The late 1990s were a time of great change for the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! as new cards and powerful arcane masters were introduced. These cards and their beautiful artworks have been engraved into the memories of anyone who grew up during that time. ..

Ojamas, a bacteria that disinfectant can’t kill, is a unique and interesting creature.

  1. The Dark Magician This card is just plain ugly. It’s a black and red magician with a skeletal face and a cape that looks like it’s made out of bones. It has the ability to destroy cards, which can be pretty nasty in a game.
  2. The Beast Within This card is just plain gross. It’s a green monster with tentacles coming out of its head and shoulders, and it has the ability to attack your opponent directly. Not only is it ugly, but it’s also dangerous – so don’t play it if you can help it!
  3. The Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning This card is just plain weird looking. It’s a white soldier with black armor, and its ability is to special summon other white soldiers from your deck to fight for you. It doesn’t look very good, does it?
  4. The Dark Armed Dragon This card is just plain creepy looking! It’s a black dragon with red eyes and spikes coming out of its back, and its ability is to destroy your opponent’s cards automatically. Not only does it look bad, but it can also be really tough to beat – so steer clear if you can!
    31 .The White Tiger of the Ice Barrier This card is just plain ugly! It’s a white tiger with blue eyes and an ice barrier around it that stops all attacks from your opponent. But that doesn’t stop this tiger from being one tough cookie – in fact, if you can get past its defenses, you might be able to take down your opponent!
    30 .The Dark Magician Girl This card is just plain creepy looking! It’s an orange magician girl with long hair that flows down her back like liquid fire, and her ability is to destroy your opponent ..

35. Weather Report

The card’s design is confusing and its function is unknown. ..

The simplicity of his face is striking, and it’s like someone who spent a lot of time on his features and accessories - including his fluffy cloud tail and traditional Japanese sandals - rushed a face on in the last few minutes.

The card seems to be from a store, but the writing is strange and the expression on the face is one that I could only describe as a mild disgruntlement. The writing seems to be in a language that I don’t understand, and the face has an expression that I can only describe as one that I could only describe as mild disgruntlement.

34. Vampire Baby

DreamWorks Animation is planning to release a movie about a character who has the ability to change his or her form at will. I’m surprised this concept hasn’t been picked up by DreamWorks yet!

A three-month-old vampire baby has been photographed looking older than 30. ..

He’s clearly a baby, with the huge clothes and chubby cheeks. But something about those eyes and that hair makes me think he’s a lot older than we’re led to believe at a glance.

This guy is definitely a monster!

33. Nightmare Penguin

Many people are fans of this card, given that it was technically a duelist on the original show. However, for me, it just gives me the creeps. ..

The penguin in a waistcoat is so close to being cute. ..

But on closer inspection, it’s a ploy to get your parents to buy you a toy.

We see a penguin who is hellish looking and would definitely eat you if given the opportunity. This makes the penguin an unsettling aura to get from it.

32. D-Boyz

The blatant disregard for basic etiquette or the fact that the sender chose to use a holiday as an excuse to send a card that is clearly not appropriate for the occasion. ..

The zombies are wearing early 2000s outfits, which is interesting.

I can’t help but stare at the old jeans on these zombies. They’re so baggy and they look like they would be comfortable to wear. ..

Nowadays, people are so afraid of being too skinny that they’ll never be able to find jeans that baggy. So if you’re looking for a way to stand out from the crowd, try wearing jeans that are a little too baggy. It’ll make you look more confident and stylish.

This card makes me want to fire up Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 on the PS2 and blast my Blink-182 tapes.

31. Avatar of the Pot

If you thought Pot of Greed was ugly, why not try giving it a weirdly jacked body that’s covered in spikes?

This guy has got so many muscles, I’m not sure half of them are real.

The Avatar of the Pot is so muscular that he almost looks like one of those squishy balls with the netting around it. I can’t be the only one seeing this right?

The fact that he’s only being covered by a loin cloth makes him look very uncomfortable and unappealing. ..

30. Lullaby of Obedience

I don’t like the way this card looks. ..

A card with a name like “Lullaby of Obedience” could have some seriously cool artwork to it, maybe featuring the guy from Solemn Judgment.

In a world of shrinking budgets and ever-shrinking attention spans, it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends. So when we get a new product that’s so bizarre and out of the ordinary, it’s hard not to be intrigued. That’s what happened with Super Monkey Ball – a game that is so strange and unique, you can’t help but be drawn in.

I was wrong, this guy is definitely traditionally ugly. ..

29. Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter

Konami’s new card game, “Halloween”, is receiving a lot of criticism for its disturbing artwork. Some players say the spooky characters and scenes are too reminiscent of horror movies and nightmares, making the game feel too scary for young children. ..

Chu-Ske, the card with the disturbing face, is just not cute. ..

I think it’s awesome that Konami gave a nod to Bruce Lee, something about this mouse gives me the creeps.

28. Big Eye

This guy is a classic example of an ugly Yu-Gi-Oh card. Old Yu-Gi-Oh cards are an absolute gold mine for ugly artworks, and this guy is a perfect example. ..

The man’s eyes are large and bulging, and his two “face” eyes are squashing against each other. This makes him look angry or dangerous.

This guy doesn’t have eyelashes.

Can you imagine the amount of dust that gets into those vacuum cleaners?

27. 7 Colored Fish

However, the recent nerfs to this monster have made it less powerful and more difficult to summon. So if you’re looking for a fun and challenging level 4 monster, 7 Colored Fish isn’t the best option.

That doesn’t change the fact that this card is hideous!

Some fish have many teeth because they need to eat a lot of food.

The man’s tusks are impressive, and it seems like he’s a predator.

26. Mucus Yolk

I feel like it would be a good idea to keep this information to ourselves, especially with our friends and family.

Mucus yolk is a disgusting word that I don’t like.

The card is really strong – by equipping it with any equip spell, you can pretty much attack your opponent directly every single turn. This makes the card even more powerful by increasing its attack by 1000 each time.

Despite the fact that I don’t really like this person, I’ll give them this card.

25. Jinzo

I love how he makes me laugh and feel loved, but I also hate how he always manages to make me feel like a complete idiot.

On the other hand, Jinzo is a card that can easily be shut down by traps, making it less effective in modern Yu-Gi-Oh. ..

Jinzo, a new product from Japan, is a potato-shaped alarm clock that runs on a piece of ham. The product was created as a way to reduce food waste and promote healthy eating habits. ..

I can’t help but feel like I’m in a horror movie.

24. Spear Cretin

What if Gollum was obsessed with weaponry and not Rings?

The card is uncomfortable to look at because of the design and the color.

This guy is certifiably creepy. He has long, gangly limbs; six fingers on each hand; and a mischievous smile that suggests he knows something you don’t know but probably should. He’s definitely not someone you’d want to cross paths with - or sit next to on a bus. ..

This guy is crawling around on the floor despite having wings, which makes him look like a creepy creature.

It’s definitely a humanoid, but there’s something almost insect-like about this guy’s stance.

I absolutely would not look at every single time when I’m driving. 10/10 would avoid looking at every single time!

23. Firegrass

Yu-Gi-Oh is a game full of powerful cards and broken ones. But there are also some of the dumbest ones in the game.

The Deku Mask Goron is wearing the bottom of this fire-breathing plant. The top half of the plant looks like 2 Bellsprouts that definitely need a break from work.

The two plants in the garden looked so fed-up that I was worried they might attack each other.

Combining a 700 attack Firegrass with a normal monster yields a card that is unlikely to be used in battle. ..

22. Kumootoko

Kumootoko is a spider that is incredibly ugly and not likely to be seen by most people. This spider is definitely something that you won’t want to encounter!

I want to know what you think about those legs.

Six of the insect’s legs are normal, while the last two are disturbingly human-like and muscular. ..

This spider is definitely not human.

This spider was curious and decided to keep its legs. It may have been curious because it was new to the area and didn’t know what else to do with its legs.

This spider is an incredibly ugly card. It’s strange, spooky, and just wrong in all the right ways.

21. Mystic Tomato

The OCG art for this card is adorable and I love it.

In Japan, they went for a tomato that had been carved with a little smile to look like a cute little Jack-o-lantern.

This guy is definitely not human.

The creepy factor was definitely well done in this video. Now I’m definitely going to put a few of these up alongside the pumpkins at Halloween!

20. Humpty Grumpty

Humpty Grumpty is a derogatory term for a white person. The old nursery rhyme Humpty-Dumpty is about a man who is broken into two pieces. Humpty Grumpty is the white person equivalent of that story. ..

The egg who sat on a wall and fell off.

The story of a young girl who is taken from her home in the middle of nowhere and forced to work in a coal mine is one that we all know and love. It’s a heart-wrenching tale that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

Humpty Grumpty is a demon that is the literal counterpart of this: a Deviled Egg if you will.

The disturbing thing about this card art is the way the egg’s arms and legs are disproportionate to its body. ..

The egg looks like a limbless baby, and the tiny legs and arms are strange because it has to move with big, heavy eggs.

19. Gimmick Puppet Humpty Dumpty

Yu-Gi-Oh! cards have ruined the children’s nursery rhyme “Humpty Dumpty” for me. Twice.

Creepy archetype Yu-Gi-Oh! Gimmick Puppets include cards like the Dark Magician and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. ..

Possessed puppets and dolls are a popular archetype in the tabletop RPG world, and for good reason. They’re fun to play with, and they offer a lot of potential for storytellers to explore. But when you make an archetype based around them, you also expect something different. You want your players to feel like they’re playing a character who is possessed by something evil or powerful.

There’s something off about this guy. ..

The man in the photograph seems like an egghead on a puppet body, and I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s not really there for the right reasons.

18. Corroding Shark

The aptly named Corroding Shark is a rotting corpse of a shark that has been left to decompose in the open ocean. ..

This one made it past the censors of Yu-Gi-Oh, but the background of Exodia was just too pentagram-y.

This poor shark is barely holding on to his fin and has his ribs nearly falling out of him. ..

I feel sorry for the little guy because he’s always having to put up with the big guys.

The man’s flavor text says how he can pass on his terrible curse with a spell – and judging by the looks of him, I think I’ll steer clear of whatever aquarium this guy’s staying at.

17. Gernia

Gernia is a strange, alien planet that is difficult to describe. It’s a place where the sky is a deep blue and the ground is black, and where the only thing that can be seen are huge, glowing sharks.

The alien is humanoid in some respects, but the rest of him is something else entirely.

I have no idea what’s going on. ..

The man has a bizarre appearance with several horns protruding from his head and one growing out of his stomach. ..

What happens to your species if they need an ab horn to survive?

16. Ojama Green

These were 3 monsters that were designed to be ugly, as they were the annoying duel-spirit companions to Chazz Princeton in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX anime.

Konami’s new game, “The Ugly Part,” is a dark and gritty take on the survival horror genre. The game’s protagonist, a young woman named Alice, must fight off hordes of monsters in an abandoned asylum while trying to uncover the secrets of her past. The Ugly Part is an excellent addition to the survival horror genre, and Konami did an amazing job with its ugly graphics. ..

The green liquid that fills the glass jar at the back of the store is viscous and thick, like tar. The smell is rank and cloying, like a rotting corpse. The color is a sickly green, like moss on a cold day.

The man’s tongue is carelessly rolled out his mouth, dragging across the floor and licking up whatever may be there. His eye is definitely sideways to what it should be.

The tiny little spandies that look way too small to contain it all.

Ojamas are a really fun deck to play when played properly – so if you can look past what might be the ugliest monsters ever created, then I’d highly recommend giving them a shot!

15. Niwatori

Niwatori is strikingly similar to me in appearance 2 seasons in on a Netflix binge. ..

The man in the photo is barely awake, and he’s clearly very full from his meal. But even more striking is the terrible hairdo he has on. ..

Niwatori is a powerful and dangerous monster that was used in ancient Egyptian rituals. Summoning Niwatori could potentially lead to disaster. ..

The card is ugly, but in a quirky way that can be endearing. ..

14. Crass Clown

There is something about the popular Yu-Gi-Oh! card game that seems to make people feel really creepy. Maybe it’s the egg-looking monsters that some people find so unsettling.

This clown is a complete and utter disgrace. He’s creepy, ghoulish, and just plain weird. He’s not worth your time or attention.

This clown is truly a unique figure, one that is both creepy and bizarre. His body is perfectly shaped like an egg, and his head and neck are practically melted into his body. This makes him even more unsettling, and it’s something that should not be possible.

13. The Kick Man

The Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game is home to some of the most creative monsters in the entire game. These creatures are designed to take on any opponent, and can be used to devastating effect in your next Duel.

Do you have any other cards like this?

The Elemental Heroes are a series of superheroes who each have their own element. They use their elemental powers to fight crime and protect the people of the world.

The Kick Man is a man who kicks. He’s always kicking, and it seems to be the only thing he does. He’s a menace to everyone he meets, and they all know it. But they can’t help but love him anyway because he’s always kicking so hard!

He’s a man with a face like Pot of Greed, and he kicks.

This card could have been really cool if it was done with a different character. Maybe an awesome Karate fighter or a Sumo wrestler.

The fact that this man is pretending to be able to fight is concerning. ..

12. Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler

The puppeteers who create these creatures must be cursed, because no matter how hard they try, the puppets always look like they’re wearing a permanent frown. ..

This guy is the most creepy archetype in the world.

The idea of two puppets being sewn together is absolutely terrifying. It’s like they’re sharing the same head, and it’s just so unique and different.

Two people who have been sewn together are still two people. They may have had a traumatic experience, but they are still human beings. What happened to them is beyond our understanding, and we should not try to find answers because they may not be available to us. ..

I’m not comfortable with the answer.

I’m glad this guy also has an awful monster effect, so I never have to consider playing it in my deck.

11. The Wicked Worm Beast

This card is for those who love insects and bugs!

The man is covered in worms, and his flesh is covered in blood.

The gruesome death of that poor man makes me shudder. ..

The card is disturbing because of the worms that are cut into it.

This card is one of the most disgusting cards to actually reach a printing press – it and begs the question, who on Earth makes the censorship decisions at Konami HQ?! ..

10. Dice Jar

A dice jar that looks strikingly similar to the titans from Attack on Titan has recently surfaced on the internet. The jar, which is made of metal and has a green and black design, is currently being sold for $25 on eBay. Some people are calling it an “Attack on Titan dice jar,” while others are simply curious about its origins. The Attack on Titan dice jar has sparked a lot of interest online, with many people wondering where it came from and why it looks so similar to the titans from the popular anime series. Some people have even speculated that the jar was created as a joke or publicity stunt for the show’s upcoming season 6 release. However, no one knows for sure whether or not this is true. Regardless of its origins, the Attack on Titan dice jar is definitely one of a kind and sure to attract attention from fans of the show alike. ..

That’s all it takes.

I can’t help but feel uneasy when looking into those eyes and seeing that mad smile. It’s like the jar is unhinged and has nothing to lose – that’s not a feeling I like to get from a jar.

The man in the picture is a cannibal.

This utensil is creepy because it looks like a knife.

9. Il Blud

Blud is a great card for zombie decks, and has made zombies one of the most popular strategies in the game. ..

That doesn’t change the fact that Il Blud is a nightmare fuel.

It seems like a prisoner, with his zipper closed up tight. There’s something lurking inside, some sort of demon, monster, or god knows what.

This card has a creepy look because of the evil-looking face and the mad look in the eyes.

This is not a Yu-Gi-Oh monster you’d want as your companion duel spirit.

8. Ooguchi

Ooguchi is one of the most enigmatic and undervalued artists in the world. ..

Is it a cat? Maybe.

The new “Pokemon Go” game has been met with mixed reviews from players. Some say it’s a fun and engaging game, while others claim that it’s not very friendly. ..

The object that was once visible is now gone, leaving behind a mystery. ..

The man in the video is almost falling out of his chair, his back looks like it’s made of metal with all the bumps and humps, and I can smell his breath through the screen.

Ooguchi is a truly ugly person.

7. Ojama Yellow

The Ojama is an ugly, furry creature that lives in the rainforest. It has a long snout and a large head. The Ojama is the ugliest animal in the rainforest. ..

The Ojamas are a group of three people who look pretty much the same, but they all have different personalities and goals. Ojama Yellow is the ringleader and he’s the most disgusting looking of them all.

I can’t help but feel uncomfortable looking at this giant man with his drooling mouth. He’s clearly not fit for society, and I wouldn’t want to meet him in person. ..

There’s something off about Ojama Yellow, the clothing brand that’s all about weird energy. He seems uncomfortable in his pose, looking like he’s dealing with stomach cramps but trying to smile for a photo at the same time – it really adds to the bizarre energy that the brand has.

The Ojama is definitely the ugliest one I’ve ever seen.

I wouldn’t change him for the world, but I would change him if he could.

6. Metamorphosis

This card is so overpowered that it’s banned. No, just kidding, it’s banned because the effect is so insanely powerful that any deck using it could win in a flash.

You can tribute a monster you control to special summon any fusion monster from your Extra Deck with the same level, allowing you to get some insanely powerful cards out on the field without putting in any effort.

The card has a great effect, but it comes with a big downside.

The video of the duel monster being slowly converted into something more hideous and sinister is creepy. ..

The man on the back of the head is grinning as he looks into the camera, knowing that he has won. All while the poor monster stares at his own hands in disbelief.

The abandoned building is an eyesore and it’s sad to look at. ..

5. Tongue Twister

The card seems to be implying that the person receiving it is not good enough.

The article seems to be one big tongue.

The eyes and teeth of a creature with a human-like face are likely because it has been surgically altered to look that way.

Is there a monster so large, vile, and disgusting that it needs its own teeth and eyes to survive?

This means that the monster here is literally dripping in saliva. And if you ask me, I can’t think of anything grosser than this slobbery monster hitting the battlefield.

4. Twin Long Rods #1

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist of the Dark Side is a monster that looks like it’s ready to take on the world.

This facial expression looks like he’s about to kill you.

The man in the picture is clearly having a mental breakdown, and his eyes are bulging out of his head and his grin is manic. This could only be worse if it had its tongue out.

The worst part about this card is that it’s the top pick, meaning there are more of them than any other card. ..

This is a horror movie that should be at the top of the list.

I’m not sure if Twin Long Rods #1 will make it into my deck, that’s for sure. ..

3. Worm Ugly

Worm Ugly is a dark, twisted, and disgusting album that is sure to disgust anyone who listens to it.

Although I’m not so sure it’s a worm, I think it might be.

I mean, isn’t it weird that worms are always the size of a ball of goop?

This card is ugly in so many ways that it’s hard to know where to start. ..

This creature looks like it needs help, with its little beak-like mouth and pudgy eyes. The green goo dripping off of it certainly doesn’t help either.

2. Parasite Paracide (OCG art)

This is one of the cards that the censor team picked up on, which means it must have been terrible.

This card features a creepy looking bug on a generic swirly background.

The typical old school Yu-Gi-Oh stuff is that people play to have fun and to see who can win. ..

The OCG art features a bug that borrows through a man’s throat and face. It’s horrifyingly creepy!

I’m not surprised that we didn’t get this card over here in the TCG. And in a way, I’m kind of glad we didn’t. ..

I don’t think I’m ready to play this game.

1. Necroface

The latest addition to the creepy doll family is the Crawling Chaos Doll. This doll is made from recycled materials and features a moving head and body. The doll is said to be able to crawl and move on its own, making it one of the most disturbing dolls on the market. ..

Necroface is a terrifying, grotesque figure that looks like a shattered porcelain doll with some tentacled and bulbous horror pouring out of it.

This is why I love dolls with visible veins and arteries – they are the perfect example of a doll that can be creepy, without actually being creepy.

Zombies are a type of card. ..

The tentacled monstrosity was alive and sentient, and this is all that remains. ..

This is not something I want to see or spend time with in any afterlife.