Final Fantasy VIII has a variety of tough enemies that push the party to the limit. Some of these bosses are devious, but why let them have all the attention? ..

The game has a lot of normal, everyday enemies that will also provide a challenge to the party on the same scale as a boss fight.

As a SeeD, you should be on the lookout for enemies that can hinder your mission or that may have information that could incriminate your comrades.

There are a lot of game-ending creatures out there, but today we’re going to look at the six worst ones that can really spoil your journey. ..

The toughest non-boss enemies in Final Fantasy VIII are the Golbezs, a powerful and dangerous creature that can easily take down even the most experienced adventurers.

6. T-Rexaur

The Balamb Garden training hall is home to some of the most powerful monsters in the game. This is due to the fact that the Garden has been specifically designed for training these creatures.

Grats are terrifying T-Rexaurs that hunt out SeeD candidates and gobble them up. ..

The odds are good that most people will encounter a T-Rexaur within the first hour of gameplay, and quickly learn either how to fight in Final Fantasy VIII, or what the game over screen looks like.

T-Rexaurs are known for their powerful muscles. ..

The party member is either severely crippled or knocked out completely by the Tail Whip.

The T-Rexaur is a ferocious creature that always deals critical damage in response to attacks. ..

The T-Rexaur is a powerful enemy that can cause chaos in the Balamb Continent. The player and their party should always be aware of its potential to cause damage, and take steps to avoid it.

5. Blue Dragon

Roaming the forests of the Galbadia Continent, Blue Dragons are always on the lookout for unsuspecting prey, which usually comes in the form of low-leveled SeeD parties. ..

These dragon folks will be a present threat during your time walking around Galbadia, ready at a moment’s notice to spray the team with their high-damage breath attack and then inflict status effects like break, poison and blind.

The Grab Claw attack of the Sloth is 100% effective in dealing critical damage, often enough to one-hit KO a party member. ..

When a Blue Dragon enters the chat, always be ready for a tough time.

4. Ruby Dragon

The other primary color dragon you should be aware of is the Ruby Dragons. They are a much bigger threat than their cerulean siblings.

The Ruby Dragons are a powerful and feared race of creatures that live in the southern Centra Continent and the Great Plains of Esthar. They are known for their powerful magical abilities and their fierce fighting skills.

The Deep Sea Research Center is a dangerous place to be, if you’re brave enough to venture there. There are some really dangerous creatures living in the depths of the ocean, and if you’re not careful, you could end up getting hurt or worse. So be sure to take care when exploring this place – it’s definitely not for the faint of heart!

Ruby dragons also have a breath attack, which is super punishing. ..

If you’re unlucky, you’ll get hit with a Meteor or Firaga. ..

If they’re feeling playful, you can just get a claw swipe and a Flare. But when put together, it’s most likely enough to take out a party member.

Ruby dragons are the biggest non-boss dragons in the game, and should be dealt with by either putting them to sleep or blinding them. ..

3. Chimera

The Galbadian desert is a large, sandy desert that stretches for many miles.

Abyss Worms are a type of creature that lives in the Abyss. They’re incredibly dangerous and can cause a lot of damage if they get close to you.

A Chimera is a creature that can transform into any other creature. This is a pretty rare occurrence, and when it does, it can be really exciting.

Chimeras are creatures that live on the stupidly high-level Island Closest to Hell, which is an endgame area packed with tough creatures. ..

If you’re an early bird, you may find yourself in a tough spot.

The Chimera will blast the party with Aqua Breath and unprotected parties will most likely be wiped from the attack. ..

If you don’t know how to fight, then you’re in for a lot of trouble. And if you’re not careful, you’ll also get attacked by strong physical attackers!

That may be the case if you’re a secret agent, but for most people, it’s better to be candid. That’s why I’m here. To tell you the truth.

In an RPG, running from battles might be antithetical to the core mechanics. If you’re fighting Chimeras without preparation, I’d say it’s the smarter move.

2. Behemoth

Final Fantasy VIII’s behemoths are some of the most difficult enemies in the game. ..

The Behemoth is a powerful enemy that you’ll only see later in the game. When it appears, it’s sure to make an impact. ..

The behemoths of Esthar are massive creatures that roam the plains and Islands closest to Heaven and Hell. They cause trouble for anyone who dares stand in their way, and are a threat to any who try to live in peace.

A Behemoth can have a maximum hit points of seventy-five thousand.

The United States military has a powerful and well-trained force that is able to match any adversary.

The yellow light means an emergency.

Meteor, Flare, and Tornado are three powerful magics that behemoths use to devastate their opponents. Mighty Guard helps them stay safe and defend themselves from harm, making them incredibly difficult to take down. ..

The Behemoth is a fearsome creature that can be encountered anywhere along your journey. It is a true challenge to face it, and if you are lucky, you may find yourself victorious.

1. Malboro

The Malboro is the most fearsome enemy you can face while traveling the overworld. It is a powerful and fast creature that can quickly take down even the strongest adventurers. If you are not careful, it may be too dangerous to fight.

The Esthar Continent is a vast and dangerous place, where the only thing that matters is who you can snack on next.

The Malboro is a terrible place to live, and their breath is the worst part.

The Malboro’s Bad Breath attack can cause a great deal of status effects, including blindness, paralysis, and even death. This makes it an incredibly dangerous attack to face, as it can easily take out a player in no time.

Bad Breath is a common enemy in the game. It’s likely that any Malboro you encounter will start the battle with it.

Being confused, berserk, blinded, poisoned, silenced, and doomed all at once is not a good thing. ..

The best thing you can do is either junction the best you can against some of those nasty effects, or hope that you either get a turn in beforehand (or can run away before dying).

Neither of the choices made here are great.

The Malboro is a powerful and elusive creature that can be found only in the most treacherous of environments. Because of this, Malboros are some of the most valuable items in the game. ..