The Duellist Alliance was formed over 7 years ago, and yet they still see play in tournaments to this day. They are a well-known and respected team, and their skills have not been lost on many.

This deck has a unique strategy that I’ve never seen before. Each of their monsters has two effects: one that activates when they’re flipped up, and one that activates when they’re sent to the graveyard.

If you’re looking to dip your toes into the mystical art of Fusion summoning, or if you’re simply looking for a fun new deck to try, give these cards a shot. ..

15. Shaddoll Hedgehog

Shaddoll Hedgehog is a searcher that allows you to grab pretty much whatever you like from the deck.

When it flips face-up, you can add any Shaddoll spell/trap from your deck into your hand. This is perfect for grabbing a fusion spell, allowing you to immediately fusion some seriously powerful monsters.

When Shaddoll Hedgehog is sent to the graveyard, you can add any Shaddoll monster from your deck to your hand.

You can either set that monster or if you have another fusion spell, you can use it summon a new fusion monster!

14. Shaddoll Falco

This guy is great at making you feel like you’re part of the conversation. ..

When a Shaddoll monster is flipped face-up, you can target any other Shaddoll monster in your graveyard and special summon it to your side of the field in face-down position. ..

This card sets up your Shaddoll monsters to be flipped face-up and trigger their effects, or to be sent to the graveyard for a fusion summon.

When Shaddoll Falco is sent to the graveyard, you can immediately summon it in face-down defense position.

This is great news for fusion summoners, as you can now bring a second monster back to the field for the price of one! ..

13. El Shaddoll Apkallone

This monster is the easiest El Shaddoll to fusion summon, requiring only two Shaddoll monsters of different attributes. ..

The Trump administration’s decision to end DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, has had a significant impact on the undocumented population. DACA recipients have seen their access to education and work opportunities interrupted, as well as their ability to live and work in the United States revoked. This has had a significant impact on their quality of life. The Trump administration’s decision also has caused a large number of undocumented immigrants to flee the country.

Apkallone is a very tough card to beat in battle. If your opponent wants to get through this card, they’ll have to use card effects. ..

If they don’t have that, you won’t be taking damage any time soon.

When this card is special summoned, you can target any face-up card on the field and negate its effects. ..

If you’re ever in a bind and need to cast a field spell, this can be incredibly helpful. ..

If you’re playing a lot of decks that use powerful field spells, it’s a good idea to keep a copy of Apkallone in your extra deck. This way, you can deal with lots of decks at once.

12. Qadshaddoll Keios

One of the most powerful Shaddoll cards in the game (El Shaddoll Construct) requires a Shaddoll monster and a light attribute monster.

Introducing the new Light Monster Deck, which features randomly generated cards that players can use to defeat their opponents.

This is a light Shaddoll monster with some amazing effects.

When it’s flipped face-up, you can special summon any Shaddoll from your hand in either face-up or face-down defense position. This is a great way of flooding the field with more Shaddoll monsters quickly, getting those flip effects ready to pop off.

If you send Qadshaddoll Keios to the graveyard by card effect, you can send any Shaddoll monster from your hand to the graveyard to have all monsters you control gain attack equal to its level x 100.

This card can be used to power up your monsters and also trigger the graveyard effects of the Shaddoll monsters in your hand.

11. El Shaddoll Fusion

What if you could make it so that people could live in more than one place at the same time? That they could have multiple homes, jobs, and lives all in one place? That’s what polyermization is all about. It’s a way to make life easier for everyone by making it possible to have more than one place at the same time.

El Shaddoll Fusion is a powerful fusion spell that allows you to summon any Shaddoll monster from your extra deck at quick effect speed.

There are many different effects that can be triggered when summoning a creature. ..

El Shaddoll Apkallone is a powerful card that can permanently negate the effects of any face-up card when it’s special summoned. This makes it a powerful tool for defeating your opponents, and could be the key to victory in your next game. ..

Triggered effects are a powerful tool that can help you take control of the game. By using them during your opponent’s turn, you can prevent them from doing anything and eventually win the game. ..

10. Shaddoll Construct

However, after a player obtained the “Link Spell Card” and used it to summon a Link monster from any zone, they could fusion summon into any extra monster zone.

The Shaddoll strategy was completely killed by the new card. It summons multiple fusion summons at a time. ..

Shaddoll Construct was the key card to fixing this problem! ..

While the rules have since been changed, there are still ways to make use of this powerful Link monster. ..

The Trump administration is considering a plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to stay and work without fear of deportation. The plan would end DACA in six months, and would not give Congress a chance to pass a bill to keep it going. The Trump administration has said that it wants to do this because it believes that DACA is causing crime and social unrest in the country, and that it’s not working. But some people who have worked with DACA say that they’ve seen no evidence that this is true. They say that crime rates have been dropping since the program began, and that many young people who have received DACA have gone on to become successful professionals.

You can use this card to fusion summon any Shaddoll monster using monsters from your hand/field as the materials.

This card is great because it’s a light monster, which makes it a great target for summoning El Shaddoll Construct.

9. Shaddoll Squamata

When you’re summoning a fusion monster with cards from your graveyard, be sure to send Shaddoll Squamata. ..

When this card is sent to the graveyard by a card effect, you can send any Shaddoll monster from your deck to the graveyard, except for “Shaddoll Dragon”. ..

With this card, you can access an entire deck’s worth of graveyard effects. ..

You could bring out a copy of Shaddoll Falco, or special summon monsters with Reshaddoll Wendi, the options feel truly limitless.

8. Helshaddoll Hollow

Until recently, Shaddolls lacked a main-deck boss monster.

In order to have the best chance of winning a game of Magic, it’s important to have a big enough boss monster in your main deck that can take down your opponents.

We got Helshaddoll Hollow, who has 2900 attack. This is the perfect beat-stick for this deck.

This card has some amazing effects, including boosting stats. ..

When it’s flipped up, you can target and banish an opponent’s monster, providing they have the same attribute.

Shaddolls have a fusion monster for every single attribute, meaning that you’ll be able to remove your opponent’s pesky monsters no matter what deck they’re playing.

7. Neshaddoll Genius

A powerful monster.

There are some seriously powerful monsters lurking in the current metagame, and they’re a big threat to anyone who faces them. Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon is one of these monsters, and it’s definitely something to be afraid of. ..

If you want to beat them, you’ll need a way to negate their effects.

By sending Neshaddoll Genius to the graveyard by a card effect, you can target an effect monster on the field, and make it so that it cannot be activated until the next turn.

El Shaddoll Fusion is a powerful card that can be used to negate the effects of your opponent’s monsters before they even have a chance to use them. ..

6. El Shaddoll Shekinaga

Shekinaga is the Earth fusion monster that requires one Shaddoll monster and an Earth monster to fusion summon.

Mathematician can help you take care of any Earth-type monsters.

With that said, Shekinaga is one of the best negation cards ever made.

When an opponent’s monster activates its effect, you can negate the activation, destroy that monster, and send that Shaddoll card from your hand to the graveyard!

This card provides amazing quick-effect negation and removal, as well as a Shaddoll Graveyard effect.

When a Shaddoll fusion monster is sent to the graveyard, it can also be returned to your hand by bringing back any Shaddoll spell or trap from your graveyard.

This is a great way to bring back your powerful fusion spells, allowing you to fusion summon again and again.

5. Reshaddoll Wendi

This card is easily the best main-deck Shaddoll card ever printed, allowing you to make some seriously powerful boards.

Both its flip effect and graveyard effect allow to special summon any Shaddoll monster you like in either face-up or face-down defense position, straight from the deck.

This allows you to create flips and effects that are unique and interesting.

Shaddoll monsters are versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as removing monsters or grabbing fusion spells from your deck. ..

4. Shaddoll Fusion

This fusion spell is so ludicrously powerful that even decks that are not primarily Shaddoll decks will splash this card in.

Fusion Summoning a Shaddoll monster is a standard feature of Shaddoll Fusion. With this card, you can combine any Shaddoll monsters from your Extra Deck with monsters from your hand or field to create a powerful fusion.

If your opponent controls a monster that was special summoned from the Extra Deck, you can use monsters from your deck as the fusion material!

Fusion Summoning a monster with no monsters from your hand or field is a great feature of this card. You can also activate the graveyard effects of any 2 Shaddoll monsters by sending them to the graveyard as fusion materials.

3. Shaddoll Schism

Shaddoll Schism is a powerful fusion trap card that enables the summoning of powerful Shaddolls. ..

Many people believe that the trap card, The Trap, should not be allowed in competitive play because it is incredibly powerful.

To fusion summon a Shaddoll monster, you must banish monsters from your field or graveyard.

In Yu-Gi-Oh, it’s incredibly easy to set up your graveyard, so pulling off a fusion summon isn’t a challenge at all.

If you control a monster with the same attribute as a fusion summoned monster that is in your opponent’s Graveyard, you can send it to the Graveyard as long as it has the same attribute.

This card is incredibly powerful, allowing you to get rid of monsters that can’t be targeted by card effects. ..

This card is a must-have in any Shaddoll deck.

2. El Shaddoll Winda

One way to keep your opponent in check is by using floodgates – cards that prevent your opponent from doing certain actions.

El Shaddoll Winda is one of the most oppressive floodgates ever printed. It restricts player choices and makes it difficult for players to win games.

This card prevents both players from special summoning monsters more than once per turn.

If you summon Winda at the end of your turn, you can special summon all your favorite monsters while restricting your opponent.

Winda is the best way to completely demolish your opponent’s gameplan – and should be played in any Shaddoll deck.

1. El Shaddoll Construct

El Shaddoll Construct is a powerful card that is easily the best Shaddoll card ever printed. It allows players to easily create powerful combos with their other cards, and it can even be used as a standalone card.

When this card is initially summoned, you can send any Shaddoll card from your graveyard to the battlefield.

This card allows you to activate any graveyard effect you like, pretty much straight from the deck.

The top 10 cards with the most powerful graveyard effects in Yu-Gi-Oh! are Shaddolls. ..

When this card battles a monster that was special summoned, you can destroy it at the beginning of the damage step. ..

This means that even if that monster is really powerful, it won’t be able to survive if it was summoned by a player.

This removal is incredibly strong, as it can easily take out any target without causing too much collateral damage.

This card effects all monsters that can’t be targeted by card effects, meaning any monster that isn’t El Shaddoll Construct is also going down.