Not at war means that the conflict is not an endgame, and there is no need for a military solution. The conflict can be resolved peacefully through negotiations or by peaceful means. Not an endgame tag means that the conflict is not a final one, and there is no need for a military solution. The conflict can be resolved peacefully through negotiations or by peaceful means.

Nepal is a very easy formable country in the game. They only need these five core provinces:

  1. Kathmandu
  2. Pokhara
  3. Lalitpur
  4. Mustang
  5. Birgunj

The Katmandu Valley is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nepal. The valley is located in the eastern part of the country and is bordered by the Himalayas to the east and south, and by the Mahabharat Range to the west. The valley is home to a variety of cultures, including those of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians. The main city in the valley is Katmandu. ..

These are all next to each other and are owned by small nations. You can easily conquer them within a couple of years or so, depending on how well your sieges go.

Best Nations To Form Nepal

  1. Kathmandu is the most centrally located city in the country, making it easy to get around.
  2. Gorkha is a mountainous region that is home to some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the world.
  3. The climate in Nepal is very diverse, with temperatures ranging from hot to cold all year round.

The five provinces in question are: Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. Each province is owned by one of the two Hindu targets.

Kathmandu has a slight advantage over Gorkha in that they border Morang province.

Nepal can get the “The Pheasant Strut” achievement. It requires them to become Gorkha. They then have to defeat Prussia in a direct war with at least 100,000 Prussian casualties. ..

The United States and Canada are both viable choices for countries to join the European Union, but they are almost identical nations. Both countries can follow the same strategy of joining the EU.

Nepal Strategy Guide

Preparations for the Campaign

Indian nations have four estates instead of the regular three. In addition, you start with 55% crown land, so you’ll have plenty left after handing out these estate privileges:

  1. You get a share of the country’s resources, such as land and minerals.
  2. You get to keep your title to your estate, even if you die without heirs.
  3. You can also use your estate for personal gain, as long as it doesn’t conflict with the country’s interests.

Once you’re finished, sell crown land and seize it back. You’ll get about 44 ducats and will be left with 20% crown land.

You may also want to grant a monopoly and the “Indebted to the Jains” privilege. This gives you more money, which you’ll need for the next step.

To successfully siege a target’s capital, you’ll want to enlist the help of a merc company with a leader with siege pips. This will protect your own troops from taking attrition damage while you carry out the siege. ..

Don’t worry about going over your force limit for now. You’ll have more capacity after growing your country. ..

Shakti gives you +5% siege ability and +5% discipline. These can speed up your wars by increasing the rate at which your troops can fight.

When your ruler dies, you’ll be able to choose a different deity to worship. This will affect your kingdom in various ways, depending on the deity you choose. ..

France, Germany, Italy, Spain Depending on who you’re playing as, these nations can be your rivals: France, Germany, Italy, Spain ..

Gorkha or Kathmandu Limbuwan Tirhut is a region in the eastern part of Nepal that is home to the Gorkha and Limbu people. ..

Nepal’s first three provinces are the target for the country’s new Prime Minister, Tirhut. He’ll eclipse your rivals soon, so you’ll get Power Projection for free.

  1. You have a large and loyal fan base.
  2. You have a strong brand name.
  3. You have a well-developed marketing strategy. ..

The spy network construction speed is reduced by 33%. The power cost for taking unjustified provinces in a peace deal is increased by 25%. The prestige when winning battles against them is increased by 25%. ..

You’ll gain Power Projection by doing any hostile actions on your rivals, such as annexing their provinces in war.

Each month, you’ll receive +2 administrative power at the cost of -1 diplomatic power and -1 military power. You’ll need a lot of administrative power to conquer new lands and stabilize your nation. ..

A claim to declare war is a safe and sound way to start a war.

However, this may take a few months since you need to spend 20 spy network size to fabricate a claim.

Morang is one of the target provinces, and it is owned by the nation of Limbuwan. Kathmandu can directly claim it, but Gorkha can’t. ..

Instead, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) will have to claim the province of Limbuwan and then annex Morang as an unjustified demand. ..

To speed up your spy network construction, set the hostile trading policy in your trade node. ..

Declarations of War

On December 11, 1444, depending on who you’re playing as, you’ll want to declare war on the other Nepali who holds two of the target provinces. You should ideally do this exactly on December 14.

The problem is that you don’t have a justification for attacking them. You can try to fabricate a claim, but while you’re waiting for it, your rival will have gained allies. ..

Declaring war without using a CB can be more effective and efficient than waging a CB war.

You’ll lose -2 stability and gain +2 war exhaustion by doing so, but your enemy will be alone and easy to conquer. Besides, you can always stabilize your country later.

The government is taxing war-related income.

Your enemy only has two provinces, and their capital just has the free level 1 fort. Both your capitals are also right next to each other.

Don’t engage the enemy army in combat if you can avoid it. The area consists of hills, and if you engage the enemy, you’ll get a combat penalty from the terrain.

Your mercs can siege your capital if it’s away from the main settlement. ..

While your regular army occupies the enemy’s other province, move your own army back on top of your capital. The enemy is unlikely to attack you there since you have the defensive terrain advantage. If they do, your mercenaries are nearby to provide support. ..

Your capital’s defense will increase by 33%. This increases the time needed for a successful siege.

After the enemy capital falls, sue for peace and annex both of their provinces.

The Limbuwan claim is an insult to our sovereignty. We must declare war on them immediately to show our strength and assert our dominance. ..

This war is going to be just like the other one. Do the same tactics you did before, and you’ll win in no time.

The Decision for Forming Nepal

Once you’ve annexed and cored the target provinces, you’ll be able to press the “Unification of Nepal” button in your Decisions and Policies tab. ..

Nepal is going to get a new event called “New Traditions & Ambitions” after you do that.

Nepal’s idea set is a unique blend of Hindu and Buddhist values, which makes it a great choice for travelers looking for a culturally diverse destination. ..

Nepal is a country with a strong military-focused idea set. They may even be one of the best in that regard.