He can buff your team, debuff your enemies, recover your team’s SCT, and he can even be used as your party’s second DPS unit if need be! He is a versatile support unit that can help you win battles! ..

A-Tier (Great Investments)

Kohaku is a powerful physical damage dealer with excellent wave-clearing and arena-blitzing abilities. She is especially effective when built properly and equipped with Trishula. Kohaku can easily take down enemies in short order, making her a valuable asset in any fight.

Her best features are her decent hit counts and quick-animation AoE skills, although her relatively low damage cap holds her back from being a true S-Tier.

Senku Ishigami is a very powerful magic caster who uses Science Magic spells to deal a lot of damage. His spells have very low cast times, making them easy to use.

In addition, he is able to support an entire team on his own. ..

He has some great buffs and debuffs, which more than make up for his lack of toughness. ..

B-Tier (Niche)

Chrome is a B-tier unit that has some unique abilities that make him stand out from the rest. His specialized ability makes him a valuable asset in any battle, and his low cost makes him an affordable option for any team.

While he can be a good magic damage dealer, or even a physical damage dealer when built properly, his true calling is being used for farming.

If you’re looking for a farming unit that can really help take care of your crops, you should definitely consider hiring the farmer. He’s one of the most efficient units out there, and he’s also very reliable - so you can rest assured that your crops will be taken care of. ..

C-Tier (Non-Priority)

In the Last Cloudia video game, Tsukasa Shishio is one of the strongest characters. However, he is not very good as a playable unit. ..

The guy was caught with his pants down and his dick out.

He’s a decent Dark-element bruiser and breaker when built appropriately so he’s not entirely useless.

But he’s easily overshadowed by his peers in the Dr. Stone collaboration banner - not to mention by most high-tier DPS units out there. ..