There are a lot of different ways to play the game, and there are plenty of different combos you can make to get the most out of your abilities. There’s a lot of flexibility and customizability with the job system in FFV, so there’s no limit to what you can do.

There’s no limit to what you can do in this game with swords, mages, and dancers. The only limit is your imagination! ..

FFV offers a wealth of different abilities to players, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here I’ll take a look at the best support and command abilities in the game and how you can learn them so that you can be the best FFV player possible. Best Support Abilities:

  1. The ability to use magic to heal allies is one of the most important abilities in FFV. It allows your team to survive long fights, and can even save them from death if used correctly.
  2. The ability to use status effects on enemies is another powerful tool that can help your team survive long fights. This includes healing allies, stunning enemies, and even dealing damage to enemies.
  3. The ability to use summons is another powerful tool that can help your team survive long fights. This includes using summons such as dragons, knights, and witches for support during battles.
  4. The ability to use buffs on allies is another powerful tool that can help your team survive long fights. This includes giving them buffs such as increased damage or speed, or reducing their cooldowns.
  5. The ability to use debuffs on enemies is another powerful tool that can help your team survive long fights. This includes reducing their damage or health points, or increasing their cooldowns.

10. Barehand/Brawl (Monk)

One of the benefits of having your jobs spread across your party is that you can always upgrade their equipment in every town you get to.

Your Gil has been spent on upgrading your party for the next dungeon.

The cycle of poverty and crime is a vicious one that often leads to families being torn apart. But there are ways to break the cycle and make a difference in the lives of those who live in it.

Barehand is a support ability that allows your characters to have the same attack damage without a weapon equipped as a Monk. ..

This card allows you to turn your White Mage into a powerful punching machine. By using this card, you can easily outdamage your opponents on turns where you don’t have to cast any magic.

Barehand is a new spell that will allow mages to do more damage with their spells. This means that there will no longer be a need to buy weapons for mages. ..

9. Learning (Blue Mage)

This equipment will allow your party member to use Blue Magic more easily, which will eventually accumulate over time.

Blue Magic in FFV works like this: when you’re hit with a Blue Magic attack, you’ll automatically “learn” it, allowing you to use it yourself from your Blue Magic command.

The Blue Magic skills in this game are amazing.

By equipping Learning as soon as possible, you can reduce your learning grind considerably.

The Beastmaster Job is a powerful job that can help you take on any challenge.

Learning is a great way to save time.

8. ABP Up/EXP Up (Oracle/Cannoneer)

The bonuses granted are equal with two different resources.

The Oracle job offers the ability to grind for experience, while the Cannoneer job offers the ability to fire cannons. both offer different benefits that can make grinding slightly easier.

These two abilities give you a 1.5x bonus to EXP and ABP respectively after each battle.

Playing the game can be a lot of fun if you know how to use every ability for each character. This can be a bit of a bore if you’re not careful.

In my book, anything that makes it less tedious is always a welcome bonus.

7. White Magic (White Mage)

Final Fantasy V lets you mix and match different jobs to create a unique experience. This allows you to play the game the way that best suits your playstyle.

The most practical combination for a magic user is to learn White Magic and then equip it to a different job.

FFV offers a variety of ways to heal your HP and revive your characters, making it one of the most versatile JRPGs on the market.

Swapping and changing abilities is a great way to learn and give them to your Knight, for example. ..

6. Zeninage (Samurai)

It’s reassuring to know that there are ways to fix problems with money. ..

Zeninage is a great method of crowd control, and a quick fire way to end any battle fairly easily.

The amount of Gil is quite high, though.

This is a viable option only later in the game.

AOE attacks that cost no MP are very valuable and will be useful in later dungeons.

5. Mimic (Mime)

This one is pretty self-explanatory. But it can be helpful to have a quick refresher on some of the basics.

Mimic allows you to copy the previous action that was taken, whether it be a magic attack, item, Summon or otherwise. This can be helpful for players who want to take advantage of opportunities that they missed the first time around. ..

Mimicking a magic spell doesn’t use any MP.

If you want to duplicate an item, you must first use up the original. ..

Mimes are a versatile class that can be used in many ways. They have all the stat bonuses from previously mastered jobs, and are widely regarded as the best job for magic users. ..

Although you pick up the Mime job late in the game, it still has a lot of utility especially in the end game.

4. Sprint (Thief)

This one is more for SNES players, but can still be used in later ports.

In the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy V, there was no run button. This made it difficult to traverse the world at a more bearable pace, as you had to learn how to use Sprint. ..

In later ports sprinting was automatic. However, the effects would stack with Sprint if it was equipped, allowing you to move around at 4x the speed.

3. Dual-Wield (Ninja)

As you progress through the game, you’ll come across parts where you’ll have to decide which new weapon to equip.

Dual-Wield allows you to equip both weapons at the same time, making it easier to switch between them quickly and effectively.

This ability is very useful because now you can attack with both your sword and your bow. This will give you two attacks that will deal a lot of damage.

When you start getting close to the damage cap per attack, hitting twice allows you to do nearly 20,000 damage. ..

Dual-Wield allows you to use two weapons at the same time, which is a major bonus.

2. Rapid Fire (Ranger)

This ability allows you to hit 4 times with your equipped weapon, ignoring enemy defense and evasion.

Although the hits are only half the damage of what they would normally be, that’s essentially like hitting twice with the defense and evasion ignoring potencies being an added bonus.

Dual-wielding with this skill turns into an absolute monster. ..

Your Rapid Fire now deals 8 damage instead of 4, turning it into a devastating move that can easily win many boss fights almost instantly.

1. Mix (Chemist)

FFV mixes the game’s different enemies and allies together to create a unique experience. This ability is essential for players who want to make the most of their FFV experience.

Mix allows you to create powerful and crazy combos of items in your inventory, which can sometimes break the game.

There is a well-documented glitch that allows players to absolutely cheese the final boss in the game. ..

Mixes are a great way to get creative and have fun with your friends. However, the actual amount of Mixes available is too big to list them all. To get a detailed list, check out this guide. ..

You can deal damage, heal, gain stat boosts, and even kill enemies instantly in “Destiny.” ..

Mix is less useful as you get closer to the endgame. ..

Mix is a great tool for low-level and challenge runs, as it allows you to quickly and easily swap out your party members. ..