To even queue for a raid in the Raid Finder, an item level of 580 is required. ..

The most difficult content in the game is Level 90.

Savage is a new raid series that has weekly loot lockouts. ..

This means that if you want to win your Demi-Phoinix, you’ll need to clear the Loot lockout in 6.2X. The Loot lockout will be removed later though, likely sometime in the 6.2X patch series.

With that said, the fight itself isn’t quite farmable yet, due to both difficulty and loot restrictions.

One option is to find a group of people who are interested in tackling the content in sequence. This can help ensure that the content is properly organized and that any errors are caught early on. ..

Eventually, with the right gear and experience, the fight will become a bit more manageable. ..

However, in order to play Savage at this level you’ll need to be familiar with the game mechanics. ..

Unlocking The Gates Of Pandaemonium

Your first steps towards the Demi-Phoinix are to finish up the Main Story Quest of Endwalker.

The Ultima Thule is a place of great power and mystery, where the end of existence is possible. You will need to find the end of existence in order to complete the quest.

If you’ve already thwarted the nefarious Song of Oblivion, then good news! You’re halfway there.

  1. Go to the Baldesion Annex, located at X:9 Y:12 on Old Sharlayan.
  2. Look for the Nemjiji statue and enter the building.
  3. Follow the instructions inside to complete your task.

Speak with Claudien at Aporia (Labyrinthos – Aporia, X:9 Y:28). Journey to The Ocular and investigate the Portal (The Crystarium – The Dossal Gate, X:13 Y:11). Speak with Themis and you’ll be teleported directly next to her. ..

  1. Talk to people in the town to get clues about what you need to do next.
  2. Go on quests that will lead you to new areas and help you learn more about the world and its inhabitants.
  3. Complete these quests in order to advance the story and learn more about your character’s motivations.
  4. Finally, use what you’ve learned to make decisions that will affect the course of the game’s final chapter. ..

In “Familiars Dare,” a young girl must hide her family’s magical creatures from her cruel, mean parents. In “Under the Surface,” a young boy must hide his family’s magical creatures from the evil monsters that are attacking their town. In “Fire of Creation,” a young girl must protect her family from an evil wizard who is using their creatures to create fire.

Themis accepted the next Quest, “Where Familiars Dare”.

Erichthonios is the first boss of the Raid tier, and you’ll need to defeat him in order to progress. ..

After completing the main quest, “Under the Surface,” Themis will offer you a new quest, “Under the Surface.” ..

To defeat The Hippokampus, you’ll need to do some sidequests in order to earn the favor of the creature. Interestingly enough, if you’ve done Elpis sidequests, the creature is mentioned a few times.

Crushing the beast will allow you to accept the “Fire of Creation.” ..

This is motivation for you to quell the Demi-Phoinix. But one day you’ll find yourself traversing the skies on the bird which burned you to death many times. ..

After cooking the Demi-Phoinix, you’ll face the warden of Pandaemonium, Hesperos. He is definitely not Dracula.

After defeating him, you’ll be rewarded with an ominous sense of foreboding. Well, that and some i580 gear tokens and a Nosferatu Minion. ..

Savage is a new game that is set to release soon. It is a first-person shooter game that will be available on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The game has been in development for over two years and has been praised for its graphics and gameplay. ..

The Savage Raid

Nemjiji (Old Sharlayan – The Baldesion Annex, X:9 Y:12) is the only place in the game where you can access the Savage Raid Tier. To unlock it, you’ll need to return to Nemjiji.

Pandaemonium is a social media platform that allows users to find friends and join groups with like-minded individuals. It’s a great way to meet new people and make new connections, but it can also be a terrifying experience. Here are five tips to help you navigate Pandaemonium safely:

  1. Use caution when joining groups. Make sure you research the members before you join, and be aware of the potential dangers lurking in these communities.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something feels off, don’t hesitate to leave the group or report any suspicious activity to authorities.
  3. Don’t post anything that could put yourself or others in danger. This includes revealing personal information, posting inflammatory content, or making threats against other users or groups.
  4. Be respectful of other users’ privacy settings and content preferences. Don’t post anything that would violate their rights or embarrass them publicly without their consent.
  5. Remember that Pandaemonium is not a safe place for children or vulnerable adults, and never share personal information about them without their permission first! ..

The fights you just won were markedly different from the norm. ..

Make sure to familiarize yourself with not only your Job, but also the Raids themselves.

We’ll likely create a separate guide for all these details since they can’t be covered here in-depth. But be sure to watch other video guides, look up diagrams, and prepare to probably wipe quite a bit.

The Fourth Circle (Savage) fight with Hesperos is a separate battle from the fight with the human form.

The Spoils of Savage

As you progress through Pandaemonium Asphodelos, you will accumulate gear. ..

You will receive an Asphodelos Mythos I-IV, depending on the floor cleared. ..

These Mythos can be exchanged for various items, should you be unlucky with loot. If you are unlucky with your loot, you may find valuable items inside of them. These items can be exchanged for other items, or used to purchase other items from the store.

NPCs can give you goodies, which are items that can be used to improve your character or outfit. There are many different types of goodies, and each one has its own benefits and drawbacks. You can find NPCs all around the world, so it’s a good idea to check out their shops before you start adventuring.

Labyrinthos – Aporia, X:8 Y:28 Djole – Radz-at-Han – West Balshahn Bazaar, X:10 Y:10

  1. A copy of the game’s manual.
  2. A signed poster of the game’s cover art.
  3. An exclusive in-game item. ..

If you’re a fan of the Greek Toga look, you might be in luck.

The other plus is that the gear here will be the best-in-slot for the upcoming Dragon’s Song War: Ultimate.

The Demi-Phoinix Horn is a valuable item that can be won by winning the loot roll.