Weapons Helmets Armors Accessories

Your units can deal more damage against enemies if they are wearing armor, helmets, or other accessories.

Level 1 equipment pieces give the unit a basic stat boost, level 2 gives the unit a +1 stat boost, and level 3 gives the unit a +2 stat boost.

Your unit cannot equip gears with a higher level than what your unit is leveled up to.

What is Equipment Used For?

A unit’s defensive and offensive stats are increased by equipping them with a weapon, armor, helmet, and accessories.

This allows the unit to tackle more dangerous higher-level opponents, as they are now better equipped to handle them.

In order to keep your unit from struggling to deal damage or dying too quickly, it’s better to keep your equipment on par with your opponent’s equipment.

Equipment Types & All Stats

In the game, there are four equipment types: -Athletic Gear: This type of gear allows players to improve their physical abilities. -Armor: This type of gear helps protect players from damage. -Weapons and Armor: These two types of equipment allow players to fight with weapons and armor, respectively.

When choosing the best equipment for your units, you need to keep an eye on the equipment stats. This will help you choose the right gear for your unit and make sure that you are getting the most out of your investment.

Equipment pieces that provide stat boosts to HP or SP are rare, so make sure to save them for units that will benefit the most from their bonuses. ..

Some pieces of equipment also have added effects that provide your units with all kinds of buffs in addition to the stat boosts they give. Keep an eye out for those. ..

Stat boosts are important to consider when gearing up units, as they can provide a significant advantage in battle. The role of the unit you’re trying to gear up is also important to consider, as different units are better suited for different roles on the battlefield. ..

  1. Role responsibilities: What are the specific duties and responsibilities of this role?
  2. Skill set: What are the essential skills and abilities required for this role?
  3. Work/life balance: How does this role fit into your overall work/life balance? ..