The team seems to be able to keep going even when their opponents seem to be about to die, and they always seem to deal more damage than you would expect a “tank” to deal.

Trying to take down a tank is like trying to take down a battle boss. They are both incredibly difficult and require a lot of skill and determination. ..

This ranking is based on the best tanks in League of Legends. ..

5. Trundle

Trundle, the troll king, is up first.

Trundle’s ultimate was designed specifically to take the “tank” out of the tank. ..

He steals 40% of his opponent’s armor and magic resist, while healing for a percentage of their max health.

The more muscular and beefy his opponent, the more powerful he becomes. ..

Trundle has a “you shall not pass” ability that summons an ice pillar that knocks up opponents and blocks them from passing through.

This ability is super useful against tanks – you can prevent them from getting close, allowing you to freely smack away at their ADC. This ability is super useful against tanks – you can prevent them from getting close, allowing you to freely smack away at their ADC. ..

Trundle is a viable tank killer, but he lacks in the damage department. ..

He is not as effective at destroying tanks as other tank shredders on this list. ..

4. Kayle

Kayle is an angel who gives tanks the punishment they deserve.

She casts a spell that causes all enemies in a large area to take damage and be slowed for a short amount of time.

Kayle is a strong early game player, but her late game is absolutely terrifying.

She is a powerful fighter who can blast her way through even the toughest opponent in mere seconds.

The starfire spellblade ability allows the player to deal bonus damage based on their target’s missing health. The passive also increases the player’s attack range.

The tank’s unique ability to disengage and then slash through her enemies effectively eliminates the possibility of them succeeding in their attempt. ..

3. Fiora

Fiora is a champion that can be difficult to master, but once you do, she can be a powerful ally.

She cuts through tanks like an unstoppable classy machine. ..

She successfully lands her vital point passive, healing herself while dealing bonus true damage (aka tank-destroying damage). ..

The Ashe ability, “Volley,” fires a volley of arrows that deal physical damage to all enemies in a line. The percentage of the enemy’s maximum health that Ashe deals as AD damage is increased by up to 50%. ..

Fiora’s ultimate, Dance of the Furies, is a game-changer against tanks. It can be used to disable them and disrupt their teamfights. ..

She summons up four vital statistics around a target, and if she manages to hit them all or kills the target during this time, she gains virtually all her health back.

Fiora is one of the most powerful champions in the game. She can turn a tank into scrap metal and still have enough health to take on any opponent. ..

In a fight, CCing an opponent can give her the upper hand.

2. Kog’Maw

Kog’Maw is a small, but powerful, jungle monster that can be hard to kill. He’s always hungry, so be sure to keep your food and potions close at hand if you want to avoid his attacks.

Kog’Maw loves nothing more than eating his enemies. He enjoys tearing them apart and devouring their flesh, as much as he enjoys hunting them down and slaying them. His favorite meal is the one where he can feast on the blood of his enemies, and it’s the one thing that makes him feel the most alive.

Kog’Maw is a powerful and dangerous creature that can chew through tanks like they’re nothing.

He spews out a corrosive liquid that reduces armor and magic resist, and his W grants him increased magic damage based on his target’s health (which, for a tank, is going to be a lot!). ..

Kog’Maw can slow his enemy, allowing him to poke them out before they can even get close.

Kog’Maw’s ultimate ability, Explosive Bomb, is a powerful tool that can devastate enemies. When he dies, his body briefly becomes an explosive that deals true damage to nearby champions. ..

1. Vayne

Vayne is a renowned champion for her ability to take down enemies quickly and easily.

She’s a damage dealer who can dish out true damage every third time she attacks. This bonus is based on the target’s max health.

With her ungodly attack speed, she is able to shred through her opponents with ease.

Vayne is a tank-killer who has a lot of movement speed, CC, stealth, and a dash. This makes her easy to kite and make her an effective opponent in the game.

Vayne has a high skill cap, but her payoff is great.

There is no other champion in the game that can rival her tank-destroying prowess.

ADC players looking to give tanks a taste of their own tilt-inducing medicine should start practicing Vayne.

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