When the going gets tough, even Gandalf was known for busting a skull with his staff.

Weapons are just as important to a spellcasting build as the spells themselves! As they’re instant, require no FP, and often deal just as much damage. ..

There are a few different weapons that can benefit from some intelligence scaling. One option is to supercharge your melee weapon with intelligence. This will increase the damage and accuracy of your attacks. Another option is to supercharge your ranged weapon with intelligence. This will increase the range and accuracy of your attacks. ..

5. Lucerne

I love my personal favorite.

The lucerne is a very ‘love it or hate it’ weapon, as it requires precise spacing and well-placed swings.

The Leo Ring is a powerful ring that deals massive damage and has great range. It synergizes beautifully with the leo amulet and still hits A-scaling when crystal infused.

The best part of the trip was the food. The variety and quality of the food was amazing. ..

Your opponent will be scared of getting too close because of its high damage combos, which gives you plenty of room to cast spells!

To loot looted from a corpse near the dancers boss room on the high wall of Lothric, you will need to use the following methods: -Jump onto the body and then use your sword to slash it in two. The body will fall to the ground with a Looted item sitting on top. -Use your bow and arrow to shoot an arrow into the Looted item, and then pull it out.

4. Falchion

The falchion is a classic intelligence choice, thanks to the enchanted falchion found back in the first game. ..

The best option for a magic-based character is still the sword. It has a simple moveset of fast swings and a multi-hit weapon skill that can really rack the magic damage on.

It is a dex weapon. This means that it is good for spellcasters who want to increase their cast times.

The sword is a heavy curved blade, so it thankfully doesn’t have that annoying backflip attack instead of a kick. That move sucks.

To get dropped by skeletons wielding falchions in the catacombs of Carthus, players must first find and activate the lever to open the gates. Once through, they’ll need to navigate their way through the dark tunnels until they reach a large open area with several skeletons waiting. Defeat them all and the player will be dropped down into the catacombs below. ..

3. Winged Spear

The winged spear is another classic choice for keeping foes at arm’s reach so your frail book-smart body doesn’t get chopped to pieces. ..

Intelligence is increased upon infusion, dealing fast and needling damage to opponents that get too close. ..

The weapon is a nice and simple tool that will give you plenty of free space to get some casts going.

Though maybe don’t use the weapon skill ‘charge’ unless you want to go flying into your enemies like a madman.

Patches is a company that sells patches. Patches can be bought in different colors and designs. ..

2. Dark Sword

Spell-heavy builds are popular because they allow players to make more powerful spells quickly and easily. This can be a great advantage in some situations, but it can also be a bit of a challenge in others. In this article, I’ll show you how to create a spell-heavy build that is simple and efficient.

A sword is a tool that can be used for many purposes, the most important of which is to protect oneself. Swords are perfect for just that, as they are versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to defend oneself.

You use the right hand to press the left button and hit things with the left hand. No higher brain function needed.

Which spell combo do you need to use next?

The dark sword is a playstyle that relies heavily on quick, powerful attacks. By infusion with crystal, you can make your attacks more powerful and allow yourself to free your mind more easily. This style is perfect for those who want to attack quickly and freely.

The Reaper is a versatile support unit that has high base damage, long range, and A-scaling in intelligence. It is not underappreciated, and should be marveled at for its abilities. ..

The Dropped by Darkwraiths in Farron keep quest is a quest that can be completed by killing Darkwraiths that have been dropped by the dark elves in the keep.

1. Lothric Knight Sword

This is a difficult question to answer, as no one can predict what will happen in the future.

The LKS is a must-have weapon for any top X weapons list. ..

The LKS is a spam machine that can be very simple to use.

The Dragonknight’s powerful moveset, early game availability, high range, and increased crit damage make it a hard choice to beat. ..

Intelligence is not just about the ability to learn quickly; it’s also about the ability to remember and apply information. This is why intelligence is often said to be “S-scaled.” ..

The biggest downside to this weapon is that it’s not very effective if you use it too much. If you’re not careful, you may not bother with the spells!

Dropped by Lothric knights wielding it. ..