The Neoshadow is the only Heartless that drops materials for the synthesis of new weapons and armor. These materials can only be found in The End of the World, so if you want to get your hands on them, you’ll need to play that level. ..

The best place to farm Neoshadows is at the Linked World area in The End of the World. This is the area just before the Final Rest checkpoint.

To claim your stones, you’ll need to fight all of the Neoshadows in that room. The Jackpot and Lucky Strike abilities will help you out a lot, so use them as much as possible. Once you’ve killed all of the Neoshadows, return to the save spot and leave the world. Then re-embark in the same location to keep farming. ..

The stormy stones can synthesize two items: the Exp Bracelet and the Ultima Weapon.

Farming Stormy Stones

The Neoshadow is the only enemy in the game that has a chance to drop Stormy Stones.

These shadows look like normal shadows, but they are taller and have really long limbs and antennae.

In KH1.5, the Linked Worlds area contains a large number of KH1.4-era enemies, specifically the End of the World enemies.

The best way to farm the final rest checkpoint is to travel backwards from it.

If you’re looking for a challenge, be sure to check out the Neoshadows in the wild! ..

They are a rare spawn, though. So if they don’t appear right away you can head out and then go back in to try again.

After you see them spawn, you’ll want to take out as many as you can - because stormy stones only drop after 7 or more have been defeated. Trinity Limit might help here. ..

After beating the 7th Neoshadow, it will have a 35% chance for the stone. Having the Jackpot/Lucky Strike abilities will help increase your drop chance.

What Are Stormy Stones Used For?

The recipe for Stormy Stones is very simple: you need a bowl, some water, and some salt. You put the bowl of water and salt in a pot, and then you add the stones. The stones will start to turn into rainbows when they come in contact with the water.

This accessory will boost your gained experience rate by 30%. However, it’ll also lower your strength and defense, so use it wisely. Equip more if you dare to increase your EXP gains.

List V is a rare metal that can be synthesized with. The following ingredients can be used to make the bracelet: The bracelet is made from List V and the following ingredients.

The energy stones, the dazzling stones, and the stormy stones all provide power to the user. The orichalcum provides strength and durability. The dark matter helps to protect the user from harm.

The Ultima Weapon is a keyblade with great strength and MP, as well as a high crit rate. ..

Bestow Sora with this keyblade’s incredible power by synthesizing it via List VI and the following ingredients: List VI:

  1. A vial of List VII (blood)
  2. A vial of List VIII (water)
  3. A piece of cloth or a piece of wood

The five Thunder Gems, the three Serenity Powers, the three Stormy Stones, and the three Dark Matter are all needed to complete the quest.

Are Stormy Stones Worth Farming?

There are some materials in “Fallout 4” that are difficult to come by, but they are definitely worth trying to get. ..

The Ultima Weapon is a powerful weapon that justifies gathering at least three of these stones. ..

The Exp Bracelet can be very useful if you haven’t hit level 100 yet. It gives you a lot of extra experience points, which can help you level up faster.

You can synthesize items with just five stormy stones, provided you have the necessary EXP Bracelets. The grind is not too tough, all things considered.