Elemental damage bonus increases by 12%. When stacks reach 1/2/3, the bonus increases to 8/16/29% for the wielder’s element. The bonuses are granted independently for each stack duration, and disappear when the energy reaches 100%. ..

Mistsplitter is a powerful and versatile weapon that can be used by only a few characters. However, its passive makes it even more powerful.

Mistsplitter is a powerful magic weapon that has a high Base ATK and CRIT damage. Additionally, it has an Elemental damage bonus.

This is a series of stats that benefit any ATK-scaling DPS sword user.

The game features a variety of synergies with every sword-wielding character. ..

Mistsplitter is one of the character’s best-in-slot weapons. It is often outperformed by other better swords – usually craftable, BP, or 4-star gacha weapons. However, it is not recommended for characters because it requires a high level to use and can be difficult to find.