Ritual spells are incredibly versatile in 5e. They’re not as flashy as Fireball, but with some thought, preparation, and time, they can be game changing.

Ritual spells are not as commonly used as other spells, but they are still available at a early point in the game. All ritual spells are available at level 6 or lower. ..

Ritual casting is available to all classes at the start of the game, but other classes can learn to cast them with the Ritual Caster feat. Some subclasses may gain access to rituals later on in their levels.

A caster’s casting time is extended by 10 minutes at the cost of one spell slot. This can be rough, but with the right casting techniques, it can be a huge boon.

The 20 best ritual spells in the game are based on their utility and importance in any game. These spells can help you win games easily, and can be used in any situation. Have fun using them!

20. Speak With Animals

Animal communication is a fascinating topic that could be of use to someone if they need to know something about a certain area or animal.

This is a quote from the article “The Best Animals to Talk to” by Jenna Wortham. Jenna is a journalist and author who writes about animal rights and conservation. She says that the more inconspicuous animals would be the best to talk to because they are less likely to be noticed and will likely have more interesting stories to tell.

For the outdoors, birds cover the largest distance so they could be considered as scouts. Dungeons would have a good amount of rats scurrying around to gather some intelligence for a party.

19. Water Breathing

This is a campaign that will involve communicating with underwater civilizations.

The world is a vast and ever-changing place, and if not for the people who are willing to travel and explore it, the world would be a much different place. There are so many amazing places out there that it’s hard to choose just one, but if you’re not willing to take the time to explore them, then you might as well just stay home. There are so many things to love in the world, and there’s no reason not to take advantage of them.

If traversing the oceans doesn’t sound enticing, using the Control Water spell’s Flood feature could make an excellent combination with Water Breathing here. Just to easily destroy a difficult encounter at lower levels.

18. Tenser’s Floating Disc

The Floating Disc is a new invention that creates a platform that can lift up to 500lbs. It is made from durable plastic and has a built-in lift system. This makes it easy to move around and can be used for a variety of purposes.

This platform can be used to carry a treasure chest that the party wants to open later. The chest might be difficult to solve a trap that requires time, so this platform can be helpful in getting the treasure out.

This ritual is also useful for when you need to take hostages or allies out of a dungeon, or to keep them out of reach of enemies. However, you can’t dedicate the party’s efforts to drag them out of the dungeon entirely.

Tenser’s Floating Disc won’t fly over any deep ravines or anything deeper than 10 feet.

17. Alarm

Alarm is a spell that can save the lives of your party members.

A caster can choose which creatures don’t set off the alarm, by choosing one of the following:

  • A creature that doesn’t have a body orifice, such as a plant or animal.
  • A creature that’s immune to noise or light, such as a vampire.

If a creature passes through the area of effect, the caster is alerted through a sound or a mental ping.

The spell is designed to prevent ambushes from happening, and it can be used by both sides in an attempt to set up camp.

16. Augury

Augury is a spell that could be used as a stand-in for later Divination spells. It is an excellent tool for predicting future events, and can be very helpful in understanding your own destiny.

The caster is shown a sign indicating the general outcome of a plan. This outcome is shown through trinkets like cards or marked leaves. The caster can then make choices based on this information, which will result in the desired outcome.

If the plan is successful, it will result in good news for the team. However, if the plan is not successful, it will result in bad news for the team.

The original prediction was that the spell would work, but it appears that there are additional actions that need to be taken in order for it to be successful. ..

This spell could be used to provide a sense of certainty about an immediate risk in order to make better decisions.

The first reading of Augury is guaranteed to be accurate, so take advantage of it.

15. Commune with Nature

Nature is a powerful force that can help you overcome any obstacle. If you want to make your campaign more powerful, try using nature as your spell caster.

This spell lets one track down bodies of water, natural resources, powerful extraplanar beings, or even specific buildings.

Nature is the only thing that can help you in dungeons and cities.

The party found water in a searing hot desert and used it to track down a remote town, village, or tribe.

A party of dwarves is obsessed with mining and has found a Commune with Nature to track down precious metals or gems. There are many things going on with this ritual, so be sure to check it out!

14. Forbiddance

This prevents anyone from traveling to any area within the caster’s choosing, or using other planes as backdoors into an area.

The component cost for this project is high at 40,000 square feet.

The 40-square-foot block can harm extraplanar entities in the area of effect, but they can avoid this damage if they are given a password by the caster. Also, casting Forbiddance in an area daily for a month will make the spell’s effect permanent until it is dismissed or dispelled. ..

13. Water Walk

Water Walking may sound like a mundane activity, but it could be very strategic in combat by letting the whole party walk on any liquid surface for an hour. This could allow them to cross large bodies of water or move quickly through difficult terrain. ..

If you’re looking to traverse difficult liquid terrain, be sure to consider this spell. It can help make your journey more comfortable and safe.

Water Walking is a great way to quickly surface if you’re submerged in liquid. It will let the affected creatures cross lakes or island hop, and if combined with a mount, allows you to cover vast distances over rivers and totally skip those dangerous jungle areas. ..

Water Walk and Control Water could be used to create waves.

One strategy with this combination involves flooding an area with Control Water to force enemies to swim, but keep allies high and dry. From then on, the encounter should be as simple as a few bops over the head.

12. Comprehend Languages

This spell allows the caster to understand any language that’s heard for an hour. Most parties use this to read unfamiliar languages when they find a note or a scroll, but overlook the part that they must be touching the medium which the language is written on. ..

This book is about understanding languages, not just well-established ones.

Despite being unable to decipher the language, Comprehend Languages still tries to understand it.

Unfortunately, Comprehend Languages only lets the caster understand a language, not speak it. So they may have to resort to universal and simple body language to communicate fully.

11. Silence

Many people overlook the power of silence, and often forget that it is a powerful ritual spell. ..

The spell allows the caster to completely seal off an area, preventing any sound from entering or being made. This can be used for protection, to keep people safe, or as a way of communication.

Some casters use Silence to shut down all spell casting. But many forget that not all spells require a verbal component.

While there are only a few spells that don’t have a verbal component, Counterspell and Demiplane are still powerful and could turn the tide of an encounter.

A building with a locked door can be broken into by stopping all sound in the area. This will make it easier for the thief to pick the lock and gain access to the building.

An explosion can be cancelled if the party needs to resort to silently performing demolition. Silence can also be valuable to shut up your torture victim (lord knows why you’re torturing them, none of my business though!)

The spellcasting ability of Silence is to create a seal of silence that can be used to block out all noise. This spell can be used proactively, planning out a strategy in advance in order to silence an opponent or protect oneself. By using Silence as a ritual, players can use the spell as a tool for strategic advantage.

It seems that only Bards, Clerics, and Rangers are able to cast Silence.

10. Unseen Servant

Unseen Servant is a powerful alternative to Mage Hand that allows the caster to do more intricate actions remotely. This invisible humanoid has two hands, has its own stats, and can last up to an hour.

The Unseen Servant can only lift an object that weighs up to 30lbs and can be used to carry light objects between party members.

Mage Hand and Unseen Servant are two of the spells that all spell casters who have access to Unseen Servant can use. Mage Hand does not require concentration, so a caster could have both spells at the ready in case three hands are needed.

Unseen Servant is a card that can’t attack, but it still has some combat use. ..

If a fighter knocks a weapon out of an enemy’s hand, an Unseen Servant can drag that weapon away. If a lever can close a door, the Unseen Servant can pull the lever to separate an enemy.

I think Unseen Servant is a better trap finding spell than the actual Find Traps spell because it is more versatile.

Unseen Servant is a great ritual to use when summoning a familiar. It’s much cheaper and easier than having to resummon one, and it’s also safer because the servant won’t be seen by other people. ..

9. Phantom Steed

The caster can control a phantom horse that follows them around.

This one’s a convenient spell that makes overland travel a breeze. This horse-like creature is summoned with its own bridle and saddle, which disappears with the creature.

The Phantom Steed is a unique horse that disappears after taking damage. It has no stamina and can be rushed, making it easy to reach 13 miles an hour without tiring.

Casting Phantom Steed allows an entire party to be equipped with one steed each, since this spell does not require concentration. This could come in handy for situations where you need to send an emergency messenger to warn a town of an incoming attack, for example. ..

8. Identify

When a Bard, Wizard, or Cleric reaches level 3, they can learn the spell Identify. Identify allows the caster to identify any object or creature within a certain range. ..

Spells that require a material component cost 100 gp to cast, but this spell is very useful. ..

Identify is no longer as effective as it once was. A short rest allows a character to do the same thing as Identify, where they can determine a magical item’s properties.

With Identify, treasure hunters will be able to identify magical items much faster than they would have to wait for a short rest for each item whenever they find a trove of magical items. Identify could also point out whether an item is cursed or if a person is under the influence of a certain spell.

It’s best to check with the DM about this. ..

7. Leomund’s Tiny Hut

This hut is perfect for anyone who wants to be able to do a lot of different things. It can be used as a shelter, a bedroom, and even a kitchen.

Casting a spell as a ritual will save your spell slots, but it may not work if you are already casting a spell.

This allows a party to take a break in a very safe spot.

The caster determines how the dome looks from the outside, so it can be strategically colored to blend into the environment.

The Leomund’s Tiny Hut is a two-way mirror that allows people outside to see into the dome, but people inside can see out. This is a great way to keep people inside while allowing them to see the outside world.

The dome has the potential to block magical spells and physical objects from penetrating it, so it would be a good place to set up a battlefield if the party has the chance.

The dome could be used as a fortress, because arrows can’t be shot out of it.

6. Rary’s Telepathic Bond

This one is a personal favorite ritual spell that I often get a Wizard to access at a high level.

The telepathic bond between Rary and her group allows them to communicate at the speed of thought over vast distances, as long as they’re in the same plane of existence.

The meditation technique known as mindfulness is becoming increasingly popular, with many people claiming that it requires no concentration and lasts an hour, making it an excellent candidate as a must-try ritual. ..

With Rary’s Telepathic Bond, party members can now communicate with important NPCs without breaking character. This makes for more efficient planning and negotiations, as well as making it easier to stay in character during combat.

A telepathic bond between two people can be extremely beneficial in these types of situations. For example, if two people are trying to rob a bank and don’t have any radios, they could use their telepathy to communicate with each other and plan out the robbery together.

Since communication with Rary’s Telepathic Bond is silent, regular encounters would benefit greatly too. Parties won’t need to be shouting at a Rogue to do a sneak attack. ..

The biggest downside to this spell is that I very rarely get to play as a Wizard who can access it. But when I can, it’s always fun. ..

5. Contact Other Plane

With this spell, the caster contacts an entity from another plane to ask it questions. ..

The new show, “Commune,” is a series in which contestants are allowed to ask five questions to an extraplanar entity at the risk of temporary insanity. ..

A check to keep one’s sanity can be made with the spell Greater Restoration, or a long rest. If successful, the caster may be able to return to their senses if they are affected by a mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.


4. Divination

divination is a spell that allows the caster to communicate with their god or one of their underlings.

Within the next seven days, there will be an event that will require a divine answer. No matter what the answer may be, it will be the truth. ..

It is important to note that gods in Dungeons and Dragons are not omnipotent or omniscient. So they could simply say they don’t know the answer.

Divination is a slightly more reliable way to contact other planes of existence than Contact Other Plane. There is no real downside to casting this spell, so it may be a better choice for some people. ..

3. Commune

This spell can be very dangerous for a DM who is not prepared for it. ..

The fact that it’s a ritual spell makes it even crazier.

  1. What is your will?
  2. What are your intentions?
  3. What are your desires?

Clerics and paladins typically have access to this spell. ..

The caster’s deity will not know all the answers to questions about divination and contact other planes.

A DM might not be able to give an answer to the riddle at the heart of campaign, but a player could ask around where powerful magical items or useful allies could be found. This way, Commune can be used as a tool for both players and DMs to make adventure hooks.

2. Detect Magic

Detect Magic is more useful than Identify because it can determine whether an object is magical before you can identify its properties.

Detect Magic allows the caster to see magical auras of visible creatures or objects, and determine what spell school it comes from. A door that’s determined to have Illusion magic is very different from a door that has Evocation magic on it, and each has to be dealt with differently as well.

Invisible creatures don’t have magical auras. These magical auras can’t be seen through walls, unfortunately.

Nytul’s Magic Aura can be used to hide or alter an aura, potentially fooling the party. ..

Detect Magic is a powerful spell that can be used by almost any spell caster. It is incredibly useful in 5e because of all the magic involved in almost all campaigns.

Some DMs might allow someone to use an Arcana check, but I think magic items are beyond the realm of knowledge of most spellcasters.

1. Find Familiar

Familiar has many versatile uses. There’s really no reason not to take it if given the chance.

Find Familiar creates creatures that are immune to the effects of dominate monster or animal friendship.

In many games, Familiars act on the same turn as their owners. However, if a Familiar is about to die from a spell or is found by an enemy, an action can be used by the owner to dissipate the familiar and have it reappear near the caster.

It is not necessary that the familiar be recalled to a space the caster can see, so the Familiar can appear on the other side of a wall or inside(or outside) a jail cell.

If you have a Familiar with you, you can use their help action to give an ally an advantage on their next attack roll against a creature. This can help your allies take down powerful foes quickly and easily. ..

If a familiar takes the form of an owl, it has the ability to “Flyby” to enter and use a help action, before flying away out of reach to avoid attacks of opportunity. ..

Arcane Tricksters can use this spell to perform amazing feats of magic. It’s highly recommended that you use it.