We wanted to know if gaming could be used as a form of self-care, or if it could have negative effects on our mental wellbeing. Our latest study found that gaming can have a positive effect on mood and mental wellbeing. In fact, it can even be used as a form of self-care. ..

A recent study has shown that 79% of gamers state that gaming provides relaxation and stress relief* with well over half of c-suite executives taking daily gaming breaks.** This study also found that meditation techniques and hits of dopamine*** can help gamers achieve a sense of calm and well-being.

The top three games that respondents cited as making them feel the most mindful and in a state of ‘flow’ were Tetris, Minecraft, and World of Warcraft. ..

The study found that the games mentioned most often during the survey were those that are physical in nature, such as video games and physical activity.

The study found that participants who played for two hours or more felt more stressed and had a higher heart rate than those who played for less than an hour. They were also more mindful of their emotions and felt less stressed overall.

Our interviewees shared with us their thoughts on why they find some games relaxing or mindful. Some of the reasons given included the sense of accomplishment or ‘winning’ that comes with completing a task, the feeling of being in control, and the ability to focus on one’s surroundings.

  1. “The Room” by Fireproof Games: This game is a puzzle game that requires players to use their mindfulness skills to figure out how to open the door.
  2. “Breath of the Wild” by Nintendo: This game is an open-world action adventure game that requires players to be mindful of their surroundings and take care of their health and resources.
  3. “Pokemon Sun and Moon” by The Pokemon Company: This game is a role-playing video game that requires players to be mindful of their Pokemon’s stats and abilities in order to win battles. 4.“Dishonored 2” by Arkane Studios: This stealth action game requires players to be mindful of their surroundings in order to avoid detection by enemies. 5.“Super Mario Odyssey” by Nintendo: This platformer game requires players to be mindful of the obstacles they encounter on their way and use their reflexes in order to navigate them safely. 6.“Persona 5” by Atlus: This JRPG game requires players to think about the different social interactions they have in order to progress through the story. 7.“Ori and The Blind Forest” by Moon Studios: This platformer game requires players to use both sight and sound in order for them navigate through the levels safely. 8.“The Witness” by Jonathan Blow: This puzzle-platformer game challenges players with puzzles that require them use both sight and sound as well as spatial reasoning skills in order for them progress through the levels safely. 9.“Uncharted 4” by Naughty Dog Productions: This action-adventure video games challenges players with puzzles, combat, and stealth sequences that require them pay attention not only what they’re doing but also where they are at all times in order for them survive long enought 10.“Halo 5”:This first-person shooter video games challengesplayers with various missions that require them pay attention not only what’s happening on screen but ..

1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The repetitive battle mechanics, outdoor scenery, and grinding for materials in many games keep the focus on the game and allow it to achieve small victories through its gameplay. This allows games to maintain a sense of interest and keep players engaged for extended periods of time.

2. Katamari Damacy

Katamari Damacy is a game that is easy to pick up and put down with simple game mechanics. The game play is repetitive, but the aesthetics make it easy to get lost in. The game can be a quick remedy for a stressful day.

3. Tetris

Tetris is a game that is known for its bright colors, repetitive movements, and small victories. These features make it a great game to play when you are trying to focus on something else. ..

4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 was mentioned in the original survey, but it was the latest in the series that captured our gamers with more grinding for materials and small victories in mini games.

5. Minecraft

However, one player has found a way to play Minecraft without any enemies by using a cheat code. This player is able to create an infinite amount of blocks and items, which makes the game more difficult. This player is known as “The Glitch”.

6. No Man’s Sky

This game is an incredible exploration game that doesn’t have any pressing objectives to stress out players with.

7. Euro Truck Simulator

Euro Truck Simulator is a driving simulator game that allows gamers to experience the open roads of Europe. The simple driving mechanics make it easy for drivers to find their peace amongst the scenery. ..

8. House Flipper

House Flipper is a game that allows players to be creative without time constraints, which makes it an ideal way to relax. ..

9. Firewatch

Firewatch is an open world game that allows for hours of exploration and puzzle-solving while looking for clues. Game settings also allow for less audio interactions with characters making for a blissful adventure.

10. Flower

Flower is a game designed to make you happy. There are no enemies, objectives, or external pressures, so you can just relax and enjoy the beautiful visuals. ..

Do you have any favorite games that help you reach a state of “flow”? Let us know! ..

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) released a report in 1998 that found evidence of striatal dopamine release during playing video games. The American Psychological Association and Koepp, M., Gunn, R., Lawrence, A. et al. also found evidence of striatal dopamine release during a study that involved playing a video game for 30 minutes.