Ruler of the Moon: Moon Cancer Alter Ego: Foreigner Pretender Pretender: (JP only as of this writing)

Extra Class students have a wide variety of classes that are tailored specifically to their interests and needs. This makes it difficult to determine which class is the best for someone, since there are so many options.

The unit we’ll be looking into is the Special Forces.

Extra Class Servants are those who have achieved a high level of proficiency in one or more specific skills. They are often highly skilled in one or more areas, and often have unique abilities that make them stand out from the rest. Some of the best Extra Class Servants include: -The White-Gold Mage: A white-gold mage is a skilled caster who has achieved great proficiency in white magic. This allows them to cast powerful spells that can deal significant damage. -The Black Mage: A black mage is a skilled caster who has achieved great proficiency in black magic. This allows them to cast powerful spells that can deal significant damage and protect their allies from harm. -The Wizard: A wizard is a skilled caster who has achieved great proficiency in wizardry. This allows them to cast powerful spells that can deal significant damage and protect their allies from harm as well as summoning powerful creatures from the magical world.

10. Jeanne D’arc Alter (Avenger)

Jeanne may have fallen out of favor in recent years, but that doesn’t mean she can’t still bring the hurt when called upon. ..

With the rise of multiple break bars and multiple wave quests, Jalter’s quick burst damage just couldn’t get the job done anymore when it came necessary to loop one’s NP.

Despite her efforts, the damage done to her is still high. ..

In a difficult boss battle, it may be helpful to slap Merlin’s buffs onto Jalter and get to work.

9. Okita Alter (Alter Ego)

Alter is a professional wrestler who is known for his beat stick. This unique weapon is used to hit opponents with great force and can also be used as a weapon of self-defense.

Okita Alter is a unique cavalry farming node that shines with Riders, Casters, and Assassins.

Okita Alter, a farmer in the town of Iga, has found a new way to increase her farming potential by using a buff that was given to her by Japan’s government.

Despite the fact that Okita Alter is not as good at farming as other players, she can still do it just like the rest of them.

The new design is just beautiful! ..

8. Sherlock Holmes (Ruler)

Sherlock is a great Ruler in general, and his role in the recent Lostbelt storyline is key.

His skills are simple consisting of an enemy NP seal, producing and absorbing some critical stars, and a fast Arts buff paired with evasion. ..

Sherlock’s non-verbal communication is a mystery to many. ..

Sherlock’s NP reduces the enemy’s defense for 3 turns, granting allies invincibility for 3 turns, and also giving the party invincibility for 3 turns. ..

Your damage-dealers are rampant with high health enemies!

Sherlock is not the absolute best Extra Class servant out there – but it’s elementary why he had to make the list!

7. Sesshoin Kiara (Alter Ego)

Kiara, a popular figure in the community for her stylized Summer Moon Cancer form, has fallen out of favor in recent years. This is largely due to the negative connotations associated with this type of cancer. ..

Kiara, the new female protagonist in the game, comes with a number of self-buffs and a 50% battery.

Kiara’s NP is a little more difficult to use than other cavalry units, but her battery makes it easier to slot her into potential cavalry compositions. ..

Kiara is a beautiful and friendly dog who loves to be around people. If you’re lucky, she may return your love. ..

6. Katsushika Hokusai (Foreigner)

Hokusai is an Arts-focused damage-dealer who can inflict massive AOE damage with her NP. Her NP is capable of dealing massive amounts of damage, making her a powerful choice for PvP and PvE.

NP can inflict Arts-resistance down onto enemies, making it viable to fire off as many Hokusai Kanagawa Waves as possible to maximize your damage! ..

Hokusai is a great way to create looping art, but it’s not really viable for most projects.

Foreigner: She has a rare resistance to Berserker enemies.

This painter loves to walk through Zerk-heavy nodes, because they offer a unique and interesting perspective on the world.

5. Meltryllis (Alter Ego)

Meltryllis is a master of Alter Egos, able to take on any persona she desires with ease. ..

Melt is a damage-dealer who first made her appearance as one of three “sakura faces” during FGO’s C.C.C event, alongside everyone’s favorite kohai BB, and everyone’s favorite masochist Passionlip. Her attacks deal a high amount of damage and can easily KO enemies.

With her new kit, Melt had finally perfected her abilities to the point where she could do all of these things in one go.

The military has traditionally been more interested in acquiring the best-trained and experienced soldiers, not the most popular ones.

Skadi, a newcomer to the League of Legends scene, has quickly become one of its most dominant champions. Thanks to her buffs from Melt, she is now a powerful threat that opponents must take into account. ..

Melt can quickly dispatch most cavalry class enemies standing in your way by buffing her NP by 30%.

4. Summer BB (Moon Cancer)

Summer BB is a unique ability that allows players to create powerful servants that can do amazing things. This ability is essential for any player who wants to dominate the game.

Summer BB is known for her ability to lock your face cards for three turns. ..

This quest is very impactful, but it’s not the only one you’ll face.

Certain servants (such as Super Orion) rely on their face cards to deal massive critical hit damage.

If you roll a 1 or 2 on your die, then all of your cooldowns and crit stars will have gone to waste. ..

Summer BB allows you to lay waste to any foe that stands in your way by resetting a Challenge Quest node until you get the perfect starting hand.

3. Shi Huang Di (Ruler)

In the world of business, this is often translated to “two companies with different goals trying to cooperate.” In the world of physics, it’s called a collision. When two massive objects come into contact with each other, they create a force that can’t be ignored. This collision can have far-reaching consequences - for example, when two planets collide, their gravitational forces cause huge explosions and changes in the environment. Similarly, when two companies come into contact with each other, their differences can create conflict. But sometimes these conflicts can be resolved through negotiation or compromise. ..

A man-moth hybrid is not only possible, but likely. ..

Shi Huang Di is a Servant with a very high physical strength and stamina. He is also very fast, able to move quickly through the battlefield.

Shi Huang Di was a powerful emperor who ruled over China for over two centuries. He is credited with many accomplishments, including founding the first centralized government in China and creating a system of writing that is still in use today. But perhaps his most important contribution to Chinese history was his role as a meat shield. During Shi Huang Di’s reign, China was frequently invaded by neighboring kingdoms. To protect his people, Shi Huang Di ordered the construction of an extensive network of defensive walls and fortresses. This system of defense allowed China to remain unified and prosperous during some of its most difficult times. ..

Shi Huang Di is incredibly skilled in many areas, but his skills are overloaded.

His first skill reduces the NP charge of all enemies by 50%.

His second skill has a 70% chance to stun all enemies and increase his own attack for 3 turns.

He has a third skill that charges his NP by 50%, cleanses all his debuffs, and restores HP.

The NP allows Jiraiya to remain invincible for one turn, as well as a taunt.

The Ruler class is a very durable and bulky unit that will stay on the field for a very, very long time.

2. Edmond Dantes (Avenger)

Dantes was once one of the most powerful and influential farmers in the game. However, his influence has been replaced by another Avenger, which we’ll talk about shortly. This doesn’t mean that Dantes himself has been made obsolete; he still has a lot to offer the farming community.

Skadi, a new character released in the FGO mobile game, revitalized the Quick meta with her three-turn looping ability. This led to a resurgence of three-turn loops in competitive play. ..

Edmond Dantes was a great writer.

Dantes was great because he could loop on virtually any enemy type without having to worry about class matchups. ..

As an Avenger, he only deals neutral damage to most classes, but is granted the increased attack damage that comes with his own class. ..

If you missed out on Castoria but have a Dantes around NP3 or higher, you can Quick loop until the server shuts down.

1. Space Ishtar (Avenger)

Space Ishtar is better than a servant like Dantes because she can easily loop her strategy.

To farm without worry, you’ll need a Kaleidoscope and NP3.

Space Ishtar is a powerful NP caster that requires no starting NP CE. She can even use Black Grail to increase her damage even further!

Space Ihtar is notable for her ability to switch her NP type. ..

In a game that’s 90% farming, having a powerful servant that can farm in any Quick, Buster, or Arts meta is an essential part of the strategy.

If you have a strong Space Ishtar card, you don’t have to worry about farming until the fourth card type eventually releases in FGO2. ..