The show is a shounen action adventure with an emotionally dynamic and soul-touching story. It tells its story over a period of 100 episodes, and manages to keep the viewer engaged from beginning to end.

The human core is what drew me in. I found my passion for the arts through hearing one of the opening songs for the first time and feeling something stir inside me despite never watching it.

In 2003, the anime adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist began airing on Japanese television. The series follows the adventures of Edward Elric, a young man who finds himself able to transform his body into metal after a mysterious incident. Twenty years later, Brotherhood was released as an American remake of the original series. The new adaptation features an all-new cast and takes place several years after the events of the original anime. Here we’ll be going through every single opening from both the 2003 anime and the 2009 Brotherhood remake. The 2003 anime adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist began airing on Japanese television in 2003. The series follows the adventures of Edward Elric, a young man who finds himself able to transform his body into metal after a mysterious incident. Twenty years later, Brotherhood was released as an American remake of the original series with an all-new cast and takes place several years after the events of the original anime. ..

9. FMA Opening 03: UNDO by Cool Joke

I don’t think the opening is very good, it just doesn’t suit the series as much as I thought it would.

The upbeat instrumentals are exciting, but the wailing singing feels displaced in tone. ..

The UNDO opening features some of the best action animation on this list, and even moments of contemplative quietness in-between the chaotic energy.

8. FMA Opening 04: Rewrite by Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Rewrite, the fourth opening of the original series, is a nostalgic and sentimental experience. ..

The verse leaves an emotional impression with its dark visuals and morose mood. It is a strong pull for viewers to stay with the story. ..

The film then jumps ahead to show the aftermath of the eruption, with people fleeing in all directions as the volcano continues to rage. The environment is now a mess, with trees and plants shredded by the force of the eruption.

The train tracks lead us to a small, abandoned town in the middle of nowhere. In the town, we meet a group of people who are looking for their families. The people in the town are all different, and they all have different stories about where they’re from. Some of them say that they’ve never seen the sun before, and others say that they’ve been to other places before. But one thing they all have in common is that they’re looking for their families.

7. FMA Brotherhood Opening 02: Hologram by NICO Touches the Walls

This opening in the movie “The Godfather” is one of the most iconic openings of all time. It’s a classic scene where Michael Corleone, the head of the family, tells his son Vito to take over his business. The scene is so iconic that it’s been used in other movies and TV shows since then.

Despite its emotional rock ballad vibes, Hologram is also packed with plenty of colorful comedic moments. ..

Things have been getting darker for the Elric brothers ever since they lost their mother. But things take a turn for the worse later on in the story (no spoilers!) ..

The film follows the journey of two brothers, Ed and Alphonse, as they travel across a harsh and sandy wilderness in search of a way to return home. Along the way, they are joined by other characters who help them on their journey. The film culminates with a beautiful shot of Ed and Alphonse along a train track, alone but together in their quest. ..

The final episode of the original “Star Wars” trilogy was a callback to the opening scene of the first movie. The new “Star Wars” series is very special. ..

6. FMA Brotherhood Opening 05: Rain by SID

Rain’s soulful and spiritually uplifting introduction quickly gives way to a wonderfully dynamic and exciting chorus. ..

It’s the final look back at the series so far, and is steeped in emotion.

The Elric brothers are symbolically losing something each time a raindrop falls, symbolizing the loss of life, love, and hope. The sun is slowly growing larger and brighter, signifying the hope for a better future. The raindrops represent the sorrow and loss that comes with these changes.

Fans of “The Office” were left with a sense of closure when the show ended last year. The final episode depicted the characters sleeping in their house in the countryside, ending on a beautiful scene of Ed asleep. ..

5. FMA Brotherhood Opening 03: Golden Time Lover by Sukima Switch

This one stuck with me over time.

It’s a unique and exciting way to start your sermon. The electric and acoustic guitars set the tone before we’re taken through a montage of the seven sins and He at the top.

This is a turning point in the story, as the brothers begin to realize their dreams and ambitions.

Ed’s fight against forces lingering behind him and the ending shot of a mechanized arm narrowly missing a blooming flower are beautiful images that will always encourage me to rewatch the show. ..

4. FMA Brotherhood Opening 04: Period by CHEMISTRY

The band starts out with harmonic guitars before slowing down to an acoustic vocal performance.

We follow the characters as they struggle to survive in a world that’s been turned upside down. We see their struggles, and the people who help them, as they try to find a way to get through this difficult time. The song is catchy and uplifting, and it helps us feel good about what these characters are going through.

This is unmistakably Fullmetal Alchemist: a mash-up of all the introductions put together like a chemical reaction. ..

3. FMA Opening 01: Melissa by Porto Graffiti

It’s hard not to love the upbeat, clearly 2000s nature of Melissa.

The score for “The Great Gatsby” is energetic and quaintly delicate in its musical execution, depicting our characters in various states of rest with either content or discounted faces before launching into a chorus of action.

The show is visually stunning and gets right to the adventurous qualities of the series.

2. FMA Opening 02: READY STEADY GO by L’Arc en Ciel

This opening is amazing because it sets the tone for the rest of the article.

The band begins with a sound of drifting guitars and a warping didgeridoo before launching into an upbeat rock anthem. ..

The animation is endearing and captures the personalities of every character in quick succession without missing a beat.

The soundtrack for the new “Attack on Titan” anime series is a perfect mix of organic and mechanized sounds that perfectly captures the themes of the show. ..

1. FMA Brotherhood Opening 01: Again by Yui

This is the beginning of a story.

The opening song of the movie is soft and slow, with shots of the main characters. It then quickly moves into a fast-paced song with sad lyrics, longing, love, and regret. The animation is constantly moving to keep your attention. ..

The song opens with a moment of sadness, letting the darker parts of the song breathe into the opening. This allows for a more morose feel to the song, which in turn gives it a more sinister tone.

The eagerly anticipated new Star Wars movie is set to release this December and fans are already hyped up. The film is expected to feature a lot of action and explosions, which is sure to be exciting. ..

This opening is a masterpiece that sums up the themes and story of Fullmetal Alchemist in a concise and powerful way.