You will need 200 SEED Points to take the exam, but your points will only be deducted after you pass. You can take this exam by going to St. Eliza at the Rigbarth Outpost.


  1. Complete the main story mission.
  2. Talk to the Mayor of the town you are in and ask for his help.
  3. Complete another story mission and receive the Crafting License from him.

You can now take the Crafting License Exam for 200 SEED Points by completing the steps below.

Crafting License Exam Questions & Answers

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your address?
  3. What are your interests?

If you want to take the SEED exam, make sure you have enough points. You can only earn points by passing the exam. ..

Crafting License Uses

After passing the exam, you can now purchase a Crafting Table at Studio Palmo. The required materials are: After passing the exam, you can now purchase a Crafting Table at Studio Palmo. The required materials are: ..

3000G is 10 stones, and 50 lumber.

Studio Palmo is open from 9am to 6pm from Monday to Friday, and from 9am to 5pm on Saturday.

-A bow -A crossbow -A sword -A shield -A armor set

Armor: A good set of armor will protect you from physical damage. Shields: Shields are a good way to protect yourself from magic damage. Headgear: Headgear is important for protecting your head and neck from damage. Shoes: Shoes are important for protecting your feet and ankles from damage. Accessories: Accessories can add extra protection to your armor, shields, and headgear. ..

Crafting can be used to improve your life in many ways. By crafting all sorts of things, you can improve your life in many ways. For example, by crafting items that are needed in recipes, you can save time and money. Additionally, by experimenting with different materials, you can find the best way to craft something.