The best way to survive and damage against this boss is to stay close behind him, no matter if you’re using a ranged or melee character.

Most of his telegraphed AoE attacks will hit you, but the most important thing is to stay out of his cleaving normal attacks.

Boss Info

The Flame Knight has a variety of drops that can be farmed, including Combat Power recommendations for each tier level (difficulty) that can be cleared. ..

How To Beat Flame Knight (Tips)

  1. Use ranged attacks whenever possible.
  2. Stay mobile and keep moving.
  3. Avoid getting surrounded or trapped.
  4. Use your team’s strengths to your advantage. ..

If you’re going to fight the Flame Knight, it’s best to equip your character with water-element weapons and Familiars. Even if they’re not the strongest ones they have. ..

Your water-element weapon deals significantly less damage than your strongest earth-element or fire-element weapon against targets with water.

Flame Knights are weak to water-element attacks, so make sure to equip skills that use this element to take advantage of their vulnerability. ..

Tip #2: Watch Your Positioning

The best position to stay in and attack is in the back of the Flame Knight. This is because they are less likely to be able to hit you, and their fire attacks are less effective. ..

The closer you are to him, the better your chances of dodging his cleaving normal attacks. ..

If you’re the aggro-taker (the highest-scoring player that the boss most often attacks), it’s important to keep the boss facing away from your other teammates. This will minimize the amount of damage they can deal and help protect your team. ..

If the boss charges around the edge of the map, try to lure him back into the center so your teammates can deal more damage.

Tip #3: Avoid Telegraphed Attacks

Flame Knight’s AoE attacks can easily hit you, so it’s important to be aware of them and face-tank them.

The most important thing to remember when fighting a boss is to stay away from their “Ring of Fire” and “Wave of Fire” attacks. ..

Flame Knight’s telegraphed attacks can be a bit frustrating, but there are some tips that can help. One is to practice dodging their attacks, and another is to use your fire spells wisely.

Tip #4: Destroy Sealed Water Spirit Statues To Cure Burns

The Flame Knight will spawn statues all over the place, just like the one highlighted in the image above. ..

These are called Sealed Water Spirit Statues, and destroying them provides an AoE healing effect that cures all burn effects in a small area. Do not attack or destroy any of them unless absolutely necessary!

When attacking these statues, be sure to turn off your Auto Mode. This will ensure that the statues are destroyed based on their hit counts, rather than their damage. ..

This means that your skills - unless they have high hit counts like the Rogue’s Arrow Rain skill - are pretty much useless while you’re attacking them. ..