I like to see the bright side of Pokémon because they are often strange or useless, and I find their designs to be interesting.

Stunfisk is a weird creature that some people find charming, while others find strange and unsettling. It’s a little bit of both, and we think you’ll enjoy it!

There are some Pokémon that are not very popular, and may not be as well-loved as others. ..

I think that the Pokémon designs in Shiny collections should be at the bottom of the barrel.

The first group of refugees to be resettled in the United States arrived on Wednesday morning. The refugees, who are from Syria, are expected to be housed in a number of states across the country. On Wednesday morning, the first group of Syrian refugees arrived in the United States. The refugees, who have been living in refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon, will be resettled throughout the country. ..

20. Tranquill

Everyone loves the Incredible Hulk.

He looks amazing in those bright green skin and purple pants!

A bird would look great on a wall.

The designers at Game Freak decided to dye all of Tranquill’s feathers bright green and make its legs purple.

It looks like someone used the paint bucket option in MS Paint. ..

Despite its absurdity, the idea of a virtual reality experience is still something that could be enjoyed by many.

We need to move on before that happens.

19. Mamoswine

Piloswine is a Pokémon that I’ve fallen in love with for its shiny appearance. ..

The Pokémon in the field are really standing out with their golden locks!

Mamoswine is one of the most interesting Pokémon in the game, but it doesn’t get as much love as some of the other Pokémon. ..

Mamoswine is a Pokémon that gets its brown fur turned into pea soup. It’s a gross greenish yellow that makes me sad to see this Pokémon.

Mamoswine is a favorite wine to use, too.

This is a great shiny Pokémon that takes a great Pokémon and makes it completely undesirable.

18. Burmy/Wormadam (Also Zekrom, Garchomp, and any other Pokémon that barely changes)

Regular Wormadam is dull and unimpressive. Shiny Wormadam, on the other hand, is beautiful and eye-catching. ..

Can you tell me about the difference? Because I can’t.

I was curious about the differences between Wormadam and Shiny Wormadam, so I took a look. Wormadam is a type of water Pokémon that evolves from a common water type, Wailmer, and has a shiny color. Shiny Wormadam is a different type of water Pokémon that evolves from an common water type, Shellder, and has a shiny color.

Togekiss. The three most powerful dragon-type Pokémon in the world.

The Pokémon Company has released a Shiny Pokémon for every single one of the 151 Pokémon. These Shiny forms look exactly the same as the original, with no changes to their stats or abilities. ..

The fact that the new iPhone SE doesn’t have a headphone jack is really disappointing. ..

I just have Wormadam on here because it’s a representation of all of these Pokémon that are unchanged and Shiny.

I chose Wormadam because I hate it. ..

17. Shiinotic

They are strange, and often mysterious things. They can be found in many places, and some people believe they have the power to bring about change. Some people say they are a sign of the apocalypse.

Mushrooms that grow from poop are often beautiful and delicious, but there are some that are actually quite disgusting.

I don’t want to be reminded of that when I look at one. ..

I don’t like the way Shiinotic looks.

Shiny Shiinotic, with its brown base and brown edges, looks like it was grown out of poop and still has some left on it. ..

This is not helped by the purple top being changed into a bright yellow, almost like urine.

This is a truly disgusting choice that makes the previously cute Pokémon look hideous.

This list of body functions is not for the squeamish or those who are uncomfortable with discussing personal hygiene. If you are one of these people, then I suggest you move along. However, if you are like me and find this list interesting and want to learn more about what goes on inside our bodies, then read on!

16. Maractus

I was excited when I saw that a forgotten Pokémon had received a crazy and loud shiny form. ..

Bruxish is a beautiful, thriving city that is full of culture and excitement. It’s a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

The Maractus is a unique plant that I have never seen anywhere else.

Pokémon that were never truly effective in battle and never cute enough to garner a lot of attention are Maractus.

The cactus with a face on it is just another addition to the bizarre array of plants that have been spotted in recent months. ..

Unfortunately, the shiny form does not help in making Maractus more memorable.

The flowers in this garden are changed to orange, as the colors of the leaves change. The dark green and yellow highlights are changed to a maroon color, and the pink flowers are changed to orange.

The green is left unchanged, but the trees are now a different color.

This makes Maractus look even more lifeless than before, which is a real shame. I just don’t want to look at it.

Pokémon are a valuable resource, and Maractus is one of the forgotten Pokémon. Its shiny form deserves to be forgotten as well, because it is not as impressive as other Pokémon.

15. Kubfu

Kubfu is a game that I love very much.

It’s really adorable. The way it evolves is unique and fun!

The new iPhone is beautiful, but it doesn’t have the features that people are looking for. ..

Kubfu’s orange mouth is changed to a shiny yellow. ..

The design of this Pokémon has been changed, but there is no other change made to it. This is a real shame!

Imagine how cool it would be if its fur was changed to any color you want!

The only reason the Urshifu forms aren’t on this list is because their claws also change color from yellow to orange. ..

The main point of this article is that both forms of writing deserve better. In the case of journalistic writing, it should be more concise and clear, while in the case of e-mailing, it should be more concise and clear as well.

14. Uxie

The three lake guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, all have a common theme between them: they are all Psychic-type Pokémon. ..

The different body colors of the zebrafish are changed to a light yellow while their head colors are made darker. ..

This creates an interesting effect with Mesprit and Azelf, but makes Uxie look really bad.

This is because Uxie’s head was already the exact same color. So they made its head slightly more orange.

This combination does not work at all. ..

Neither color is different enough to compliment or clash with the other. Instead, we get this kind of amorphous combination of yellow and yellow-orange. ..

Uxie’s head should have been made lighter instead.

Since neither of those things happened, we’re left with a Pokémon that looks like a shiny, new toy.

13. Mega Charizard X

Charizard is famous for its shiny, fire-breathing form.

The color black on red is a great color combo that has worked for centuries. ..

Mega Charizard Y gets the same awesome combination as regular Charizard! ..

Mega Charizard X is not as powerful as Mega Man or Sonic.

The black skin on this animal is partially due to the fact that it was already changed. ..

The new LED lighting in the restaurant looks great with the blue flames on the wall. ..

Mega Charizard X received dark turquoise skin and red under the wings without changing any of the flames in Game Freak’s form of Mega Charizard X.

This just doesn’t work. ..

The new Pokémon game, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, has been met with criticism for its color scheme. The colors are too similar, and the red doesn’t help with the other colors at all. ..

The design of the building is really cool, but it’s a shame that the security features are not up to par. ..

12. Lumineon

Lumineon is a small, unassuming fish. It has few features that make it stand out from other fish, and it doesn’t have any special abilities that make it desirable to hunters or fishers. ..

Water-type Pokémon are weak against Fire-type Pokémon. ..

The blue coloring on the website is a nice touch. ..

There are many reasons why it might be desirable to make the brown color of a product more prevalent. One reason is that it can help to hide dirt and other debris on products, which can make them look more clean and new. Additionally, brown can also be used as a colorant in products to give them a more natural appearance.

Lumineon often hides in the sand, making it difficult for people to see it. This makes the Pokémon even more forgettable than before. ..

When it’s blue, Lumineon looks like a beautiful creature in the ocean.

The new iPhone XS and XS Max are a massive downgrade from the iPhone X. They look like something you accidentally stepped on in the soot of a lake. ..

11. Hitmontop

Hitmontop is a Pokémon that is constantly moving because it is loosely based on the martial art capoeira.

The top-spinning toy is a lot of fun, but the shiny form takes away all the joy. ..

Hitmontop’s gray skin gives it a Frankenstein’s monster feel. ..

The old building came alive with electricity when the new one was built next to it. ..

The capoeira-esque movements suddenly make it seem like it’s just flailing about, maybe because it doesn’t yet fully understand how to make its limbs work. And this isn’t helped by those little black eyes. ..

This shiny new object has made Hitmontop more morbid than it was before.

I would love to see the designers make the skin green.

The Hulk is a powerful and dangerous creature that has the ability to transform into a Hulk. This transformation is complete with a purple bodysuit that makes him even more powerful. With this new form, the Hulk is able to fight against enemies and protect his loved ones.

10. Gengar

I already gave up a whole spot to Pokémon who look the same in their shiny form, but I had to include Gengar on this list. ..

The Pokémon that received the same edits as the previous ones somehow ended up worse.

Gengar is one of the coolest Pokémon because of its bright purple coloring. ..

Gengar is a dark-skinned Pokémon that evolves from Espeon. It has a long, sharp tongue that can pierce through most things.

Pokémon that are as cool as Gengar are incredibly boring.

Mega Gengar becomes white with creepy dark eyes. Gigantamax Gengar becomes a white, scary-looking creature with dark eyes.

These two pieces of design are both really cool and give a whole new feeling to the design world.

Despite regular use, shiny Gengar never seem to achieve the same level of awesomeness as they do when they first appear. ..

9. Shroomish

I like the Shroomish line because it’s a new flavor that I haven’t tried before.

Breloom is a great Grass-type that can pack a punch.

Shroomish is a mushroom that is red and yellow in color. While I like the color on Breloom, it does not work well on Shroomish.

Shroomish is a fungus that looks like an old man’s bald head. It’s dome-like shape and yellow coloring make it look like the top of an old man’s head.

The green dots on the screen are changing to red, but it doesn’t help.

The liver spots have now become just like liver spots.

I saw an old man with liver spots on the street.

I don’t want my team to be focused on their personal goals.

8. Calyrex Shadow Rider

Calyrex is another Pokémon that doesn’t change much in its shiny form.

It just becomes a bit more tan.

This isn’t really that bad, but its Shadow Rider’s shiny design makes me mad.

A shiny Pokémon is one that has a different color than the usual one. Shiny Pokémon are usually more powerful and can be very helpful in battle. However, when a shiny Pokémon is taken away from someone, it can be really tough. ..

Spectrier has a cool shiny form, changing its purple accents to maroon.

This is a great design, but it’s still purple when combined with Calyrex. ..

Purple is not a color. ..

Calyrex should ride on a cool maroon horse.

Calyrex must bring Spectrier down to its mediocrity if it wants to be a contender in the market.

7. Lickilicky

I have made it well known in my previous lists that I dislike Lickilicky. ..

I don’t think there’s a need for this Pokémon in the game, and I would much rather trade it for a Jynx evolution.

But today, something strange and unexpected happened. The shiny form of a Pokémon didn’t show up to save the day.

Pokémon may be all gold to improve their quality, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be perfect.

Lickilicky’s shiny gold form is appalling. ..

Lickilicky’s tongue is constantly sticking out, and it makes his gross mouth taste even worse.

I do not want to see it.

I think I’ve said enough about this disgusting pustule. ..

6. Cyndaquil/Qwilava/Typhlosion

I like Pokémon because they are interesting and fun to play with.

The Cyndaquil line is easily the best starter option in Johto.

In those games, the Fire-types may be some of the strongest.

Unfortunately, their shiny forms really bring them down.

After a lot of work, the Cyndaquil line was finally given a major update that made them look more interesting and unique.

This looked even worse for their shinies, where their black fur was changed to brown.

The three birds have a long brown streak down their back – almost like they have track marks.

I know that’s gross, and I don’t want to do it.

Pokémon are a part of my life, and you’re not.

5. Chansey

One of the coolest things about Pokémon is that they can change their appearance depending on how they are Shiny. This can be really cool if you want to show your opponent that you have a different type of Pokémon than they expected.

While this strategy works great for creatures like Sableye or Golisopod, it does not work for Chansey. ..

Chansey is a healer, and her products are designed to help people feel better.

PokéStops are often found in Pokémon Centers, as they provide players with a convenient place to restock on supplies and catch new Pokémon. ..

This toy is brightly colored and easy to play with.

The other side of the coin is that its shiny form looks diseased, using pale yellow and green together.

The Chansey design was successful because it was a good color combo. However, this color combination destroys everything that the design is supposed to be good for.

If I was injured and saw a Chansey coming towards me, I would run right out of the hospital. ..

4. Swirlix

Swirlix is a fart cloud that is marketed to children. It is made of air, and when you blow into it, it creates a “fart cloud” that children can watch and enjoy. The problem is that this product is not safe, and it could actually be harmful to children. ..

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be.”

I’m not. That’s a really big fart.

“It’s supposed to be based on cotton candy. Maybe it’s chocolate flavored?” ..

Chocolate is a type of candy that is made from the ground up of cocoa beans. The beans are roasted and then ground into a smooth paste. This paste is then boiled with sugar and other flavors until it becomes a thick, dark chocolate.

“You’re being a jerk.”

I see a lot of things that I can’t help. I call them like I see ’em.

That is a cloud of gas that is created when someone exhales.

3. Victreebel

I think Victreebel is a great Pokémon. It has a lot of potential, and I think it can be a powerful ally in battles. ..

The Venus flytrap-like plant looks like it’s supposed to be there, and the pitcher plant-like structure is an interesting addition. ..

The yellow and green Pokémon, Snorlax, is a great choice for a team because it can easily take down most opponents. ..

I don’t like the way it looks because it’s too shiny. ..

The leaves of the tree turn from green to gray while the body of the tree turns yellow.

That just makes Victreebel look like it’s in trouble. ..

I really like the blue lips of that woman.

The blue lips of Victreebel are said to be cold, but why?

Did a popsicle get too cold for you?

The original Victreebel looked bright and dangerous. Now, it seems almost shy.

The critically endangered Sumatran orangutan is on the brink of extinction, according to a new study. ..

2. Bergmite

“When it snows, go out.”

Watch out for the huskies and don’t eat the yellow snow.

This means that if you see yellow snow, stay away from it, because it may be dog pee.

There is no logical reason for making a Pokémon based on snow and ice yellow. ..

I can see a small iceberg that formed on snow that has been peed on.

It’s not that Bergmite’s design is ugly, it’s just that it looks strange and out of place.

I always feel like I knew where the Huskies went when I saw this shiny form.

1. Whimsicott

There is a theory that Whimsicott is a racist Pokémon because it is based on slavery. People claim that its body is mainly brown because it uses cotton for its material. ..

I don’t think this is racist. The stems of a cotton plant are brown because they are made of brown material. There’s nothing inherently racist about that.

I saw a sleek, new car.

Whimsicott’s cotton is shinier than any other, and the body is flat out made to be black. I can’t think about anything else.

The Cottonee form already had a cute shiny form with the pre evolution.

Why not change the color of the clothing in the same way that you did there? Make Whimsicott green, or change the yellow cotton with the brown body.

Neither of these would have been better.

I’m not sure.

Can I see it? Yep.

Whimsicott is one of the worst shiny Pokémon out there. It has low stats, and its moves are not very effective. ..