrior has no shortage of. Warrior is a great place to start if you’re looking for a career in which you can use your power and strength to help others. ..

While blue mages can set their own Triple Attack traits, warriors provide Double Attack, giving them access to both traits that work in tandem with each other.

Nature’s Meditation is a great way to increase your attack bonus. Berserk and Warcry also work well together, making a blue mage into a powerful force to be reckoned with. ..

In addition to this, Aggressor will make sure you hit your targets, reducing the need to rely so much on accuracy.

Warrior is a class that offers very little utility.

Blue mages are able to fill the gaps left by other jobs easily because of their natural strength.