1. A quota for each student to be allocated based on their average score in the class.

  2. Allocating a fixed number of spots for each student in the group, regardless of their average score.

  3. Increasing the number of your own employees

  4. Allocating more resources to training and development

  5. Encouraging foreign investment in your country

  6. Supporting the growth of small businesses

Building barracks and training fields in provinces with high manpower will help to increase the province’s military strength. This will help to defend against enemy attacks, and also provide the province with the necessary resources to support its military efforts.

  1. The government
  2. Private companies
  3. Local organizations

Slackening recruitment in the Military tab is exploiting provincial base manpower by offering lower wages and benefits. This is causing military members to leave the service, which in turn hurts the military’s ability to meet its recruiting goals.

  1. Make use of the right resources: When it comes to fighting, you need to make sure that you are using the right resources. This means using the right manpower for the task at hand, and not wasting it on things that are not necessary. For example, if you are fighting a war with a neighboring country, then you may need more soldiers than if you are fighting a war with your own country. You also need to be mindful of your resources when it comes to training your troops. If you do not have enough soldiers or training them properly, then they will not be able to fight effectively against their opponents.
  2. Use effective tactics: Tactics are important when it comes to fighting wars. You need to use your troops in an effective way so that they can win the battle. For example, if you want your troops to fight in an open field, then you should do so instead of using cover or hiding them behind trees or hills. This will make it easier for your opponent to target your troops and kill them without having any casualties themselves.

mercenary companies are a great way to keep attrition low and optimize sieges.

National Manpower

Base Manpower

Your national manpower is the sum of all the manpower in your provinces.

Each point of base manpower in a province contributes around 250 local manpower. ..

A province’s base manpower costs Military mana. This cost is relative to that province’s total development. For each point of Military mana spent in a province, the province’s Development cost is increased by 1%.

One strategy is to exploit a province’s base tax. This lowers its tax dev, which also decreases the mana cost for improving its manpower.

Barracks and Training Fields

The first military building is a recruitment center that modifies the manpower of a certain area. The second military building is a training center that modifies the manpower of all areas within its vicinity. ..

These modifiers are not cumulative. ..

The construction of a training field in the target province will replace the barracks currently located there. ..

Since these buildings give percentage bonuses, they’re more effective in provinces that already have a high base manpower. This is because the bonus is based on the province’s population, not its military strength.

Soldier’s Households

Soldier’s Households increases a province’s manpower by 750. You get double that if you build it on grain, livestock, or wine provinces.

Admin Tech 15 is a new technology that allows for the construction of manufactories in provinces. Previously, this was only possible through the use of other technologies. ..

The province can increase its limit by clicking on the “Expand Infrastructure” button in the Building UI. This requires the province to have at least 15 total development.

Emergency Manpower

Slacken Recruiting Standards

The “Slacken Recruiting Standards” button in the Military tab will instantly provide you 2 years’ worth of manpower. This costs 5% of your professionalism.

Your armies only yield 1% professionalism every year, if you drill them at all.

The other way is to recruit generals by spending 50 Military mana.

Recruitment gives you an immediate 1% professionalism. ..

This means that 2 years of manpower is worth 250 Military mana and that each Military mana can be used to purchase 2 years of manpower.

Military Tech is a powerful technology that can be used to improve your soldier’s abilities. By using Military Tech, you can increase their strength, speed, and accuracy.

Exploit Manpower

Every 20 years, a province’s base manpower will decrease by 1. This can only be done by exploiting the province’s manpower. ..

This short-term gain can be useful if you have a mission that requires you to have a certain amount of manpower and you need the workers to complete it.

Conserving Manpower

Use Mercenaries

Mercenaries can be expensive, but they’re usually worth it.

This is because the Turks come with their own manpower pool. This makes them useful for conserving your own reserves both in peace and in war.

mercenary units will reduce your army professionalism by -5%.

Avoid Attrition

If an army’s supply weight exceeds the supply limit of a province, that army will take damage from attrition.

-The age of the person -The sex of the person -The race or ethnicity of the person -The health condition of the person

The army has a number of regiments, depending on the terrain and climate.

A large army can get decimated just by standing on arctic mountains. For example, a 20,000-man army suffering from 5% attrition will bleed 1000 manpower per month.

  1. Use a specific, concrete example to illustrate your point.
  2. Be clear and concise in your writing.
  3. Use strong verbs and nouns to make your points clear.
  4. Avoid using clichés or easy-to-read language in your writing.

If you think one of your divisions will encounter an enemy, have the rest of your troops re-converge on them. This will help to minimize the number of casualties and manpower loss. ..

Optimize Sieges

An army besieging a fort will always take at least 1% attrition, regardless of the size of the fort.

Each fort level has a corresponding number of regiments needed to maintain a siege. You can check this in the siege panel. ..

You should have at least three regiments and an additional one on this task. The extra regiment will soak up the attrition damage while the siege progresses.

artillery can give a bonus when besieging forts

You can order an artillery barrage to breach the fort’s walls.

Ending a siege is important to prevent your troops from dying from attrition. Here are some advantages you can use to quickly end a siege. ..