Waterbirth Dungeon is a great place to find rare drops, especially from the Market Guards in Rellekka Marketplace. ..

This shield has the same stats as an Adamant Kiteshield, while being a bit lighter. It is also 30 defence less than an Adamant Shield.

You’ll need the Fremennik Shield for The Fremennik Exiles quest. The upgraded version of a Mirror Shield is the Fremennik Shield V.

Since the Fremennik Province and its surroundings are Members-only areas, players cannot access the Fremennik Shield. ..

There are two main ways to get your hands on the shield: purchasing it or winning it in a competition. ..

Method 1: Trading Bardur

Bardur the Shield-seller will sell you a shield for 150,000 coins.

Bardur is a Fremennik in training who resides within the Waterbirth Dungeon.

If you have a Ring of Charos (a), he’ll give it away for free!

Since this dungeon is full of high-level enemies, we recommend bringing some decent armor, a Stamina potion, and a Prayer potion or three. ..

To enter the dungeon, players will need a Rune Thrownaxe and Pet Rock. ..

Talk to Jarvald in the Rellekka docks to head to Waterbirth Island. Make sure you have all the required items, and be prepared for a challenging adventure. ..

The dungeon is located at the entrance to the island.

There are pros and cons to both Melee and Magic for this first part of the game. Melee is more effective against armored opponents, while Magic can be more effective against unarmored opponents. ..

The north gate opens when you drop your pet rock on one tile and stand on the other.

Don’t forget to pick up your pet rock after you finish playing! ..

Run past the crabs and pray to the god of melee until you reach the door support. ..

Equip your Rune Thrownaxe and use its special attack on the west Door-Support. The ricochet effect will knock down all three. Head down the staircase. ..

Since this dungeon can be quite tricky, we recommend following the screenshots below which mark the route to Barduk with the recommended overhead Prayer. ..

Pictured above: The optimal route for Waterbirth Dungeon Section 1.

The second section is a winding path with some cliffs inbetween. ..

The next ladder is on the right. Follow it until you reach the top. ..

The tile next to the final ladder is a safe spot for taking a break from the giant rock crabs.

The Waterbirth Dungeon is a challenging dungeon that rewards players with rare items and powerful gear. The optimal route for this dungeon can be found by following these steps:

  1. Enter the dungeon from the east side.
  2. Go down the first set of stairs and then turn left to find a chest with a rare item inside.
  3. Continue down the stairs and turn right to find another chest with a rare item inside.
  4. Head up the next set of stairs and then turn left to find another chest with a rare item inside.
  5. Continue up the stairs and turn right to find another chest with a rare item inside.
  6. Head back down the stairs and go through the door on your right, which will take you outside of the dungeon again. ..

Once you reach the top of the ladder, head South instead of west and follow the path until you reach the staircase at the end of the line.

A few Dagannoths are in the way; use Melee to avoid most of the damage.

Bardur is fighting off a horde of Dagannoth Fledgelings.

Bardur is a friendly and unaggressive fighter, who will not interfere with your conversations with him.

The Fremennik Exiles quest will allow players to purchase a Shield from the trader, Garen, for 150,000 coins.

The player can charm the dragon to obtain the Ring of Chaos for free.

Barduk will give you Fremennik shields, swords, or helmets if you ask him. He will also give you cooked Shark for each trip. This is generally not recommended, but could help extend some Dagannoth King trips.

Option 2: Farming Market Guards

If you don’t have 150,000 coins or a Ring of Charos, or if you’d rather take a more aggressive approach, you can kill Market Guards in Rellekka to get your shield. ..

With a Combat Level of 48 and a max hit of 8, these guards have a 0.78% (0.78%) chance of dropping a Fremennik Shield.

This may take a bit longer than the first method, but it is the most reliable and accurate way to find out what is going on.

Farmers in the game are more laid back and yield XP in the meantime. You can also get herbs from them.

We recommend praying either Melee against them, or safespotting them with a ranged weapon. Otherwise you might find yourself going back and forth to stock up on food.