I ignored the Wondrous Tails feature for a while because I thought it was just another useless feature. ..
I think I made a mistake when I said that.
In XIV, the Wondrous Tails can be a great addition to your usual weekly activities.
To make sure that all of the people who use the internet have a fair and equal opportunity to express themselves, we’re proposing a new way to regulate the internet. We’re calling for an internet censorship bill that would make it easier for people to access information they don’t want to see, and would also help protect children from online predators.
Journal Entry: I visited an NPC in Idyllshire and she gave me a journal to fill up. I’m going to write about my experiences here!
Stamps in the journal are earned by completing activities in the game. Completing specific activities will give you a chance at getting a stamp that is specific to that activity. ..
You can get stamps for a variety of reasons, but the most common is to get rewards for completing tasks. There are stamps for things like filling out a form, writing a report, or even taking an online quiz. There are also stamps for special events, like winning a prize or making it to the playoffs.
You can fill up your text with a lot of information, but if you manage to do it in a way that is interesting and engaging, you will get even more rewards.
How Do I Start Completing Wondrous Tails?
Khloe Aliapoh is a NPC in Idyllshire. She can be found near the entrance to the village.
If you’re just starting out in the game, it might be best to wait until you’ve reached level 60 and cleared a significant chunk of the Heavensward post main scenario content before starting this quest.
Khloe is close to the Aetheryte, and once you’ve unlocked Wondrous Tails, you’ll be able to see her marked clearly on the map. ..
She wants you to tell her some of your favorite stories, and she wants you to be the inspiration.
Every week you will be given a journal to keep track of your duties. The journal will have a list of tasks to complete. ..
To get a stamp, you must complete a duty. Once you have completed three duties in a row, you will be able to access the first tier of prizes. ..
You can collect stamps weekly, which could potentially result in three completed rows. ..
The more lines you complete, the greater the prize you’ll earn when you hand it in – but you don’t get to choose where the stamp goes, so it comes down to luck most of the time.
Completing dungeons and trials as a small party will reward you with a Wondrous Tails stamp. ..
I often find it faster to run low-level content by myself for an easy clear and quick stamps.
The wondrous tails of the dragonflies reset on Tuesdays at 1:00AM.
The first deadline for completing a journal is Friday, so don’t worry if you miss it.
If you hand the journal back to Khloe after the deadline, she will be able to pick up the next one immediately. ..
What’s The Deal With Shuffles And Retries?
After completing your duties, you may earn Second Chance Points. These points can be used to purchase items or rewards from the journal’s store.
Second Chance Points give you a little more leeway when it comes to completing your weekly tasks. They’re earned when you complete a duty with someone who hasn’t ever completed it before.
If you complete a duty on the list but fail the first time, you can try again by spending one Second Chance Point.
If you’re short on stamps and don’t feel like tackling the harder content, this makes it easy to get the last few you need. ..
I think I usually kill Shiva about three or four times just for expediency using retries!
If you’ve already collected a few stamps and you don’t like the way they’re lining up, you can spend two Second Chance Points to shuffle what you’ve currently got around.
You can only shuffle when you are between three and seven stamps. ..
You need to be careful about filling out the journal and spamming shuffles to get the most rewards.
Some people argue that spending Second Chance Points on retries is a waste, as it doesn’t actually change your chances of getting better rewards – it just makes it easier and faster to fill out the journal. This is really subjective, though.
There is no “right” way to approach mathematics – you can either take your time and plan each step carefully, or you can just go for it and hope for the best. ..
You’ll never walk away completely empty-handed if you’re able to find the right person to help you.
Khloe always gives you something for your efforts, and nine times out of ten you’ll complete at least one line in the journal! ..
What Does Wondrous Tails Reward Me With?
The journal rewards will increase in value based on how many lines of the journal you complete.
If you hand in the journal on time, Khloe will give you a basic reward for doing so.
It’s never a waste of time to learn new things.
Khloe Kardashian will give you a massive chunk of experience (so be sure not to hand it in on a max level job) and a choice of the following rewards.
The Timeworn Zonureskin Map 1 is a valuable allagan platinum piece that can be found in the Allagan Mines. It contains 500 tomestones of poetics, 100 tomestones ofphantasmagoria, and a completed level 80 inscription.
She can either choose to wear a dress or go without.
Wind-up Estinien, Wind-up Khloe, Dress-up Thancred (minions) MGP Gold Card (Worth 30,000 Manderville Gold Saucer Points) 50 Tomestones of Allegory Khloe’s Bronze Certificate of Commendation
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”
Wind-up Zhloe, Stuffed Khloe, 2 MGP Platinum Cards (Worth 100,000 Gold Saucer Points in total), 500 Tomestones of Phantasmagoria Khloe’s Silver Certificate of Commendation
And finally, if you’re lucky enough to get all three lines filled out, you’re in for a treat.
Khloe Kardashian’s Silver Certificate of Commendation Khloe Kardashian’s Gold Certificate of Commendation 20x MGP Platinum Cards (Worth one million Gold Saucer points)
Are The Wondrous Tails Rewards Worth It?
I would say that I would definitely like to see a change in the way the school functions.
If you’re trying to farm MGP to unlock some of those sweet exclusive rewards, completing Wondrous Tails every week can give you a huge boost.
The Certificates of Commendation can also be exchanged for various levels of materia, which may be really useful to certain players.
Nine stamps can be easily collected if you do not want to work too hard. ..
The Wondrous Tails system is a luck-based system that allows you to play the content you want to play.
Wondrous Tails is a place where people can find anything they want. Whether it’s a new toy, a new book, or just some extra change, everyone is able to find something here.
The Manderville Gold Saucer is a really generous way to earn experience and those desirable Manderville Gold Saucer Points. You get a lot of time to complete it, and it’s an efficient way to earn them.
Allagan Tomestones are a new type of currency that can be earned by playing the game. They are different in levels, and can be used to purchase various items in the game.
Wondrous Tails can help you gear for endgame content.