In some cases, anger can be justified when it’s directed at characters who are egregiously frustrating or infuriatingly forgettable.

  1. Sasuke Uchiha
  2. Orochimaru
  3. Jiraiya
  4. Naruto Uzumaki

We’re a little like dancing monkeys, except we spend a lot of time watching anime rather than bashing cymbals together.

15. Sakura Haruno

Sakura is moreso on the list to highlight the outrage that this character seemed to provoke, rather than my own personal opinion.

Many people loved early Sakura for its unique story and characters. Others found it to be confusing and unenlightening. But no one could deny that the novel had a powerful impact on many people.

While some saw her as a fairly inoffensive if under-utilized part of a love triangle for the sake of it, others bemoaned her very presence.

People were feeling abusive, useless, weak, and selfish at the time. ..

That character is Ramsay Bolton, who was universally despised by fans of the show for his despicable actions. ..

14. Ebisu

So, what’s the deal with this new trend of people posting pictures of their food on social media? Is it just a way to show off their culinary skills or is there something more going on here? Well, according to some experts, there might be a bit of both going on. Some people might use food pics as a way to show off their cooking skills and others might use them as a way to connect with friends and family. But either way, it seems like this trend is definitely growing in popularity. So what do you think? Is this something you’d be interested in trying out? ..

Naruto is not the strongest character in strength levels. He often seems to just give other characters grief for no real reason, and he’s not particularly strong himself.

Naruto’s transformation is unsettling for many reasons. First and foremost, his nosebleed at the sight of it. ..

He does get a rather touching development much later in his arc, but for the majority of the time he was around, I think we would have been a lot better off if he wasn’t.

13. Konohamaru

Konohamaru is a reputation-bad boy who has the unfortunate effect of his reputation preceding him.

He was always there, no matter what you were doing. He would just pop up and ruin everything. ..

I found it difficult to like the way that the orphan’s cockney accent made him seem rough and tumble.

The “Boruto” series did a lot to repair the damage done by making him an impressive and important character. ..

I was immediately intrigued by this new character, and wanted to know more about him. Unfortunately, he didn’t make much sense to me.

12. Yota

The friend of the person who tried to barge in on their friendship is not happy.

Yota is a very special person, with a lot more attached to her than most people.

It’s a pretty big retcon to try and hoover Sasuke off the position of Naruto’s first bestie – but that’s exactly what they tried with Yota, to a chorus of “who cares?” from the fans.

The character’s pointless existence rubbed many people the wrong way. ..

Oh, and he also has the most teeth-grindingly horrendous chant in the history of the world. And it makes me want to push corks in my ears every time I hear it. ..

The only downside to this story is that it’s a bit harmless.

11. Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke has been the focus of a lot of negative attention since he was introduced in the Naruto anime. Some people love him, some people hate him, and there’s no clear consensus on what he should do or how he should be treated.

People see him as an absurdly powerful being who is difficult to fight, even for those with the best of intentions.

Many people have speculated that the reason why Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assault is because of the way he behaves as a husband and father. Though some of this can be attributed to his childhood, it’s still not okay. ..

The village was destroyed because of the boy.

I can see why that might provoke a feeling of anger.

10. Hinata Hyuga

We really wanted to enjoy your story, but we knew that the love interest was going to be a big part of it.

We wanted to make you feel like a well-developed and useful character, rather than having the emotional range of a spoon with a heart shaped sticker on it. ..

We wanted you to be someone the main character could relate to, someone who had their own flaws and was just trying to make it through the day. ..

The woman in the background may have done some good, but she was a tree in the background for so long that it’s hard to tell what she actually did for all that time.

9. Hiruzen Sarutobi

Hiruzen has a lot of blame to answer for when it comes to how Naruto was treated as a child. ..

The village life of Naruto is only one part of the story. He has to face an eight year old with no parents, and find ways to make friends and survive in a world where there are no monsters or dangers.

He also called for Sasuke to get to live in his dead family’s house, in his dead village, after his brother annihilated the place.

After being elected Third Hokage, Hiruzen was met with a lot of good will from the village. However, he quickly ran into trouble when he made decisions that didn’t agree with some of the more influential members of the village. ..

8. Ino Yamanaka

The latest love interest in the protagonist’s life is a woman who is always there for him, no matter what. But this time, it seems like she’s just a convenient plot device to make the protagonist look more important.

In a recent manga series, Shounen has really set some terrible precedents when it comes to these sorts of relationships!

Ino was often seen as a less useful Sakura than other characters in the series. This was most apparent during long periods of time when she was not present.

Sakura is a useless tree that everyone hates.

Ino was not given a strong chance to survive fan fury. Though she was given some redemption in the Boruto series, they essentially tried to erase her from existence in the show’s original run.

7. Shizune

Shizune is a character who is not as useless and underutilized as some of the others on this list, but they are running it pretty darn close.

Since Naruto and Sasuke are the only two people in the series with any real development, Shizune has been left to do nothing but watch them from the sidelines. She’s not a character that is essential to the story, and her development has been minimal.

That thing you’re supposed to do is acting as an office assistant. ..

In a story that features a female character, she is not only relegated to a supporting role, but is also reduced to an object in a room with no features other than “existing.”

The most pointless characters in Naruto history are those who do not contribute anything of value to the story. They are there for the sake of being there, and often wind up doing nothing more than taking up space. ..

6. Tenten

Fans of the popular manga and anime series “Tenten” love to hate the character of Tenten. However, wherever she is on the list, she always seems to make an appearance.

The show’s female characters have been largely stagnant and uninteresting since the beginning. They don’t have any real story or arc or action to speak of, and there’s no reason to keep them around.

Some of the other female characters get to fawn over Naruto for a little while to keep them relevant. He seems like a great guy and they all seem to like him.

The girl is boastful, even though she’s an average shinobi. She’s not worth the effort, and I don’t think she’ll be very helpful in the future.

5. Kaguya Otsutsuki

Your enemies have to be powerful, your allies have to be helpful, and your environment has to be hostile. In order to create the perfect final boss, you have to take all of these factors into account.

The story of the heroes and their ultimate goal is a complex one, with ties to both the motivations of the characters and the larger plotlines of the game. It needs to make sense in order to be fully understood.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was created in such a way that she failed to meet all of the requirements set for her.

Given her significance, it’s outrageous that this is the final draft the fans got to see.

The woman was rushed, nonsensical, and nothing more than a colossal let down.

On a night where everything seemed to go wrong, this was one of the worst. ..

4. Boruto Uzumaki

But Naruto is not a one-dimensional character. He has strengths and weaknesses, just like any other person. And I’ve come to learn that even though he can be difficult at times, he has a lot of heart.

According to the fans, the team is not going to make it to the playoffs.

The Trump administration has been pushing for a new trade deal with China that would be even more advantageous to the United States. The president has said that the deal would be “the best trade deal ever made” and “a great opportunity for American workers.” But there are a few key problems with this plan. First, it would give China an unfair advantage in the market. Second, it would reduce U.S. jobs and investment. Third, it would increase Chinese investment in America, making it harder for American companies to compete against them.

Naruto had a grand goal and faced untold hardships on the way to achieving it. The literal life and death stuff, it was a part of what made his character so likeable. ..

The son of the protagonist faced no such hardships on his way to his own goal. In fact, it felt like he went out of his way to create extra not-quite-hardships to keep the story moving.

It’s not cool to cheat on your exams, man. Cheaters never win. ..

The man never faced any serious consequences for his actions, but he made a mistake that could have had serious consequences.

3. Rasa

Rasa is a unique and powerful drink that has been used by many cultures for centuries. It has a sweet taste and a slightly bitter aftertaste. It is often served in small glasses with a few drops of water or juice.

He’s not going to be winning any “Father of the Year” awards any time soon, let’s be honest. ..

In the series, we see what Rasa did to his pregnant wife and unborn child. It is clear that he was not only cruel, but also mad. His experiments on his wife and son resulted in tragedy, with his wife dead and son unable to rein in his powers.

Rasa is a woman who is known for being a terrible person. She has been caught on tape making racist and sexist remarks, and she has also been caught on camera assaulting a man.

The big reveal at the end of the story is what’s really going on.

Your own child was the target of an assassination attempt because you tried to play God.

There are two characters worse than this guy: the one who does it, and the one who gets caught.

2. Orochimaru

Apparently, in the world of Naruto, killing orphaned babies is not only forgivable, but forgivable in a way where you don’t actually need to prove you’ve changed – or do anything to make up for all the baby killing.

This entry was about the man himself, Naruto Uzumaki. He has had a lot of people forgive him for what he did, but he himself still doesn’t know why.

I decided to interview the man who killed all those babies, as it would be easier than trying to track him down. ..

He’s a wicked, evil man.

Don’t need much more reason to despise someone than that! ..

1. Danzo Shimura

Danzo Shimura is a character in the Naruto manga and anime who is hated by many. I think this reflects well on him because he is a terrible person.

Danzo is a ruthless and sadistic individual who is responsible for the loss of both Sasuke and his village. He is a cold-blooded killer who enjoys torturing his victims.

That arm is full of eyeballs because the person has a lot of them.

I need to say more.

The show tries to make us feel sorry for Danzo by making us feel like he was a small man.

The fan base of the NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers is not buying into the team’s new direction. According to a recent poll, only 36 percent of Sixers fans believe that the team is moving in the right direction, while an even smaller number (27 percent) believe that they are moving in the wrong direction. This lack of faith in the team’s new direction is not surprising, given how poorly the 76ers have been playing recently. In their last six games, they have lost four of them and are now just a half-game out of first place in their division.

Danzo is the worst. He will be the longest-serving Director in history, and he will live here at #1 as a testament to that! ..