1. The Kraken
  2. The Wendigo
  3. The Kraken’s tentacles
  4. The Wendigo’s claws
  5. The Kraken’s teeth
  6. The Wendigo’s eyes
  7. The Kraken’s body

Some enemies that you should not face unprepared are people who are willing to hurt you, as well as those who are willing to betray you.

8. Grand Dragons

The Grand Dragons are one of the most difficult enemies in the game. ..

Disc 1 of the movie contains a number of easter eggs that are easily missed. If you’re looking for them, you’ll likely find them in the first few minutes of the movie.

Don’t try to take on the first enemy you meet with over 10,000 hit points. You’ll have a bad time. ..

These dragons also carry a brutal arsenal of abilities, namely venom and Thundaga. Any character the dragon hits will drop dead in a single attack this early.

7. Marlboro

Bad Breath is a common enough problem that it merits its own list on this page, but there are other factors that can make it even worse. For example, if you have a bad breath that’s constantly coming out in strong gusts, you may be experiencing an issue called halitosis. Halitosis is an unpleasant odor caused by the presence of halitose, a type of sugar.

This fiend can use Bad Breath and inflict a plethora of ailments on every character in your party.

Despite the name being spelled Marlboro, it’s actually read aloud as “Run on sight.”

Fortunately, they’re only encountered later in the game, so you don’t have to dread accidentally meeting one in disc 2.

6. Dracozombies

This one isn’t too dangerous later on. But when you first meet them, they have a level 5 death skill.

Which isn’t so bad, except that you first meet these dragons when your party members are likely to be hitting level 20.

These guys are tough, but they can be beaten if you abuse revive items. ..

This is difficult to advise, as your two healers are quite vulnerable.

The Phoenix Down and MP are both important resources for the Iifa Tree. If either one is lost or running low, the tree will be in trouble.

5. Movers

The Delta Attack ability of these enemies can be pretty brutal, throwing your team into a state of confusion and chaos.

Which hurts really bad.

In Disc 3, you meet these guys late in the game. They’re just there to warn you of the incoming difficulty spike on Disc 4. But their entire premise is to make it really hard for you to kill them.

4. Chimera

I don’t want to talk about it because I’m not interested in it. Screw these guys.

In Memoria, the Chimera enemies are known as “Oh, I forgot about that particular ailment and have no items to heal it.”

They have a tendency to use Venom, Virus, Heat and Freeze, which can be very frustrating.

The venomous spider can incapacitate your characters with an instant death attack, and the other two prevent you from gaining experience. ..

The enemies of the people are worse than anyone else on the list.

3. Behemoth

The bad news is that they’re incredibly dangerous and can easily kill you. ..

The economy is in a recession and there are no signs of it improving. Unemployment is high and wages are stagnant. The government is spending more money than it has and the national debt is growing. These are all bad news for the future of our country. ..

Meteor is a powerful spell that can easily counter most attacks. These big boys are tough and tend to use Meteor to counter everything, which can be quite painful. ..

24,123 HP is a lot of HP, but it’s not easy to inflict without a disgusting level of grinding up certain skills.

At the very least, this enemy is susceptible to Death or Odin. ..

2. Yan

These things are frightening.

These little guys are powerful.

Float + Aera really hurts the environment. ..

Snort is a mean game that ejects characters from battle and forces you to defeat the mob with 3 characters.

In a game of professional basketball, it’s possible for one team to lose, resulting in a Game Over.

These three things can really hurt you if you’re not careful. If you’re not careful, you could be in for a lot of trouble.

1. Friendly Yan

This guy is a boss, but you’ll only see him occasionally.

Bosses often have impressive stats and strategies. ..

Secondly, he counters any and everything with a loud, angry voice that is both powerful and intimidating. This effectively silences the party and makes them feel uncomfortable.

Yan is also immune to most ailments, which makes it difficult for him. ..

Friendly Yan also has a whopping 65,535 HP. So if you want to beat him, you’ll have to endure the BAAAHHH!!! around 5-6 times.

The diamond is not worth the effort.