The only way to farm Mega-Ethers is through synthesis, which means you’ll need to find ingredients and then create a bunch of them with our Moogle friends in Traverse Town.

1 Mega-Ether 1 Ether Crystal 1 Vial of Elixir 1 Potion of Resistance To synthesize x1 Mega-Ether you’ll need the following items: 1 Mega-Ether 1 Ether Crystal 1 Vial of Elixir 1 Potion of Resistance

Farming Mega-Ethers in Original KH1 (For PS2)

-List III synthesis -Keyblade -Lobster -Shrimp If you’re playing Kingdom Hearts 2 for PS2, you won’t need List III synthesis, but here are the materials you’ll need to get: -List III synthesis -Keyblade -Lobster -Shrimp

The Bandit and Fat Bandit Heartless can drop Blaze Gems.

If you go through the Cave of Wonders several times, and run through the whole cave each time, you’ll be sure to find plenty of these gems. These heartless spawn in practically every corner within the caves.

The Frost Gems are a type of gem that can be found in the Sea Neon and Sheltering Zone Heartless.

If you defeat Sheltering Zones with critical hits or magic, they will split into three Sea Nymphs. They will not drop anything, so it is best to use physical attacks here and just try to beat a lot of them. ..

The area right outside Triton’s Palace is the best place to find these jellies. So if you want to get to Tritan’s Throne Room, you’ll need to head outside and start farming.

The Screwdiver and Aquatank Heartless are two of the most common creatures in the Atlantica region, and both of them drop Thunder Gems. These gems are very rare, and can only be found by defeating these two creatures.

The synthesis items you get from Atlantica are a pain to farm.

The best way to win against these heartless creatures is to equip Lucky Strike and swim around everywhere, taking out as many of them as you can.

There are five Bright Gems that can be found by searching ghosts. They are easy to find and will drop from the ghosts. ..

Search Ghosts can be found in Monstro, but the easiest way to farm them is in the second district of Traverse Town. ..

If you’re looking for specific drops in the second district, you can take advantage of the Search Ghosts that are available. By doing this, you’ll be able to snag plenty of drops and Search Ghosts in a short amount of time.

This crystal is a drops from Defender Heartless. It is a bright blue color and has a face on it.

The Third District in Traverse Town is a great place to farm crystals. The drop rate is low, so you might have to farm for a while to get enough. ..

Mega-Ethers are a powerful new type of energy that you can create. You only need one for each Mega-Ether you create.

Farming Mega-Ethers in KH1.5 ReMIX

  • KH1.5 ReMIX or the original Final Mix version of the game
  • List II Synthesis
  • KH1.5 ReMIX or the original Final Mix version of the game disc
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 3

Blaze Shard: You’ll get blaze shards from Red Nocturne Heartless (the little magical flying guys). ..

The best way to kill Hollow Bastion’s Hollow Bastion spiders is by grinding them at the Castle Gates balcony. They will spawn quickly and there are tons of them to snipe for drops.

The Blue Rhapsody Heartless are the magical floaty guys that you can find in the world. They drop Frost Shard, which is a type of item.

The Entrance Hall in Hollow Bastion is a great place to farm Blue Rhapsody spawners. You can find Red Nocturnes for Blaze Shard drops right outside the door.

To get the most out of your farming, I would recommend clearing out the Entrance Hall and Castle Gates areas first. Then, if you want to save your game, go a few rooms over and come back. ..

Either way, the areas will be refreshed with new spawns. ..

The Yellow Opera Heartless are known for selling Thunder Shards. These shards can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor.

The place to farm loads of Yellow Operas is in Neverland.

If you’re looking for a way to quickly get out of the ship, you can land at the bottom and run through every room. You’ll encounter a lot of Yellow Opera enemies that you can easily pick off.

Mythril is a rare drop from the Behemoth and Angel Star Heartless in The End of the World. ..

There is nothing special to do in this farm except farm the mobs and collect the drops. ..